Review Registration - Organization

This version of the registration was submitted prior to the Lobbying Transparency Act coming into force on May 4, 2020. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.

Registration ID: 556238
Submitted by lobbyist on: May 16, 2016 03:45:22 PM
Accepted by Registrar on: May 17, 2016 07:57:24 AM

Designated Filer Information

Litwin, Val  
1201 - 750 W Pender St.  
Vancouver, BC, V6C 2T8

Organization Information

BC Chamber of Commerce  
The BC Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit organization representing the interests and concerns of local Chambers of Commerce and corporate members from across the province. Through the BC Chamber of Commerce, members access benefits, partnerships, and networking opportunities. Most importantly, the BC Chamber of Commerce routinely advocates to Provincial and Federal governments on behalf of its members to ensure that their concerns are being heard. The BC Chamber of Commerce - the Voice of Business in BC - gives the business community a presence on the provincial level.
1201 - 750 W Pender St.  
Vancouver, BC, V6C 2T8

Relevant Affiliates

The client has no relevant affiliates.

Government or Government Agency Funding

The organization does not receive any funding from a government or government agency.

Other Controlling or Directing Interests

The organization has no other controlling or directing interests.

Active Registration Period

May 16, 2016  
November 12, 2016  

Organization's In-House Lobbyists


Name: Baxter, Dan
May 16, 2016  
Inactivation Date: December 7, 2016

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbying Activities

Aboriginal Affairs

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) Acknowledge and accept that the courts have given the province the right to uphold public interest rights where justified in the public interest in accordance with long-established legal principles in matters of aboriginal title; 2) Develop a plan and institutional process for how to uphold public interest rights in regards to First Nations interest; 3) develop harmonized workable regulatory processes for carrying out consultation with the aboriginal people that will amount to the regulatory schemes referred to in Haida;

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation May 16, 2016
Minister Rustad, John Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation May 16, 2016
Public Agency Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) expand D and E licenses throughout the province to include the 18 non-designated areas, not only the 10 designated areas; and 2) conduct randomized meat inspections bases on a ranking system developed by the government meat inspectors. Examples of this can be found in the food processing industry: high risk ranking equals frequent inspection, low risk ranking equals less frequent random inspection.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Agriculture May 16, 2016
Minister Letnick, Norm Minister of Agriculture May 16, 2016
Public Agency Agriculture May 16, 2016

Arts and Culture

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) work together with the B.C. Arts Council, and BC Gaming and Enforcement Branch, to institute a three year funding cycle, with appropriate reporting requirements, for arts and cultural organizations receiving core funding with the option of making additional interim applications if necessary; 2) ensure that adjudication panels deliver their decisions to organizations within 3 months of the initial application for funding; 3) undertake research, in partnership with the private sector, into the economic spin-off of the arts and culture sector in BC; and 4) develop a strategy to increase per capita funding of arts and culture to a suitable level that is affordable to B.C. taxpayers.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016
Minister Fassbender, Peter Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016
Public Agency Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) clearly define the regulation and costs of enforcement in the proposed (National Marine Conservation) area and identify the source of revenue to cover those costs; 2) not grant the authority to control routing of marine and aircraft traffic if the Marine Conservation area is enacted.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment May 16, 2016
Minister Polak, Mary Minister of Environment May 16, 2016
Public Agency Environment May 16, 2016

