Review Registration - Organization
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This version of the registration was submitted prior to the Lobbying Transparency Act coming into force on May 4, 2020. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.

Registration ID: 880652
Submitted by lobbyist on: April 30, 2010 12:00:00 AM
Accepted by Registrar on: June 9, 2010 01:43:44 PM

Designated Filer Information

Winter, John R  
1201 - 750 W Pender St.  
Vancouver, BC, V6C 2T8

Organization Information

BC Chamber of Commerce  
The BC Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit organization representing the interests and concerns of local Chambers of Commerce and corporate members from across the province. Through the BC Chamber of Commerce members access benefits, partnerships, and networking opportunities. Most importantly, the BC Chamber of Commerce routinely advocates to Provincial and Federal governments on behalf of its members to ensure that their concerns are being heard. The BC Chamber of Commerce - the Voice of Business in BC - gives the business community a presence on the provincial level.
1201 - 750 W Pender St.  
Vancouver, BC, V6C 2T8

Relevant Affiliates

The client has no relevant affiliates.

Government or Government Agency Funding

The organization does not receive any funding from a government or government agency.

Other Controlling or Directing Interests

The organization has no other controlling or directing interests.

Active Registration Period

April 30, 2010  
December 3, 2010  

Organization's In-House Lobbyists


Name: Garson, Jon
April 30, 2010  
Inactivation Date: December 6, 2010

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbying Activities

Aboriginal Affairs

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

1. ensures effective mechanisms are in place for third party interests and concerns to be fully understood and taken into consideration at first nation government to provincial government negotiating tables

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Abbott, George Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation April 30, 2010

Advanced Education

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Stilwell, Moira Minister of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 1. make water conservation a priority and encourage businesses to adopt water conservation as part of their corporate policy 2. Develop COMPENSATION AND RESPONSE PROCEDURES FOR PLANT, ANIMAL AND FOOD HEALTH RELATED EMERGENCIES 3. form a committee to review B.C.'s Land Commission Act, specifically to review the objectives as specified in the Act are still appropriate; and to effectively accomplish the objectives of the Act. 4. provide fair access to tenures for the aquaculture industry 5. ensure that consultation with First Nations is appropriate and meets the needs to the industry for timely decisions

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Agriculture and Lands April 30, 2010

Colleges & Universities

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Stilwell, Moira Minister of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development April 30, 2010

Consumer Issues

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister of Housing and Social Development April 30, 2010

Economic Development and Trade

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Hansen, Colin Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 1. undertake a fundamental review of the school curriculum in concert with all stakeholders to ensure that students are being adequately prepared for the world of work; 2. ensure that small business and industry groups are provided access to schools on a regular basis to educate students to the expectations of the business community through the facilitation of events such as career fairs. 3. call for a comprehensive British Columbia literacy strategy and with the resources necessary to make a difference; and 4. increase funding levels to community literacy initiatives to ensure long term sustainability for these plans.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister MacDiarmid, Margaret Minister of Education April 30, 2010

Employment and Training

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 1. ADDRESSING BRITISH COLUMBIA¿S TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING SKILLS SHORTAGE 2. That the Provincial Government give immediate priority to developing, funding, and implementing a comprehensive Child Care Strategy for B.C. 3. Initiate a FOREIGN CREDENTIAL ASSESSMENT AND RECOGNITION service in B.C. 4. act on the recommendations included in The Chamber submission of April 10th, 2002 5. defeat Bill C-415 or any similar such restrictive legislation and that it maintain the current balance under the Canada Labour Code. 6. Reform the Human Rights Tribunal 7. Abolition of Mandatory Retirement and Age Discrimination 8. amend the Employment Standards Act 9. revise the current Occupational Health and Safety regulations to introduce a goal-based model that will allow the employer the flexibility to achieve the required safety targets 10. That WorkSafeB.C. encourage timely return to work for injured employees by improving the practices of the compensation division and the delivery of vocational rehabilitation services.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Coell, Murray Minister of Labour April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 1. invest funding to develop a carbon neutral - fossil fuel research and development stream 2. Increase the $200 million cap on ¿trade income¿ for BC Hydro immediately to $300 million; 3. Ensure that the commercial customers¿ charges for electrical service in excess of their cost of service after March 31, 2010 are properly redressed over time to eliminate the overcharging; and 4. Ensure that commercial customer rate restructuring designs are implemented on a customer revenue neutral basis, within a few %. 5. MEET B.C.¿S ENERGY NEEDS THROUGH CONSERVATION 6. REBALANCE B.C.¿S ENERGY RATES STRUCTURE 7. LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD FOR OIL AND GAS SERVICE COMPANIES

