12-Month Lobbying Summary - Consultant Lobbyist
David Suzuki Institute / Emiko Newman, Consultant Lobbyist
Who is lobbying?
David Suzuki Institute (Address & business activities)
Government Funding
Did David Suzuki Institute request or receive government funding within the last 12 months? No
Coalition Members Information
David Suzuki Institute is a member of a coalition along with the following organizations:
- 1st Knowledge Bank Ltd (Address information)
- 350.org (Address information)
- 350Vancouver (Address information)
- 365give (Address information)
- 753 Yates Retail Space (Address information)
- Abro Water Technician Services Inc (Address information)
- Abundant Transit BC (Address information)
- Active Impact Investments (Address information)
- Against Port Expansion in the Fraser Estuary (Address information)
- Ahavat Olam Synagogue (Address information)
- Alberni Climate Action (Address information)
- Alberni Valley Food Security Group (Address information)
- Alberni Valley Transition Town Society (Address information)
- Align Climate Solutions (Address information)
- Alliance4Democracy, Sunshine Coast (Address information)
- Amanda's Bookkeeping Services (Address information)
- Amara Farm (Address information)
- Anglican Church of St. John the Divine, Victoria (Address information)
- Anglican Diocese of British Columbia (Address information)
- Anglican Diocese of New Westminster (Address information)
- Anomalous Exploration (Address information)
- Archives Association of British Columbia (Address information)
- Armstrong/Spallumcheen Climate Action (Address information)
- Arrow Wood Games (Address information)
- Association of Denman Island Marine Stewards (Address information)
- Association of Whistler Area Residents for the Environment (Address information)
- ATCHISON & Associates (Address information)
- Audiopile Records (Address information)
- Avo Media (Address information)
- B.C.'s Wild Heritage Native Plants (Address information)
- Babies for Climate Action, New Westminster (Address information)
- Babies for Climate Action, Vancouver (Address information)
- Bakau Consulting (Address information)
- Barnacle Strategies Consulting (Address information)
- BC's Wild Heritage Environmental (Address information)
- BC Association of Farmers' Markets (Address information)
- BC Canadian Association of Nurses for the Environment (Address information)
- BC Climate Alliance (Address information)
- BC Climate Hubs (Address information)
- BC Council for International Cooperation (Address information)
- BC Family Doctors (Address information)
- BC Greens Youth Council (Address information)
- BC Humanist Association (Address information)
- BC Hydro Ratepayers Assn - Facebook Group (Address information)
- BC Nature (Address information)
- BC Non-Profit Housing Association (Address information)
- BCOSSA (Address information)
- BC Poverty Reduction Coalition (Address information)
- BC Psychiatric Association (Address information)
- BC Sea Wolves (Address information)
- BC Synod Climate Justice Action Group of the Lutheran Church (Address information)
- BC Synod - Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (Address information)
- BCTF Divest Now (Address information)
- BC Union Workers' Union (Address information)
- BC Young New Democrats (Address information)
- Beacon Unitarian Church (Address information)
- Bee City Canada (Address information)
- Below2C (Address information)
- Be The Change Action Circle (Address information)
- Better Environmentally Sound Transportation Assoc. (Address information)
- bettertable.ca (Address information)
- Better Transit Alliance of Greater Victoria (Address information)
- Beyond Capture (Address information)
- Blackfish Paddles Ltd (Address information)
- Blue Lotus Wholistic Healing (Address information)
- Bowen Island Conservancy (Address information)
- Bowen Island Food Resilience (Address information)
- Brackendale Art Gallery (Address information)
- Brackendale Farmers Institute (Address information)
- Brightside Community Homes Foundation (Address information)
- BRIM (Building Resilience in Mission) (Address information)
- Brinkman & Associates Reforestation Ltd. (Address information)
- British Columbia Assembly of First Nations (Address information)
- British Columbia Cycling Coalition (Address information)
- British Columbia Library Association (Address information)
- British Columbia Teachers' Federation (Address information)
- Broad View United Church (Address information)
- Burnaby Climate Hub (Address information)
- Burnaby Residents Against Kinder Morgan (now Transmountain) Expansion (BROKE) (Address information)
- Bydand Wealth Management (Address information)
- Cain & Osborne Associates (Address information)
- Calmura Natural Walls Inc. (Address information)
- Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) (Address information)
- Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, BC Office (Address information)
- Canadian Freshwater Alliance (Address information)