Economic Development and Trade

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop and implement a plan to place B.C. as a leader in all aspects of the new global green economy, the conservation and efficiency industry, clean energy and clean technology sector; 2) implement industrial, commercial and residential “green” programs, based on global best practices and based on cost-effective market implementation to support, attract and retain clean technology and renewable, sustainable energy technologies in British Columbia; 3) work with the federal government, municipal governments, the academic sector and the digital industry to identify impediments to this sector’s growth. This focus should be on improving regulatory and infrastructure requirements as the industry grows; 4) provincial and federal tax structures that develop globally competitive film, digital media and animation industries in B.C.; and 5) working with industry to identify needs and implement solutions to develop a highly skilled workforce in B.C. 6) work with municipal governments to make a provincial capital fund that British Columbia’s municipalities can access for investment in long term strategic arts and culture infrastructure for public art galleries, museums and cultural organizations; 7) conduct a review of the current arts and arts infrastructure funding structure and inequities to ensure provincial dollars are adequately distributed throughout the Province; and 8) recognize the need to provide adequate, consistent year round operational funding to public art galleries, museums and cultural organizations so they can continue to operate as the foundations and hubs for all other arts and culture activities in a community. 9) develop a plan to determine the feasibility of designating certain key forest roads that are no longer required for industrial use and would otherwise be permanently deactivated as recreation roads and trails and to develop a reasonable structure for ongoing support and funding for development, promotion and ongoing maintenance. 10) create a comprehensive provincial land use strategy, perhaps as part of an overall economic strategy for the province, that will preserve and grow high paying employment generating lands and that considers the logistic requirements and transportation corridors required to prevent rendering industrial parcels from being unusable in future. 11) work with the appropriate transportation authorities to assist and expedite B.C. port expansion approval to meet with surging demand for increased export capacity for coal (both thermal and metallurgical) and other commodities to accommodate global market requirements 12) take immediate action to review the current inventory of industrial lands in the province starting with the Lower Mainland; 13) work with industry to develop and promote public and economic policies that; a) create and encourage a better understanding of the importance of our export economy to the provincial and national interests b) address environmental concerns by committing to education and mitigation of environmental impacts.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) commence a plan to implement a province-wide approach to an electronic ballot system for the 2018 municipal election; 2) amend the appropriate legislation to allow for the option of electronic ballots in municipal elections; and 3) establish an independent technical committee to evaluate internet voting systems to ensure the Elections BC criteria are met (i.e. accessibility, ballot anonymity, individual and independent verifiability, non-reliance on trustworthiness of the voters’ device(s), one vote per voter, only count votes from eligible voters, process validation and transparency, service availability, and voter authentication and authorization).

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier May 16, 2016
Minister Clark, Christy Premier May 16, 2016
Public Agency Office of the Premier May 16, 2016

