Lobbying Statistics
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- Listing of Senior Public Officer Holders who are in Lobbying Activity Reports
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Active Lobbyists and Registrations by Type
Report being generated...
Current; Historical; Trends
- Current: Up-to-date count of active registrations and of lobbyists in active registrations, by type (consultant lobbyist and organization).
- Historical: Up-to-date count of active Registration Returns and of lobbyists in active Registration Returns, by type (consultant lobbyist and organization), plus counts at the end of each of the past five months.
- Trends: Comparison between any two dates of the number of active registrations and of the number of lobbyists in active registrations.
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Consultant lobbyists must file a separate Registration Return for each client. For organizations with in-house employees who lobby on their behalf, the most senior officer is required to file one Registration Return that lists all employees who engage in registrable lobbying activities.
Lobbying Activity Reports by Reporting Period
Report being generated...
Selected Reporting Period; Historical; Trends
- Selected Reporting Period: Count of Lobbying Activity Reports associated with a registration, in any reporting period. Default display is the last completed reporting period, sorted by the number of Lobbying Activity Reports. Display can also be sorted alphabetically by client/organization or by designated filer name. To change the sorting option, click on the applicable column heading.
- Historical: Count of Lobbying Activity Reports, by type (consultant lobbyist and organization), for the last six completed reporting periods.
- Trends: Comparison between any two completed reporting periods of Lobbying Activity Report counts, by type (consultant lobbyist and organization).
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Designated Filers are required to submit a Lobbying Activity Report for each lobbying activity with a senior public officer holder. The name of the most senior paid officer (i.e. the designated filer) will appear on all in-house Lobbying Activity Reports, whether or not he/she participated in the lobbying activity.
Note: Lobbying Activity Reports are due on the 15th day of each month for activities that took place in the previous month. -
Subject Matter in Active Registrations
Report being generated...
Current; Historical; Trends
- Current: Up-to-date count of subject matters in active registrations.
- Historical: Up-to-date count of subject matters in active registrations, plus a count at the end of each of the past five months.
- Trends: Comparison between any two dates of subject matter counts in active registrations.
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Registrations include all the subject matters expected to be raised in lobbying activities with public office holders.
Subject Matter in Lobbying Activity Reports
Report being generated...
Last Reporting Period; Historical; Trends
- Last Reporting Period: Count of subject matters in Lobbying Activity Reports for the last completed reporting period.
- Historical: Count of subject matters in Lobbying Activity Reports for the last six completed reporting periods.
- Trends: Comparison between any two completed reporting periods of subject matter counts in Lobbying Activity Reports.
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Lobbying Activity Reports include all subject matters that have been discussed in lobbying activities with senior public office holders.
Note: Lobbying Activity Reports are due on the 15th day of each month for activities that took place in the previous month. -
Ministries/Provincial Entities in Active Registrations
Report being generated...
Current; Historical; Trends
- Current: Up-to-date count of Ministries/Provincial Entities in active registrations.
- Historical: Up-to-date count of Ministries/Provincial Entities in active registrations, plus a count at the end of each of the past five months.
- Trends: Comparison between any two dates of ministry/provincial entity counts in active registrations.
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Registrations include all the BC Ministries/Provincial Entities where it is expected public office holders will be lobbied.
Ministries/Provincial Entities in Lobbying Activity Reports
Report being generated...
Last Reporting Period; Historical; Trends
- Last Reporting Period: Count of Ministries/Provincial Entities in Lobbying Activity Reports for the last completed reporting period.
- Historical: Count of Ministries/Provincial Entities in Lobbying Activity Reports for the last six completed reporting periods.
- Trends: Comparison between any two completed reporting periods of ministry/provincial entity counts in Lobbying Activity Reports.
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Lobbying Activity Reports include the names of all senior public office holders with whom lobbying activities took place, along with their titles and the name of the BC Ministries/Provincial Entities for which they work.
Note: Lobbying Activity Reports are due on the 15th day of each month for lobbying activities that took place in the previous month. -
Intended Outcomes in Active Registrations
Report being generated...
Current; Historical; Trends
- Current: Up-to-date count of intended outcomes in active registrations.
- Historical: Up-to-date count of intended outcomes in active registrations, plus a count at the end of each of the past five months.
- Trends: Comparison between any two dates of intended outcome counts in active registrations.
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For each topic of the lobbying communications that is added within registrations, the Designated Filer must indicate the associated intended outcomes for each.
Intended Outcomes in Lobbying Activity Reports
Report being generated...
Current; Historical; Trends
- Last Reporting Period: Count of intended outcomes in Lobbying Activity Reports for the last completed reporting period.
- Historical: Count of intended outcomes in Lobbying Activity Reports for the last six completed reporting periods.
- Trends: Comparison between any two completed reporting periods of intended outcomes counts in Lobbying Activity Reports.
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Lobbying Activity Reports include all topics of the lobbying communication that have been discussed in lobbying activities with senior public office holders. For each topic of the lobbying communication, there are associated intended outcomes for each.
Note: Lobbying Activity Reports are due on the 15th day of each month for activities that took place in the previous month.
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