Association of Doctors of BC
Details Regarding the Identified Subject Matter
Specific Topics of Lobbying Communications
Intended Outcomes
Associated Subject Matters
There are five policy papers or statements being developed by the Doctors of BC. The subject matter of the policies are 1. Secondary use of EMR data with an intended outcome of the creation of a governance structure for secondary use of data generated from physician EMRs; 2. Cycling and air pollution with the intended outcome of the creation of a cycling infrastructure that separates bicycles from motor vehicle traffic; 3. Obesity as chronic disease with an intended outcome of the recognition of obesity as a chronic disease; 4. Frailty with an intended outcome of the prmotion of healthy aging and prevention of frailty; and 5. Telemedicine with an intended outcome to ensure optimum use of telemedicine services in British Columbia's health care system, inclusive of primary care and specialist care.
Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy, directive or guideline of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity