Lobbying Activity Report


Organization: Alma Mater Society of the University of British Columbia Vancouver
Associated registration: 9742-103-10
Lobbying Activity date: 2024-06-11
Arranged a meeting: No
Posted date: 2024-08-30

In-house lobbyists who participated in the lobbying activity: Ayesha Irfan Footnote1
Senior Public Office Holders who were lobbied in this activity: David Eby, MLA for Vancouver-Point Grey
Member(s) of the BC Legislative Assembly
Subject Matter of the Lobbying Activity
Specific Topics of Lobbying Communications Intended Outcomes Associated Subject Matters
Funding for food banks run by post-secondary student unions and groups. Highlighting the funding gaps in the government's food security funding program and advocating for programs to be established that allows post-secondary student unions and groups' food security programs to apply.
  • Development of any legislative proposal by the government of British Columbia, a Provincial entity or a member of the Legislative Assembly
  • Introduction, amendment, passage or defeat of any Bill or resolution in or before the Legislative Assembly
  • Awarding, amendment or termination of any contract, grant or financial benefit by or on behalf of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
Colleges & Universities, Health, Non-Profit Organization, Poverty
Skytrain to UBC and Rapid Bus Transit Projects. Advocating for the continuation of the Provincial Government's support for the Skytrain to UBC project among other rapid transportation projects laid out by TransLink aimed at connecting the UBC Point Grey campus to the rest of the Metro Vancouver region.
  • Awarding, amendment or termination of any contract, grant or financial benefit by or on behalf of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
Advanced Education, Colleges & Universities, Transportation
Senior officer who filed this Lobbying Activity Report: Justin Lieu
The above name is that of the most senior paid officer who is responsible for filing a Lobbying Activity Report for the organization (the Designated Filer), whether that person participated in this lobbying activity or not.
  1. Footnote1  Indicates new information that was added through a Lobbying Activity Report.

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