This version of the registration was submitted prior to the Lobbying Transparency Act coming into force on May 4, 2020. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.
Registration ID: 880660
Submitted by lobbyist on: April 29, 2010 12:00:00 AM
Accepted by Registrar on: November 4, 2010 01:00:09 AM
Lobbyist Information
Malloy, Larry |
190 O'Connor Street 5th Floor | |
Ottawa, ON, K2P 2R3
613-241-6000 |
Canada |
BC Public Office Background
This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.
Lobbyist Firm Information
Temple Scott Associates Inc. |
190 O'Connor Street 5th Floor | |
Ottawa, ON, K2P 2R3
613-241-6000 |
Canada |
Client Information
Canadian Solar Industries Association |
The Canadian Solar Industries Association was formed in 1978 to serve the interests of Canada's solar thermal industry, and was known as the CSIA. The Canadian Photovoltaic Industries Association (CPIA) was formed in 1989 to represent the interests of the new PV industry. Due to cutbacks of financial support from the federal government in the early 1990s the two associations, with common goals and utilizing the same energy source as the basis of their technologies, joined together in 1992 to promote the professional and practical use of solar technologies in Canada. CSIA merged with CPIA in 1992, and the Canadian Solar Industries Association (CanSIA) has existed in this form since then. |
2378 Holly Lane Suite 208 | |
Ottawa, ON, K1V 7P1
613-736-9077 |
Canada |
Relevant Affiliates
The client has no relevant affiliates.
Government or Government Agency Funding
The organization does not receive any funding from a government or government agency.
Other Controlling or Directing Interests
The organization has no other controlling or directing interests.
Undertaking Information
April 20, 2010 | |
September 29, 2010 |
Other Individuals Engaged to Lobby
Cullen, Roy |
Lobbying Activities
Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder
Assisting the Canadian Solar Industries Association (CanSIA) to expand the Association¿s involvement in the Provinces of British Columbia.
Target Contacts
Target Type | Name | Title or Constituency | Date Added |
Minister | Lekstrom, Blair | Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources | April 29, 2010 |
Public Agency | British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority | April 29, 2010 | |
Public Agency | British Columbia Transmission Corporation | April 29, 2010 |