Government Funding Received Report - Breakfast Club of Canada

Registration type: Client Registration number: 9876-5245
Funding received: 2019-05-04 to 2025-07-03

The Received Government Funding table below is not intended to be additive. Adding all of the entries together does not necessarily provide an accurate sum of all government funding received. There may be redundancy (reporting of the same funding more than once) caused by overlap in the "Date/Period Received" between 2 or more entries.

Source of Government Funding Funding Received Date/Period Received
Cree School Board $175,000.00 2023-04-19 to 2023-06-07
Cree Board of Health and Social Service of James Bay $100,000.00 2023-04-14
Ministère de la Famille du Québec $943,150.00 2023-03-29 to 2023-05-26
Le Secrétariat Aux Relations avec les Premières Nations et les Inuit $240.00 2023-03-27
Services Autochtones Canada (SAC) $100,000.00 2022-10-03 to 2023-01-03
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