- Canadian Health Association for Sustainability & Equity (CHASE) (Address information)
- Canadian Media Producers Association, BC Branch (Address information)
- Canadian Memorial United Church (Address information)
- Canadian Senior Cohousing Society (Address information)
- Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice (Address information)
- Canfiber Inc (Address information)
- Capital Unitarian Universalist Congregation (Address information)
- Carnegie Community Centre Association (Address information)
- Caroline Miege Counselling (Address information)
- Cathedral CATS Christ Church Cathedral (Address information)
- Central Okanagan United Church (Address information)
- Centre for Family Equity (Address information)
- CFMS HEART (Canadian Federation of Medical Students Health and Environment Adaptive Response Taskforce) (Address information)
- Chase and Area Young Learners Society (Address information)
- Chase Environmental Action Group (Address information)
- Chemainus Climate Solutions (Address information)
- Chickworks Inc. (Address information)
- Chief Roofing (Address information)
- Cities for Everyone (Address information)
- Citizen's Climate Lobby Canada, Okanagan Chapter (Address information)
- Citizen's Oil & Gas Council (Address information)
- Citizens' Climate Lobby East Kootenay Chapter (Address information)
- Citizens' Environment Network in Colwood (Address information)
- Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) (Address information)
- Citizens United for a Sustainable Planet (Address information)
- Claymates Ceramics Studio Inc. (Address information)
- Clayoquot Action (Address information)
- Climate Action Now! (Address information)
- Climate Caucus (Address information)
- Climate Convergence Metro Vancouver (Address information)
- Climate Crisis Langley Action Partners (Address information)
- Climate Education Reform BC (Address information)
- Climate Emergency Institute (Address information)
- Climate Emergency Unit (Address information)
- Climate Justice Victoria (Address information)
- Climate Paradigm Collaborative Ltd. (Address information)
- Climate Reality Project BC (Address information)
- Climate Recentered (Address information)
- Climb On Equipment Ltd (Address information)
- Cloud City Apparel Co. (Address information)
- Clubcard (Address information)
- Coalition of Child Care Advocates of B.C. (Address information)
- Coalition of Museums for Climate Justice (Address information)
- Coastal Current Adventures (Address information)
- Coastal Frameworks (Address information)
- COHAB Press (Address information)
- College of the Rockies Faculty Association (Address information)
- Communities Protecting our Coast (Address information)
- Community-Engaged Research Initiative (CERi), Simon Fraser University (Address information)
- Comox Valley Chapter, Council of Canadians (Address information)
- Comox Valley Unitarian Fellowship (Address information)
- Company ERASGA (Address information)
- Compassion CSA Peace Circle (Address information)
- Concerned Citizens Bowen (Address information)
- Cool.World (Address information)
- CoolRoofsBC Society (Address information)
- Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (Address information)
- Cordilleran Geoscience (Address information)
- Council of Canadians, Nelson/West Kootenay Chapter (Address information)
- Council of Canadians, Powell River Chapter (Address information)
- Council of Canadians, Victoria Chapter (Address information)
- Council of Canadians (Mid-Island - Nanaimo Chapter) (Address information)
- Council of Canadians (South Okanagan Chapter) (Address information)
- Council of Canadians - Campbell River Chapter (Address information)
- Council of Canadians Kamloops Chapter (Address information)
- Council of Canadians - Pacific Region (Address information)
- Courage Coalition (Address information)
- Cowichan Carbon Busters (Address information)
- Cowichan Climate Hub (Address information)
- Cowichan Valley BC Greens (Address information)
- Cowichan Valley Naturalists (Address information)
- Cranbrook Climate Hub (Address information)
- Creatively United for the Planet Society (Address information)
- Creston Climate Action Society (Address information)
- Crowned Vitta LLC (Address information)
- CUPE 2950 (Address information)
- Curio Research Ltd. (Address information)
- Cutts Consulting Ltd (Address information)
- Cycle City Tours and Rentals (Address information)
- Dad's Westcoast Awesome Sauces (Address information)
- Daniela GR Consulting (Address information)
- Dark Star Holdings Ltd. (Address information)
- David Suzuki Foundation (Address information)
- Deep Sea Defenders (Address information)
- Deerhorn Creek Outfitters (Address information)
- Delish General Store + Jar Bar Refillery (Address information)
- Denman Island Climate Action Network (Address information)
- Denman Islanders for Climate Action & Social Justice (Address information)
