British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects
Specific Topics of Lobbying Communications | Intended Outcomes | Associated Subject Matters |
BCSLA submitted the BCSLA Pathway to Accessible Licensure Project application for the Credentials Assessment Improvement Project. In BC there is a strong demand for registered landscape architects and interns that parallels the busy development, green technology industries and the demand for increased greenspace in the era of physical distancing. Most firms are experiencing challenges filling vacancies for qualified design professionals with varying degrees of experience and expertise. The aging demographic of baby boomers has resulted in senior practitioners stepping back or retiring from practice completely. Internationally Trained Workers (ITW) and other applicants could satisfy the demand. BCSLA has successfully worked on Foreign Credentials initiatives for a number of years. This project would greatly assist the BCSLA in updating the Admission Program for Internationally Trained Workers. We would also provide online portals for volunteers who lead busy professional and personal lives and save them time and travel
Awarding, amendment or termination of any contract, grant or financial benefit by or on behalf of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
Advanced Education, Economic Development and Trade, Small Business
The BC Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA) is working with Counsel Public Affairs Inc. to follow the progress of Bill 49-Professional Governance Act. As such we have been in telephone discussions with Paul Craven,Office of the Superintendent of the Professional Governance Act (OSPGA) with a view to applying to become a designate regulatory profession under Bill 49.
Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
Advanced Education
The British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA) would like to initiate a formal application to be added as a designated regulatory body under Bill 49 -2018: Professional Governance Act.
We understand that as Superintendent, you may decide to investigate this matter. We confirm that the costs of preparing an application would be the responsibility of the BCSLA.
Further, we acknowledge that if this application proceeds, the process would include clarification and confirmation of any shared areas of practice with the Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP), the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC), the BC Institute of Agrologists (BCIA), the College of Applied Biology (CAB) and the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC, known as Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC). The BCSLA would like to clarify that it seeks to preserve practice of existing shared overlaps with these professions and its independence as a regulatory body under potential designation under the Bill 49 -2018: Professional Governance Act.
Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
Advanced Education
The Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance in British Columbia is conducting a best practices review of the information commonly included in the online registers of professional regulators. Of particular interest is the inclusion of registrant business contact information.
The BC Society of Landscape Architects was asked to answer questions to help the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance determine the value of including contact information in the online register for B.C. professional regulators governed under the Professional Governance Act. The BCSLA responses were sent by email on May 5, 2020
Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
Advanced Education
Working on logistical arrangements with staff from the Office of Professional Governance, for Paul Craven, Superintendent, to speak to the participants in the Professional Regulators and Associations of BC to provide an update on Bill 49: Professional Governance Act on January 19, 2021. The original meeting was postponed due to the provincial election.
Development or enactment of any regulation, including the enactment of a regulation for the purposes of amending or repealing a regulation
Advanced Education
Working on logistical arrangements with staff from the Office of Professional Governance, for Paul Craven, Superintendent, to speak to the participants in the Professional Regulators and Associations of BC to provide an update on Bill 49: Professional Governance Act on October 6, 2020.
Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
Economic Development and Trade