East Kootenay Community Credit Union
Details Regarding the Identified Subject Matter
Specific Topics of Lobbying Communications
Intended Outcomes
Associated Subject Matters
Participation in the weekly Mandatory Liquidity Pool regulation working group with BC Financial Services Authority (BCFSA) via Microsoft Teams meetings. Discussions included trust, timelines, transaction timing, Investment Services from Central 1, accounting, capital, regulatory requirements, review of white paper developed by Central 1, review of legal documents and transfer agreements.
Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy, directive or guideline of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity, Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
Financial Institutions
Seeking support from local Member of the Legislative Assembly, Mr. Tom Shypitka regarding support of the Canadian Credit Union Association COVID-19 loan program on behalf of local financial institutions.
Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy, directive or guideline of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity, Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
COVID-19, Financial Institutions
Weekly review of standard questions and update on East Kootenay Community Credit Union's (EKC) financial status with the BC Financial Services Authority (BCFSA). Discussion on the duplication of information provided on the weekly questionnaire and the monthly reports submitted via the BCFSA SecureFile site. Requested that the weekly questionnaire become bi-weekly as EKC's Balance Sheet is stable with minimal variance from week to week.
Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy, directive or guideline of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
Financial Institutions