- Discover Counselling (Address information)
- Discovery Organics (Address information)
- Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health - Kootenay Boundary (Address information)
- Doctors for Planetary Health - West Coast (Address information)
- Dogwood (Address information)
- Douglas College Faculty Association (Address information)
- Douglas Students' Union (Address information)
- Down Syndrome Resource Foundation (Address information)
- Drinkfill Beverages LTD (Address information)
- Duncan United Church (Address information)
- Duro Construction Ltd (Address information)
- Earnest Ice Cream (Address information)
- Earthsave Canada (Address information)
- East Kootenay Climate Hub (Address information)
- ECO (Esquimalt Climate Organizers) (Address information)
- Ecollaborate Now Consulting (Address information)
- Ecopath Planning (Address information)
- Ecotrust Canada (Address information)
- ELCIC BC Synod - Grace Lutheran Church (Address information)
- Elders Council for Parks in BC (Address information)
- Elders for Ancient Trees (Address information)
- Electric Edge Systems Group Inc. (Address information)
- Emily Carr University of Art and Design Faculty Association (Address information)
- Engagement Unlimited (Address information)
- Environment and Climate Action Committee, First Unitarian Church of Victoria (Address information)
- Epic Project Management Inc. (Address information)
- Experior Life Insurance (Address information)
- Extinction Rebellion Nanaimo (Address information)
- Extinction Rebellion Vancouver (Address information)
- Extinction Rebellion Victoria (Address information)
- Fairfield United Church (Address information)
- False Creek Watershed Society (Address information)
- Federation of Post-Secondary Educators (Address information)
- Fernie Citizens Housing Society (Address information)
- Fillosophy Refill Bar (Address information)
- First Nations Summit (Address information)
- First Things First Okanagan (Address information)
- First Unitarian Church of Victoria (Address information)
- Flying Hands Farm and Granny Ms (Address information)
- Foodscape ent. (Address information)
- Food Stash Foundation (Address information)
- Force of Nature (North Shore Community Action Team) (Address information)
- Force of Nature (Tri-Cities Community Action Group) (Address information)
- Forged Axe Throwing (Address information)
- For Our Kids, Sunshine Coast (Address information)
- For Our Kids Burnaby (Address information)
- For Our Kids North Shore (Address information)
- For Our Kids Vancouver (Address information)
- Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty - BC (Address information)
- Foundation for global Community (Address information)
- Fraser Headwaters Alliance (Address information)
- Fraser Valley Climate Action (Address information)
- Free Flow Plumbing Inc (Address information)
- Fresh Roots Urban Farm Society (Address information)
- Fridays For Future Penticton (Address information)
- Fridays For Future Vancouver (Address information)
- Friends of Tilbury Working Group (Address information)
- Full Circle Farm (Address information)
- Gambier Island Conservancy (Address information)
- General Delivery Data Corporation (Address information)
- Georgia Strait Alliance (Address information)
- Gidimt'en Checkpoint (Address information)
- Global Peace Alliance BC Society (Address information)
- GNAR Inc - Sustainable Home Design (Address information)
- GOAL12 Sustainable Consumption and Production Society (Address information)
- Goldilocks Goods (Address information)
- Goodwin Creative Ltd (Address information)
- Gorge Waterway Action Society (Address information)
- Grandmanor Guest House (Address information)
- Grateful Gift Shop (Address information)
- Greater Victoria Acting Together (Address information)
- Greater Victoria Climate Hub (Address information)
- Greater Victoria Teachers' Association (Address information)
- GreenHeart Education (Address information)
- Green Spark Group (Address information)
- Green Teams of Canada (Address information)
- Green Technology Education Centre (Address information)
- Ground Truth Data (Address information)
- Guy LaFayette (Address information)
- Hamakom BC (Address information)
- Harmonic Arts (Address information)
- Harvey McKinnon Associates (Address information)
- Hello Cool World Media (Address information)
- Hemp Save The World (Address information)
- Hollyhock (Address information)
- Holy Cross Anglican Church (Address information)
- Holy Cross Parish (Address information)
- House on a Hill (Address information)
- HUB Cycling (Address information)
- Human and Nature Youth Club (Address information)
- Hummingbird Music Studio (Address information)
- iD2 Communications Inc. (Address information)
- Impact Arts Society (Address information)
- Indian Summer Arts Society (Address information)
- Inner Light Healing Arts (Address information)
- Innovate Geothermal Ltd. (Address information)
- Integrated Construction Management (Address information)