Employment and Training

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop and refine the Provincial Nominee Program in order to have employers easily access information and resources on the PNP Business Succession program; 2) decrease processing times for PNP Business Succession applications to six months or less; 3) develop enhanced monitoring guidelines. 4) identify and provide funding for similar programs created in cooperation with local Chambers of Commerce, industry, school districts and colleges offering dual credit courses in a partnership format; 5) in accordance with the Premier’s Working Group’s final recommendations, begin training British Columbians immediately for the LNG opportunity and by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the investment in training by leveraging successful government, union and private training programs. 6) increase the scope of trades curriculum in all public secondary institutions, including adding more space to classes, more trades curriculum options and increasing the number of qualified trades teachers; 7) establish more technical secondary schools by converting select public secondary schools, or creating new schools where appropriate, using current successful technical school models; 8) create appropriate infrastructure between secondary school trades curriculum, technical secondary schools, and post-secondary trades institutions to facilitate a streamlined process for students to move through their education into trades careers; 9) create appropriate infrastructure to integrate trades people as educators in secondary institutions and to educate current teachers employed as trades educators; 10) involve the BC Chamber in the current and future review of secondary education policy as representatives of BC Businesses. 11) with the federal government, place a priority on enforcement and prosecution of offenders prior to placing any further restrictions on the program. 12) with the federal government, ensure that any further changes to the TFWP reflect the needs of the economy on both a regional and a sectoral basis. 13) with the federal government, immediately provide a plan for review of the Temporary Foreign Worker program that is accompanied by an interim plan that will allow our resource communities to get back to work; 14) with the federal government, develop a labour mobility plan that will encourage Canadians to fill hospitality jobs and live and work in the Resource sector. 15) with the federal government, streamline the process for travellers who need visas and remove the obstacle of surrendering passports for visitors who pose no threat to Canada’s security; 16) with the federal government, considering low risk ways to get legitimate visitors out of the need for a visa altogether for travel to or through Canada; 17) with the federal government, expand the Transit Without Visa program; and 18) with the federal government, improve its student visa procedure to make it quicker and easier for potential international students to receive study and work visas. 19) facilitate the ability of specific industry groups to request creative responses to proven and targeted labour market needs (i.e. Through shorter BC PNP processing times or a dedicated BC PNP channel for industry groups to immediately address their concerns); 20) advocate for a higher annual nomination limit for the BC PNP; 21) ensure that adequate resources are available to maintain effective BC PNP processing times.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) remove the self-sufficiency requirements from the Clean Energy Act, to facilitate optimal beneficial energy trading with other jurisdictions; 2) remove the hard requirement that all electricity generated must be 93% clean and focus on balancing GHG emissions and B.C.’s economic objectives; 3) remove the 66% DSM target and focus on the balance between DSM and additional supply investments, in order to capture the long-term economic opportunities for both; 4) revamp the IPP purchasing process in order to enable access to more cost-effective IPP supply in the future; 5) develop plans for the next IRP to optimize the use of B.C.’s clean renewable non-firm energy and market energy for the benefit of BC’s economy; and 6) improve the BCUC’s capacities and capabilities to enable Commission deliberative consideration of more of the optimization trade-offs in energy planning than has been allowed under the CEA in recent times. 7) continue to support a responsible framework for resource development, including a world class marine tanker safety regime with enhanced marine spill response capability, and a world class terrestrial safety system. 8) provide greater clarity and specificity on B.C.’s provincial interest, commonly known as the “five conditions,” in order to provide certainty, predictability, and stability that encourage capital investment 9) engage Chambers and other organizations in project pipeline construction communities to maximize opportunities for local businesses during construction and operation of all major projects, including increased opportunities for First Nations participation. 10) that the Provincial Government work with the Federal Government to promote western access for natural resource products by: a) actively work together and with First Nations in an expeditious manner to resolve outstanding treaty negotiations to provide certainty and stability required for private investments; b) coordinate, in an expeditious manner a review of Canada's terrestrial oil spill safety regime, other international regimes and what, if anything Canada would need to do to ensure it has a world class terrestrial safety system; c) take a more proactive role in communicating facts about the provincially and federally regulated pipeline industry as well as B.C. and Canada’s safety record for shipping heavy oil.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Energy and Mines May 16, 2016
Minister Bennett, Bill Minister of Energy and Mines May 16, 2016
Public Agency Energy and Mines May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) structure or restructure waste management policies in a manner that a) reduces the expenditure of the regional government on publicly-owned facilities (if they are in direct competition with private industry); b) promotes innovation and investment by private enterprise; 2) collaborate with all members of the commercial sector to set waste reduction & diversion goals allowing the achievement of those goals through open market processes; 3) create policies and regulations that recognize new and future recycling and waste diversion technologies as secondary processing facilities (i.e. MRFs, Recycling Depots, etc.) and not as final disposal facilities (i.e. landfills, incinerators, etc.); 4) reduce, amend or annul regulations and other systemic factors that support a government monopoly or monopsony of solid waste management; 5) develop regulations in a manner that prevents the creation of government monopolies or monopsonies for solid waste management in the multi-family and ICI sector. 6) create legislation that is complementary to the federal Aquatic Invasive Species Regulation that aggressively meets the risk that invasive mussels pose to BC waters with appropriate funding and staff resources; 7) Strengthen its work with states and provinces of the PNWER to establish and defend non-contamination perimeter; 8) Ensure that BC waters remain free of invasive mussels by providing resources to implement a compulsory watercraft inspection regime; 9) Build on federal regulations, where each boat that crosses the international border needs to be inspected by CBSA and shift the three provincial roving stations to the crossings at the Alberta border. 10) create a province-wide plan to complete floodplain mapping in BC that includes updating the mapping every 10 years. 11) develop, and update every ten years, guidelines and specifications to reflect current floodplain mapping technologies and realities, improve consistency, build technical capacity to support utilization of a broader suite of technical tools (e.g., floodplain mapping, scenario analysis, risk assessment, etc.) and stress the need to integrate climate change into planning. 12) create a task force to determine if there is a need for a provincial policy around limiting building on designated floodplains. 13) implement regulatory oversight for these programs through BCUC or other suitable regulatory framework. 14) Sign an agreement to negotiate with the federal government that will conclude a fair and equitable feasibility process to determine the economic impact of a national park in the South Okanagan-Lower Similkameen. 15) bring B.C.’s emission reduction targets to reconcile B.C.’s economic policy and GHG policy; 16) revise the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Act and related legislation to focus on optimizing the cost effectiveness of greenhouse gas reductions and on setting targets based on realistic GHG intensity measures, while planning to adopt innovative technology as it becomes feasible. 17) hold Metro Vancouver to the priorities approved in the ISWRMP; 18) keep the authority focus of regional districts to the management of waste disposal to allow the private sector to optimize the upstream activities with the goals of; a) keeping waste reduction options economically viable through private sector competition and innovation, b) stimulating a growing BC green sector and new jobs independent of tax subsidies. 19) work with all regional districts to develop policy environments that stimulate the engagement of the private sector and its solutions to address waste reduction strategies; 20) establish a results based approach to ensure disposal bans and diversion targets are adhered to at disposal facilities. 21) develop a comprehensive Brownfield policy and implementation strategy; 22) establish Brownfield pilot projects in selected communities with known concentrations of sites requiring remediation.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment May 16, 2016
Minister Polak, Mary Minister of Environment May 16, 2016
Public Agency Environment May 16, 2016

Finances and Budgets

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) all infrastructure projects implement value-for-money assessment during the planning stage; 2) municipalities without a public-private partnership strategy use the Capital Asset Management Framework, or similar program, as a guide for value-money-assessment.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Public Agency Finance May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) encourage alternative forest product uses. Policies should encourage uses for residual chips and other by-products that are being generated from pine beetle harvesting and lumber production, which could include energy generation and alternative wood products as well as ongoing supply for the pulp and paper sector. Similarly, after taking into account that opportunities for lumber production will continue for a longer period than previously forecast, policies should encourage alternative uses for timber that can’t be converted to lumber. In both cases, the primary target for these policies and new uses should be roadside debris and standing dead timber, as these are significant sources of fibre that, if used in alternative products, should not adversely affect supply for existing forest products; 2) promote new opportunities without undermining existing rights. The foregoing policies should promote new opportunities, uses and investment without undermining existing rights by, in part, encouraging private sector solutions that do not require new rights to be issued by Government or, where new rights are issued by Government, by avoiding the creation of overlapping tenures on the same land base. 3) create incentives for new entrants and existing firms to invest capital in manufacturing facilities aimed at making products from second growth timber. Such incentives would include investment tax credits on plant and equipment purchases, employment incentives, lower municipal taxation, and reduced logging tax rates; 4) foster diversification and increased markets for logs through competitive bids and new tenure opportunities or diversification. Encourage the extraction of lower value timber from cut blocks through stumpage rates that reflect the market value of lower value timber or other incentives to fully utilize the coastal timber profile. 5) assist new tenure holders such as First Nations and communities, to facilitate development and harvesting of their tenures and develop mechanisms to put up competitively bid sales on these tenures that could possibly be included as additional evidence of market value in the stumpage system; 6) not subsume the BC Timber Sales Program into the Government’s regulatory and policy arm but, rather, must as an independent enterprise; 7) include as key components of its commercial forest reserve initiative: a) implementation of the reserve to enhance the protection of the commercial forest landbase generally, not for the purpose of favouring certain new licenses over others, including those portions of the landbase subject to existing forest tenures; and 8) bring the 9 year policy development period to an end by implementing this new policy as soon as practicable. 9) enhance the competitiveness of all forest products manufacturing facilities through improved taxation and revenue sharing arrangements at all levels of government; 10) enhance the competitiveness of secondary industries through training targeted at the value-added industries in business and financial planning and similar skills for entrepreneurs;

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations May 16, 2016
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations May 16, 2016
Public Agency Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations May 16, 2016

Gaming and Lotteries

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) amend the gaming regulations to allow not-for-profit business organizations who activities benefit the community to be eligible for gaming event licenses. 2) Implement a process whereby: a) Approved charitable and non-profit programs with longer term programming can apply for three year funding commitments; b) Where funds are distributed annually; and c) The organization would still be subject to annual reporting of their compliance before receiving the annual grant.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Public Agency Finance May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) explore partnerships with private investment to create mental health and addictions service facilities and other infrastructure to increase the capacity of community mental health and addictions services; 2) commit to developing further physical and systematic infrastructure designed support mental health and addictions services and increase collaboration between private and community organizations in order to increase capacity of community mental health and addictions services; and 3) evaluate and adjust the current structure of the delivery of community mental health and addictions services across the public, private and non-profit sectors in order to maximize efficiency of delivery and implement best practices. 4) amend the Physicians Master Agreement and Alternative Payment Subsidiary Agreement to allow Doctors to individually choose the method of payment that they will receive for their work; and that that choice be subject to a renewal term to allow for terms of payment to be amended in accordance with the individuals professional and personal aspirations; and 5) provide support to local governments and health authorities to provide publicly owned and operated clinic space for doctors in rural communities.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Health May 16, 2016
Minister Lake, Terry Minister of Health May 16, 2016
Public Agency Health May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop and implement through legislation and regulations an approach to phasing out rent controls, such that tenants are treated fairly and landlords can count on receiving reasonable rental income for their property; 2) maintain rental regulations for ensuring fair treatment of tenants and work with the industry to streamline dispute resolution mechanisms for tenants and landlords; and 3) work with the rental housing industry to enable and facilitate programs to manage cases of serious tenant hardship resulting from fair and reasonable rental increases.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister Responsible for Housing May 16, 2016
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister Responsible for Housing May 16, 2016
Public Agency Minister Responsible for Housing May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) encourage the presentation of proposals to construct Natural Gas Electric Generation facilities adjacent to pipelines and associated communities; and 2) enable the development of consumer and commercial ready Natural Gas fueled vehicles and associated infrastructure to supply them.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Natural Gas Development May 16, 2016
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister of Natural Gas Development May 16, 2016
Public Agency Natural Gas Development May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) with the objective of facilitating permit approval for vehicle combinations and loads up to 85 metric tonnes, upgrade infrastructure on existing routes designated as heavy haul corridors where specific impediments exist and on routes that are of interest to industry requirements but are currently not designated as heavy haul corridors; 2) work with the Federal Government and airports around the province to develop a long term strategic plan to guide future investments in the province’s airport infrastructure with guidelines and criteria established for spending on airport infrastructure. 3) work with the Government of Canada to ensure funding is in place in a sustainable consistent manner that accrues to our communities for infrastructure improvements and upgrades required by new regulations and standards; 4) execute as quickly as possible upon notice of federal funding, the necessary of Provincial-Federal agreements and ensure funds follow to our communities as quickly as possible; 5) provide financial support for our communities to report on the condition and replacement needs of infrastructure. Through conditions on grant programs, require our communities to undertake asset management programs and strategy and develop long term financial plans to support infrastructure sustainability.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016
Minister Stone, Todd Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016

