Rogers Communications Inc
Ministries/Provincial entities who will be communicated with
Attorney General and Minister responsible for Housing
BC Transit
British Columbia Housing Management Commission
British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority
British Columbia Lottery Corporation
Children and Family Development
Citizens' Services
Columbia Basin Trust
Community Living British Columbia
Community, Sport and Cultural Development
Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development
Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
Innovate BC
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
Jobs, Economic Recovery and Innovation
Member(s) of the BC Legislative Assembly
Minister of State for Infrastructure
Minister of State for Lands and Natural Resource Operations
Municipal Affairs
Parliamentary Secretary for Arts and Film
Parliamentary Secretary for Community Development and Non-Profits
Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Preparedness
Parliamentary Secretary for the New Economy
Provincial Rental Housing Corporation
Public Safety and Solicitor General
Transportation and Infrastructure
University of British Columbia