- Integrated Fitness Inc. (Address information)
- Interdependent Investments (Address information)
- Iron Dog Books (Address information)
- Jarr (Address information)
- Joseph Cross Art Studio (Address information)
- Jubilee United Church (Address information)
- Justice for Girls (Address information)
- KAIROS BC-Yukon Region (Address information)
- KAIROS Salmon Arm (Address information)
- Kaslo Climate Action Team (Address information)
- Keep It Green Recycling (Address information)
- Kelowna Chapter Zebras Unite (Address information)
- Kelowna Climate Coalition (Address information)
- Kelowna West NDP Constituency Association (Address information)
- KelTec Design & Drafting (Address information)
- Kestrel Books (Address information)
- K R Ross & Associates (Address information)
- Kwantlen Faculty Association (Address information)
- KWENCH (Address information)
- Lal Bikes (Address information)
- Language Partners BC (Address information)
- Last Stand West Kootenay (Address information)
- Latincouver and Cultural Business Society (Address information)
- Lawyers For Climate Justice (Address information)
- Leadnow (Address information)
- Learnbase Training Technologies Inc (Address information)
- Living Forest Institute Society (Address information)
- Living Interfaith Sanctuary (Address information)
- Living Oceans Society (Address information)
- LivWell Integrated Health (Address information)
- Lockwood Farms (Address information)
- Longsmarineservices (Address information)
- Lush Cosmetics North America (Address information)
- Lynn Valley Garden Club (Address information)
- Maple Ridge Climate Hub (Address information)
- Massy Arts Society (Address information)
- Massy Books Inc. (Address information)
- Master Recycler Vancouver (Address information)
- Mayne Island Brewing Company (Address information)
- Meatme.ca (Address information)
- Mennonite Church BC Indigenous Relations Task Group (Address information)
- meNom (Address information)
- Mental Health and Climate Change Alliance (Address information)
- Merritt Youth and Family Resources Society (Address information)
- Mir Centre for Peace (Address information)
- Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon Green Party Association (Address information)
- Mobius Books Ltd. (Address information)
- Modo Co-operative (Address information)
- Modo Yoga East Vancouver (Address information)
- Morrow BioScience Ltd. (Address information)
- Mountain Valley Express (Address information)
- Mount Work Coalition (Address information)
- Movement: Metro Vancouver Transit Riders (Address information)
- myhealingjournal.ca (Address information)
- My Sea to Sky (Address information)
- My Sea to Sky Youth Council (Address information)
- Nada (Address information)
- Nanaimo Climate Action Hub (Address information)
- Nanaimo Green Faith Circle (Address information)
- Naramata Community Church (Address information)
- Nature Chilliwack (Address information)
- Nelson at its Best (Address information)
- Nelson-West Kootenay chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby (Address information)
- Net0world (Address information)
- Netcetera... (Address information)
- Net Zero Favreau Consulting (Address information)
- New/Mode (Address information)
- Neworld Theatre (Address information)
- New Westminster Teachers' Union (Address information)
- North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE) (Address information)
- North Island College Faculty Association (Address information)
- North Island-Powell River EDA of the Green Party of Canada (Address information)
- North Okanagan Naturalists’ Club (Address information)
- North Okanagan-Shuswap Federal Green Party Electoral District Association (Address information)
- North Shore Streamkeepers (Address information)
- North Shore Unitarian Church Environmental Action Team (Address information)
- NÜLA Salon & Apothecary (Address information)
- Nurses and Doctors for Planetary Health (Address information)
- Nurture Counselling Ltd. (Address information)
- Oak Bay Climate Force (Address information)
- Oasis United Church (Address information)
- Oasis United Church Green Up (Address information)
- Oceanetic Measurement (2011) Ltd. (Address information)
- Ocean Park Beautification Committee (Address information)
- Okanagan Climate Hub (Address information)
- OMC Inc. (Address information)
- One Cowichan Education Society (Address information)
- OneEarth (Address information)
- OnwardUP (Address information)
- Organized Chaos Professional Coaching (Address information)
- OTI Performance Inc. (Address information)
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Tonantzin Community (Address information)
- OurSquamish Placemaking Society (Address information)
- Our Time Vancouver (Address information)
- Out Here Ski & Board Club (Address information)
- Pacific Image Home Designs Ltd. (Address information)
- Pacific-northwest Health Equity Network (Address information)
- Pacific Park Place Housing Cooperative (Address information)
- Pacific Policies (Address information)
- Pacific Wild Alliance (Address information)
- Padma Centre for Climate Justice (Address information)
- Paradise Valley Produce (Address information)
- Parent Advisory Council of University Highlands Elementary School (Address information)
- Parents 4 Climate (Address information)
- Patagonia (Address information)
- Paxdyne Entertainment Canada, Inc. (Address information)
- PeerNetBC (Address information)
- Pender Earth (Address information)
- Pender Ocean Defenders (Address information)
- Perennial Pleasures Landscape Design (Address information)
- Perk Eco Inc. (Address information)
- Persephone Brewing Company (Address information)
- Philosophers Anonymous (Address information)
- Pipe Up Network (Address information)
- Planetary Resilience Council of BC (Address information)
- Plant-Based R.H.N. (Address information)
- Poets Corner Reading Series Society (Address information)
- Poonie Art Creative (Address information)
- Populous Map (Address information)
- Power of Food (Address information)
- Programs in Earth Literacies (Address information)
- Protect Our Winters Canada (Address information)
- Public Health Association of BC (Address information)
- Public Service Alliance of Canada, BC Region (Address information)
- Purppl CCC (Address information)
- Qathet Climate Alliance (Address information)
- Quadra Island Climate Action Network (Address information)
- Quest Student Environmental Committee (Address information)
- Rain or Shine Ice Cream (Address information)
- RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs) (Address information)
- Rebels Soccer Club (Address information)
- REDHOUSE DESIGN (Address information)
- Redrooff Enterprizes (Address information)
- Reed Road Forest Working Group (Address information)
- Reel Youth (Address information)
- ReFocus Consulting (Address information)
- RegenerateBC (Address information)
- Regenerative Bowen Island (Address information)
- ReGen Homes Ltd. (Address information)
- Remembrance Pictures Inc. (Address information)
- Renewal Funds (Address information)
- Renewal Partners (Address information)
- Renfrew Collingwood Seniors Society (Address information)
- Replenish Refillery and Zero Waste Store (Address information)
- Rising Knead Bakery (Address information)
- Ritchie's Bakery (Address information)
- Ritmos Climaticos (Address information)
- Roots on the Roof (Address information)
- Rotary Club of Nature Celebrators (Address information)
- Ryan Leiderman Counselling (Address information)
- Saanich Eco Advocates (Address information)
- Saint Patricks Roman Catholic Parish (Address information)
- Salal & Cedar Watershed Discipleship Community (Address information)
- Salish Sea Renewable Energy Cooperative (Address information)
- Salish Soils Inc (Address information)
- Salt Spring Coffee (Address information)
- Salt Spring Island Conservancy (Address information)
- Salt Spring Island Stream and Salmon Enhancement society (Address information)
- Salt Spring Island Unitarian Fellowship (Address information)
- Sarah Valentine Design (Address information)
- Save Our Forests Team Comox Valley (Address information)
- Sea Smart (Address information)
- Sea To Sky Cable Cam Inc. (Address information)
- Sea to Sky Removal (Address information)
- SFU350 (Address information)
- Shake Up The Establishment (Address information)
- Shuswap Air Cadets 222 Parent Committee (Address information)
- Shuswap Climate Action (Address information)
- Shuswap Environmental Educators Provincial Specialist Assoc. (SHEEPSA) (Address information)
- Sierra Club BC (Address information)
- Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group (SFPIRG) (Address information)
- Singing Bowl Granola (Address information)
- Singular Software Inc. (Address information)
- Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition (Address information)
- SkiUphill RunUphill (Address information)
- Skyline BC (Address information)
- Skysong Community Choir (Address information)
- Slocan Waterfront Society (Address information)
- Smartbite Snacks Inc. (Address information)
- Smith and Robin Inc. (Address information)
- Smithers Climate Action (Address information)
- Snowy Mountain Farm (Address information)
- Social Environmental Alliance (Address information)
- Socialist Unity Assembly (Address information)
- Socially Responsible Investing Cowichan (Address information)
- Solecito (Address information)
- Solidarity Notes Choir (Address information)
- Solstedt Organics (Address information)
- South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy (SANSAD) (Address information)
- South Cariboo Arts and Culture Society (Address information)
- South Fraser Unitarians (Address information)
- South Island Climate Action Network (Address information)
- South Park Family School (Address information)
- South Vancouver Neighbourhood House (Address information)
- Southwood Holdings Ltd. (Address information)
