Review Registration - Consultant

This version of the registration was submitted prior to the Lobbying Transparency Act coming into force on May 4, 2020. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.

Registration ID: 35999915
Submitted by lobbyist on: January 15, 2018 02:18:47 PM
Accepted by Registrar on: January 16, 2018 02:48:51 PM

Lobbyist Information

Shaw, Katie  
740-730 View Street  
Victoria, BC, V8W 1Y7

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbyist Firm Information

Global Public Affairs  
740-730 View Street  
Victoria, BC, V8W 1Y7

Client Information

Chamber of Shipping  
The Chamber of Shipping represents vessel owners, operators, and shipping agencies engaged in international trade through Canadian gateways. The association fosters the development of collaborative solutions and promotes the development of effective and responsible legislation that continues to support a robust and sound shipping industry.
1111 West Hastings Street Suite 100  
Vancouver, BC, V6E 2J3

Relevant Affiliates

The client has no relevant affiliates.

Government or Government Agency Funding

The organization does not receive any funding from a government or government agency.

Other Controlling or Directing Interests

The organization has no other controlling or directing interests.

Undertaking Information

January 8, 2018  
April 2, 2019  

Other Individuals Engaged to Lobby

Johnson, Nicole

Lobbying Activities


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Chamber of Shipping actively seeks collaboration and engagement with the provincial government on issues affecting vessel owners, operator and shipping agencies. Chamber of Shipping will be seeking introductory meetings with government and identifying any policies that it can help support developing.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy January 15, 2018
Staff of Minister Premier January 15, 2018
Staff of Minister Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure January 15, 2018
Minister Donaldson, Doug Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development January 18, 2019
Minister Heyman, George Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy January 15, 2018
Minister Horgan, John Premier January 15, 2018
Minister Mungall, Michelle Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources January 18, 2019
Staff of Minister Renneberg , Tim Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development January 18, 2019
Staff of Minister Sanderson, Melissa Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources January 18, 2019
Minister Trevena, Claire Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure January 15, 2018
Public Agency Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources January 18, 2019
Public Agency Environment and Climate Change Strategy January 15, 2018
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure January 15, 2018