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Lekstrom, Blair Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 1. CREATE A UNIFIED PROVINCIAL-FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS 2. convene a stakeholders group to develop concrete, realistic strategies to make the land remediation program in B.C. work for the entire province. 3. develop financial incentives to induce businesses to make environmental sustainability goals; 4. create long-term policy initiatives to stimulate investment in alternative energy solutions, and; 5. calculate the environmental cost of doing business in all sectors and develop economically viable solutions for business to make environmentally sustainable choices. 6. DEVELOP HOME COLLECTION AND RECYCLING OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE RETAIL PRODUCTS 7. conduct a study and working group to achieve a long term Provincial flood prevention plan, and a dyking and/or dredging analysis for the flood endangered zones 8. work in partnership with industry to implement the collection and designation of an environmental levee to pay for the collection, storage and recycling of waste antifreeze. 9. create a program for regular maintenance of the dykes along the Fraser River estuary, and provide for regular dredging of the main channel of the Fraser River; 10. CREATE A RESPONSIVE MECHANISM TO PROTECT COMMUNITIES¿ SHARED USE OF RIVER WATERS

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Penner, Barry Minister of Environment June 8, 2010

Finances and Budgets

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: Spending 1. Starting in fiscal 2011 adopt a Smart Spending Program that; a. introduces a coordinated approach to government spending . b. continue to review all direct program spending and operating costs on a four-year cycle that does not coincide with an election year to determine the cost-effectiveness of government spending; Crown Corporations 2. introduce a taxpayer lens which would allow government to review on a cycle that is in keeping with the fundamental planning of the crown corporation, all Crown holdings to see whether taxpayers interests are better served by transferring control, in whole or in part, of a publicly owned and operated enterprise to the private sector Debt 3. Once balanced budgets are achieved, legislate a requirement that the provincial budget dedicate at least 50% of surpluses directly to debt repayment; and 4. Maintain this requirement until the total provincial taxpayer supported debt-to-GDP ratio is reduced to 10% Taxation 5. Continue with their plans to make BC one of the most tax competitive regions in the world by implement the plans laid in Budget 2010 to further reduce personal and corporate income tax and to the rates set for 2012; 6. review the impact of the HST and continue to consult with businesses, particularly those from adversely impacted sectors, in order to mitigate any negative effects of the HST; and 7. introduce targeted transitional assistance for business sectors that are adversely impacted by the added HST cost. 8. Legislate the removal of the Recapture of Input Tax Credits; and 9. Provide a provincial tax rebate or credit to tourism businesses subject to the recapture of input tax credits equal to the amount that they will be required to remit. 10. revise the Property Transfer Tax to follow the same rules as the Goods and Service Tax and exempt builders who are not the proposed ¿end users¿. 11. ENSURE THE CARBON TAX ENHANCES B.C.¿S ECONOMY 12. ensure that fuel tax rates cannot be changed without going through a public review process; and 13. work with the Federal Government to review their current tax rates and consider an indexed system so that as the price of fuel increases, the tax rate is lowered to help reduce the impact on business and consumers similar to the system used by many local governments with property taxes. 14. Develop GOVERNMENT COMPENSATION AGREEMENTS 15. REFORM THE PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX Regulation 16. give business and the public access to information that is readily available and current regarding cost and impact of regulations by publishing its regulations on its website; 17. ensure that all government departments strengthen their programs that review existing legislation and regulations pertaining to business and eliminate those measures which result in an unnecessary cost to small business (and, ultimately, the consumer);

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Hansen, Colin Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the provincial government work with the federal government to: 1. provide information and resources through the transition of the regulatory authority 2. provide fair access to tenures for the aquaculture industry 3. ensure that consultation with First Nations is appropriate and meets the needs to the industry for timely decisions 4. acknowledge the importance of the sport fishing tourism industry in fisheries management throughout BC; and support a Province-wide Steelhead Recovery Plan.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Agriculture and Lands April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 1. go beyond the recommendations of the Wright/Dumont report and permit log exports of all non-cedar species only in the Coast/Northwest transition zone where spruce/fir comprises a very small percentage of the total species mix; 2. maintain minimum fee-in-lieu fees for a least 50% of the Hemlock exported and an increasingly graduated fee-in-lieu for timber exported above 50%, based on the surplus test currently being implemented; and 3. encourage the liquidation of low-value stands and invest in silviculture to create and promote healthier and economically viable stands for the future. 4. DEVELOP A SKILLED WORKFORCE FOR A GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE VALUE-ADDED WOOD PRODUCTS INDUSTRY

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Bell, Pat Minister of Forests and Range April 30, 2010

Gaming and Lotteries

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister of Housing and Social Development April 30, 2010

Government Procurement

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Yamamoto, Naomi Minister of State for Intergovernmental Relations April 28, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 1. PRESERVATION OF MENTAL HEALTH CARE FACILITIES 2. work to create a Fitness Tax Credit Program to a maximum of $500 that encourages all Canadians, irrespective of age, to participate in sport and fitness programs. 3. Develop A COMPREHENSIVE CHRONIC DISEASE STRATEGY 4. IMPROVE EMERGENCY AND AFTER-HOURS MEDICAL SERVICES FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA 5. endorse and act upon the recommendations of The Chamber¿s 2005 report: ¿A New Vision for Health Care... Striving for Excellence.¿ 6. work with the regional health authorities to allow individual communities the flexibility to incorporate ¿made at home¿ solutions to health problems 7. develop a comprehensive human resource strategic plan for the health industry in this province 8. continue to work with parent and/or social groups to expand significantly its wellness education programs, on sexual practices, nutrition, exercise, accident prevention, and habitual use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco 9. provide further funding for research and services for the study of gerontology in order to address the problems (and opportunities) arising due to the increasing numbers of elderly citizens 10. ensure the appropriateness and effectiveness of healthcare expenditures 11. establish a Preventative Health Care Task Force

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Falcon, Kevin Minister of Health Services April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Falcon, Kevin Minister of Health Services April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 1. REPLACE BRITISH COLUMBIA¿S COMMERCIAL TENANCY ACT 2. amend the Residential Tenancy Act to allow the true flow through cost of operations to be used rather than CPI plus 2% when actual operational costs are in excess of CPI plus 2%.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister of Housing and Social Development April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Industry That the Provincial Government: 1. CREATE AN INDUSTRIAL INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT RATE 2. PROVIDE CERTAINTY TO INDUSTRY BY COMMUNICATING THE developed strategy for the protection and recovery of diminishing caribou herds in the Province

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Lekstrom, Blair Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources April 30, 2010

Information Technology

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Black, Iain Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic Development April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure April 30, 2010

Intellectual Property

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Attorney General April 30, 2010

Internal Trade

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Black, Iain Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic Development April 30, 2010

Justice and Law Enforcement

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 1. restructure social assistance payments to build in incentives to work 2. invest in increasing the provincial capacity of correctional facilities; and 3. support more severe sentencing practices for convicted drug traffickers 4. urgently address the issue of equitable police funding by developing an equitable funding program for all British Columbia municipalities; and 5. senior levels of government provide the same cost sharing to those communities using a municipal police force as to those contracting the services of the RCMP 6. address the issue of regionalization of police services in the Province of British Columbia by establishing provincial standards for the integrated delivery of police services by police forces where municipal boundaries are immediately adjacent 7. ESTABLISHING A REGISTER OF PROLIFIC OFFENDERS AND A REGISTER OF VIOLENT OFFENDERS 8. INCREASED SENTENCES FOR PROLIFIC OFFENDERS 9. Develop A NEW MODEL FOR SAFETY AND CRIME PREVENTION FOR B.C. COMMUNITIES

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Heed, Kash Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General April 30, 2010

Labour/Labour Relations

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Coell, Murray Minister of Labour April 30, 2010

Land Claims

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Abbott, George Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation April 30, 2010

Liquor Control/Alcohol

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 3. review the legislative and regulatory structure with respect to alcoholic beverage manufacture, distribution and sale in BC to ensure fairness and balance among components of the industry, including the Artisan Distillers. 4. introducing a new model, or reforming the current model, for liquor distribution and retail in the province, that recognizes the efficiencies of a competitive free-market. Analyze and clearly communicate if it costs government more to sell liquor itself than having liquor sold through private liquor outlets; 5. Address the conflicting motives between Distribution (revenue) and Control (regulation) which currently exist by separating them under different Ministries;

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister of Housing and Social Development April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 1. develop clearer direction in its mandate and purpose regarding the mineral resource with measurable goals of resource delineation, mineral production and mine openings in the Ministries Service Plan. 2. USING FINANCIAL MECHANISMS TO DEVELOP BC¿S MINERAL RESOURCES 3. rescind its ban on uranium mining 4. INVESTING IN THE INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIRED TO CAPITALISE ON BC¿S MINERAL RESOURCES 5. establish a Resource Legacy Fund in B.C. and ensure that the fund does not constitute a new tax.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Lekstrom, Blair Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources April 30, 2010

Municipal Affairs

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the provincial government: 1. embark upon a larger examination of the sustainability of our method of municipal funding with the goal of developing a more sustainable structure related to the tax-payers ability to pay; 2. provide control and oversight on the level of property taxation levied to all taxpayer groups to ensure fair and equitable taxation practices; 3. while introducing immediate relief to class four tax levels, provide equity to class four, six and one; 4. introduce a structured, clear and consistent annual reporting system to taxpayers that outlines the total cost of municipal taxes, fees and levies as well as the cost of taxes collected for other authorities by municipal governments; 5. establish a mechanism, such as a Provincial Municipal Auditor General, that allows for the continual review of local government taxation to ensure accountability and our continued competitiveness; and 6. introduce changes with definitive timetables that provide certainty for taxpayers while allowing municipalities time to adjust and to ensure a smooth transition for the taxpayers 7. create MOBILE BUSINESS LICENCE FOR ALL MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENTS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA (2010) 8. That the Provincial Government amend section 279 of the Community Charter to include a third option for instigating municipal amalgamation; that being amalgamation by order of the province. 9. DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TIME LINES 10. review its concept of regional districts and their roles and the manner in which representatives are selected. 11. allow business a greater say in municipal elections through their vote; and 12. work with The Chamber through the Community Charter process to develop legislation that includes a clear and workable legal definition for a business vote. 13. That the Provincial Government amend the Community Charter to grant municipalities options to introduce increased fees and/or taxes and innovative tax incentive programs to encourage the development and improved maintenance of vacant or derelict properties and buildings.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Bennett, Bill Minister of Community and Rural Development April 30, 2010

Privatization and Outsourcing

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Black, Iain Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic Development April 30, 2010

Regional Development

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure April 30, 2010

Science and Technology

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Black, Iain Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic Development April 30, 2010

Small Business

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

That the Provincial Government: 1. develop a short-term program to ensure access to credit through existing financial institutions for established small and micro-businesses in British Columbia. 2. ENABLE ECONOMIC RECOVERY THROUGH DEVELOPING EFFECTIVE PROCESSES FOR THE INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY SECTORS TO REACH LOCAL AND GLOBAL MARKETS 3. enhance the existing capacity for film industry education and training 4. identify, train and assist the workforce needed to support future green technologies and industries; 5. develop an action plan to implement the recommendations of the provincial Asia Pacific Strategy, Canadian Chamber of Commerce and Asia Pacific Trade Council;

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Black, Iain Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic Development April 30, 2010

Sports and Recreation

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Chong, Ida Minister of Healthy Living and Sport April 30, 2010

Taxation and Finance

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Hansen, Colin Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision


Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Krueger, Kevin Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts April 30, 2010


Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Transportation: That the Provincial Government: 1. COORDINATE A HIGHWAY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 2. CREATE AN EAST-WEST CONNECTOR BETWEEN ABBOTSFORD AIRPORT & HIGHWAY 99 3. LOBBY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO MOVE FORWARD ON OPEN SKIES POLICY 4. Commission an Island wide transportation study, identifying service gaps and opportunities for economic advancement through transportation development. 5. CREATE A SECOND VANCOUVER / SEATTLE PASSENGER TRAIN 6. consult and engage with such stakeholders in the communities that are targeted for transit infrastructure upgrades, so that, at a sufficiently early phase in the project work, the Province and stakeholders can devise the best plan that can reasonably accommodate and ease local stakeholder concerns 7. DRIVE ECONOMIC GROWTH BY IMPROVING INFRASTRUCTURE AND ACCESS TO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA 8. FACILITATE THE MOVEMENT OF GOODS AND PEOPLE BETWEEN B.C. AND ALBERTA 9. UNDERTAKE NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED IN THE PROVINCIAL INTERST 10. develop a fully costed and funded rural transport plan to look into the creation of partnerships with private companies/organizations that will financially contribute to the success of the plan 11. commit to funding transportation infrastructure investment through mechanisms that are equitable, efficient and reflect basic traffic demand management principles; and 12. create, in conjunction with business, a tolling policy on transportation infrastructure, and examine the use of tolls, and other innovative funding programs, as a sustainable funding mechanism and a key traffic demand management tool. 13. develop an integrated, multi-modal transportation vision for the Southern Interior region that builds on the ¿Okanagan Valley Transportation Corridor 14. ensure CAPITAL FUNDING STABILITY FOR BC¿S INTERNATIONAL AIRPORTS 15. EXTEND THE VICTORIA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT RUNWAY 16. develop a comprehensive transportation plan that will align a Kootenay North-South conector with the USA North Spokane HWY 395 infrastructure investment; 17. develop the Victoria marine customs pre-clearance site at Belleville International Terminal 18. ensure that the B.C. Ferries governance and financing model continues to promote operational effectiveness and efficiency 19. immediately institute the registration of motorized recreational off-road vehicles 20. Make the ALDERGROVE BORDER CROSSING OPEN 24/7

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure April 30, 2010

Workplace Literacy

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Stilwell, Moira Minister of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development April 30, 2010

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