- Spark Strategies (Address information)
- SPEC - Society Promoting Environmental Conservation (Address information)
- Spirit Dance Centre for Spirtual Ecology (Address information)
- Spitfire Films Inc. (Address information)
- Spring Magazine (Address information)
- Squamish Climate Action Network (Squamish CAN) (Address information)
- Squamish Constellation Festival (Address information)
- Squamish Environment Society (Address information)
- Squamish Food Policy Council (SFPC) (Address information)
- Squamish ReBuild Society (Address information)
- Squamish Seniors Society (Address information)
- Squamish Streamkeepers Society (Address information)
- Squamish United Church (Address information)
- St. Anselm's Anglican Church, Vancouver. Diocease of New Westminster (Address information)
- Stand.earth (Address information)
- St Catherine's Anglican Church (Address information)
- Stephen Irving Communications (Address information)
- Stewardship Pemberton Society (Address information)
- St Mary's Anglican United Shared Ministry (Address information)
- Story Institute (Address information)
- Students for Mining Justice (Address information)
- Sue Big Oil Comox Valley (Address information)
- Summit Filters Inc. (Address information)
- Sunshine Coast Climate Action Network (Address information)
- Sunshine Coast Conservation Association (Address information)
- Sunshine Coast Streamkeepers Society (Address information)
- Surrey Teachers' Association (Address information)
- Sustainabiliteens (Address information)
- Sustainability Action Group for the Environment (Address information)
- Sustainability Club at Penticton Secondary School (Address information)
- Sustainable Energy Co-op of Gabriola (Address information)
- Sustainable Environment Network Society (Address information)
- Sustainable Produce Urban Delivery (Address information)
- Suzuki Elders (Address information)
- Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary (Address information)
- Sweet Serenity Yoga and Wellness (Address information)
- Sylvan United, Mill Bay (Address information)
- Synergia Institute (Address information)
- Take a Stand: Youth for Conservation (Address information)
- Tantalus Wellspring Society (Address information)
- Teachers for Future Canada (Address information)
- Teaching Support Staff Union (Address information)
- Tegan McMartin Photography (Address information)
- Terrace Council of Canadians (Address information)
- That Cleantech Copywriter (Address information)
- The Bean Buggy (Address information)
- The Climate Aid Arts Brigade (Address information)
- The Dance Centre (Address information)
- The Escape Route (Address information)
- The Green Bed Store Inc. (Address information)
- The Jumping Slug Community Cyclery (Address information)
- The New Corporation (Documentary) (Address information)
- The Nulla Project (Address information)
- The Sharing Farm Society (Address information)
- The Soap Dispensary (Address information)
- The Starfish Canada (Address information)
- The Thorn Magazine (Address information)
- The Tikkun Olam Co-ordinating Committee of Or Shalom Synagogue (Address information)
- The WaterWealth Project (Address information)
- The Wildlife Thrift Store (Address information)
- Thompson Rivers Open Learning Faculty Association (Address information)
- Thompson Rivers University Faculty Association (Address information)
- To Be Heard Counselling (Address information)
- TRAILS BC - Trails Society of British Columbia (Address information)
- Transition Kamloops (Address information)
- Transition Salt Spring (Address information)
- Transition Sooke (Address information)
- Transportation Choices Sunshine Coast (Address information)
- Tree Legacy Society (Address information)
- Tree of Life Nature Playschool (Address information)
- TREE WORLD Plant Care Products, Inc. (Address information)
- Trelawny Consulting Group Ltd. (Address information)
- Tutu's B&B (Address information)
- UBC Centre for Climate Justice (Address information)
- UBC Okanagan Visual Arts Course Union (Address information)
- UBCO Mountain Riders (Address information)
- UBC Planetary Healthcare Lab (Address information)
- UNBC Outdoors Club (Address information)
- Union of BC Indian Chiefs (Address information)
- United Church Earth Stewards (Address information)
- University of Victoria Renewable Energy Club (Address information)
- Upstart & Crow Literary Arts Studio (Address information)
- Urszula.co (Address information)
- Valhalla Parish (Address information)
- VALU Coop (Address information)
- Vancity Community Foundation (Address information)
- Vancouver Cohousing (Address information)
- Vancouver Community College Faculty Association (Address information)
- Vancouver Ecosocialist Group (Address information)
- Vancouver Farmers Markets (Address information)
- Vancouver Folk Music Festival (Address information)
- Vancouver Food Runners Society (Address information)
- Vancouver Humane Society (Address information)
