Rental Housing Council of British Columbia dba LandlordBC
Specific Topics of Lobbying Communications | Intended Outcomes | Associated Subject Matters |
Appealing to the Real Estate Council of BC for the simplification of the licensed residential rental property manager's disclosure requirements to prospective tenants so that the requirements are less onerous and more easily understood by prospective renters.
Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy, directive or guideline of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
COVID-19 Ministerial Order and the impacts on residential rental housing providers.
Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation, Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
Implementation of Residential Rental Tenure Zoning
Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly, Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
Legislation specific to the Residential Tenancy Act as it pertains to the recommendations of the Rental Housing Task Force
Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly, Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
Municipal government use of licensing bylaws to regulate residential tenancies
Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
School tax and impact on potential construction of new purpose-built rental housing.
Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation, Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
Housing, Taxation and Finance
Seeking legislative environment conducive to the successful provision and operation of residential rental housing
Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
State of rental housing industry and impacts of cost drivers on the financial viability of the sector (eg: taxes, insurance, utilities, ability to recover capital expenditures for energy efficiency upgrades, etc.)
Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
Energy, Environment, Housing, Insurance, Municipal Affairs
State of rental housing sector focusing on cost drivers impacting financial viability (ie: taxes, insurance, utilities, ability to recover capital expenditures for energy efficiency etc.)
Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
Energy, Environment, Housing, Insurance, Municipal Affairs
The treatment of purpose-built rental buildings as it pertains to BC Assessment and the notion of highest and best use.
Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly, Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation