Lobbying Activity Report


Organization: International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 115
Associated registration: 1208-1817-21
Lobbying Activity date: 2023-12-13
Arranged a meeting: No
Posted date: 2024-01-05

In-house lobbyists who participated in the lobbying activity: Wayne KEmp Footnote1
Steve Barnicke Footnote1
Brian Haugen Footnote1
John Munro Footnote1
Josh Towsley Footnote1
Will Suezle Footnote1
Leanne Hughf Footnote1
Senior Public Office Holders who were lobbied in this activity: Dan Coulter, MLA for Chilliwack
Member(s) of the BC Legislative Assembly
Subject Matter of the Lobbying Activity
Specific Topics of Lobbying Communications Intended Outcomes Associated Subject Matters
Provide proper PPE for all shapes, sizes, and genders promotes job site safety and recruitment
  • Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy, directive or guideline of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
Labour/Labour Relations
Seeking longer term lease on crown land
  • Awarding, amendment or termination of any contract, grant or financial benefit by or on behalf of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
Advanced Education, Forestry, Transportation
to discuss Project Labour Agreements and Community Benefits Agreements - which would be “change in government policy or procedure” in the Lobbyist Registry language.
  • Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy, directive or guideline of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
  • Awarding, amendment or termination of any contract, grant or financial benefit by or on behalf of the government of British Columbia or a Provincial entity
Infrastructure, Transportation
Senior officer who filed this Lobbying Activity Report: Brian Cochrane
The above name is that of the most senior paid officer who is responsible for filing a Lobbying Activity Report for the organization (the Designated Filer), whether that person participated in this lobbying activity or not.
  1. Footnote1  Indicates new information that was added through a Lobbying Activity Report.

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