- Vancouver Island University Faculty Association (VIUFA) (Address information)
- Vancouver Neighbourhood Food Networks (Address information)
- Vancouver School Board Sustainability Conference (Address information)
- Vancouver Unitarians (Address information)
- Vedalia Biological Inc. (Address information)
- Velometro Mobility Inc. (DBA Veemo) (Address information)
- VentureWeb (Address information)
- Victoria Climate Action Team (Address information)
- Victoria Climate Hub (Address information)
- Victoria Transport Policy Institute (Address information)
- Vida Farm (Address information)
- View Royal Climate Coalition (Address information)
- Viridian Energy Coop (Address information)
- Vision Zero Vancouver (Address information)
- Visual Science (Address information)
- Vitality Farm (Address information)
- Watershed Watch Salmon Society (Address information)
- Waymark Architecture (Address information)
- Wednesday Vigils for Ancient Forest (Address information)
- West Coast Climate Action Network (Address information)
- West Coast Environmental Law Association (Address information)
- West Kootenay Climate Hub (Address information)
- West Kootenay Ecosociety (Address information)
- Whistler Lakes Conservation Association "WLCA" (Address information)
- White Crow Alpine Services Ltd (Address information)
- White Label Insights (Address information)
- Wild Church (Address information)
- Wild Church BC Kamloops (Address information)
- Wilderness Committee (Address information)
- Wildsight (Address information)
- Wildsight Creston Valley (Address information)
- Wildsight Golden (Address information)
- Wildsight Invermere (Address information)
- Wildsight Revelstoke (Address information)
- Winter Scenes Ltd. (Address information)
- Women's Food and Water Initiative (Address information)
- Women in Film and Television Vancouver (Address information)
- Women Transforming Cities (Address information)
- Wondrous Tree Fellowship (Address information)
- Worker Solidarity Network (Address information)
- Yasodhara Ashram Society (Address information)
- Yellow Point Ecological Society (Address information)
- YesBC (Address information)
- Yogacara (Address information)
- Youth Climate Corps BC (Address information)
- Zero Waste BC (Address information)
- Zg Stories (Address information)
- Zillion Design (Address information)
- Zimt Chocolates (Address information)
Coalition members in previous versions
- Coucil of Canadians Kamloops Chapter (Address information)
- TRUFA (Address information)
Direct Interests of the Lobbying Activity
David Suzuki Institute does not have any affiliates that could have a direct interest in the outcome of the lobbying activities
Other Affiliates
The activities of David Suzuki Institute are not controlled or directed by another person or organization with a direct interest in the outcome of this undertaking
Contributors with a Direct Interest in the Outcome
No person or organization contributed over $1000CDN, within the preceding 12 months, toward the lobbying activity on behalf of David Suzuki Institute:
What is being lobbied?
Details Regarding the Identified Subject Matter | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Will the consultant lobbyist be arranging meetings between a public office holder and the client for the purpose of attempting to influence any of the matters listed: | No | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gifts or Benefits Provided to Public Officer Holders
Lobbyists are required to provide information regarding gifts or benefits provided within the last 12 months to a public office holder they have lobbied. For more information, review the Guide to Lobbyist Gifts.
Name | Gift or Benefit Description | Circumstance | Date Promised | Value Promised | Date Given | Value Given |
No Records |
Who is being lobbied?
Ministries/Provincial Entities
- Emergency Management and Climate Readiness
- Energy and Climate Solutions
- Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation
- Member(s) of the BC Legislative Assembly
- Office of the Premier
- Transportation and Transit
Ministries/Provincial Entities in previous versions
- Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation
- Environment and Climate Change Strategy
- Minister of State for Infrastructure and Transit
- Transportation and Infrastructure
Who is the lobbyist?
Emiko Newman, Consultant Lobbyist (Business address and contact information)
- Payment to the consultant lobbyist by the client, in whole or in part, is not contingent on the outcome of this lobbying activity.
- Payment to the consultant lobbyist by the client, in whole or in part, is not contingent on the success in arranging a meeting with public office holders on behalf of the client.
Who has provided contributions?
Consultant has lobbied, or plans to lobby a member of the Legislative Assembly, including a Minister or Premier, on behalf of this client, on or after 2024-09-21: | Yes | |||||||||||||||
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