Justice and Law Enforcement

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) amend the Safe Streets Act to add pay parking stations, suggestion as follows: a. have section 3 (2)(b) read "solicits a person who is using, or waiting to use a pay telephone, a pay parking station or a public toilet facility"; b. have section 3 (3)(a) read "in the case of subsection (2) (a) to (c) the automated teller machine, pay telephone, pay parking station, public toilet facility entrance or commercial passenger vehicle marker, as applicable"; 2) amend the Safe Streets Act to add sidewalk patios, suggestion as follows: a. add section 3 (2)(f) to read "soliciting a person who is within a designated sidewalk patio area."; b. have section 3 (3)(a) read "in the case of subsection (2) (a) to (c) and (f), the automated teller machine, pay telephone, pay parking station, public toilet facility entrance or commercial passenger vehicle marker or sidewalk patio, as applicable"; 3) address the issue of equitable police funding by developing an equitable funding program for all B.C. municipalities; and 4) ensure senior levels of government provide the same cost sharing to those communities using a municipal police force as to those contracting the services of the RCMP. 5) establish provincial standards for the integrated delivery of police services by police forces where municipal boundaries are immediately adjacent; and 6) where necessary, legislate amalgamation of police services in areas where established standards are not being met and where uniformity would benefit service delivery and public safety. 7) adopt a methodology for appointing a fixed number of Provincial Court Judges as soon as possible and commit to appointing the required number of judges by no later than January 1, 2015; 8) commit to increased, long term, stable funding for the Court Services Branch; 9) commit to increased long term stable funding for the Legal Services Society and increase legal aid funding in British Columbia to the national per capita average, as resources allow; and 10) continue to work with the courts and other justice sector participants to develop efficiencies within the justice system.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General May 16, 2016
Staff of Minister Minister of Justice and Attorney General May 16, 2016
Minister Anton, Suzanne Minister of Justice and Attorney General May 16, 2016
Minister Morris, Mike Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General May 16, 2016
Public Agency Justice May 16, 2016
Public Agency Public Safety May 16, 2016

Labour/Labour Relations

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) introduce no increases to the minimum wage beyond increases that are approximate to CPI; 2) commit to the publication of a Minimum Wage Fact Sheet to ensure the public are aware of who earns minimum wage; and 3) work with provincial counterparts to develop a consultation mechanism on minimum wage increases. 4) During periods of recession, the minimum wage remains frozen, not just until economic growth resumes but until the inflation index has caught up (or returned) to its pre-recession point; 5) Ensure that the Minister retains the ability to overrule the regulation and freeze the minimum wage if economic circumstances warrant it. 6) Work with the Alberta government to harmonize British Columbia’s Employment Standards Act with those in Alberta’s Employment Standards code; 7) Then seek harmonization with other provinces.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) make the BC-MFTS program permanent or, at minimum, extend the program for an additional three years. The Government should implement a temporary increase in the deduction gross-up to 125% for development spending and 150% for exploration spending to flow-through share financing, and increase the associated tax credit of eligible costs from 20 to 30% 2) expand flow-through eligibility to include both surface and underground greenfield and brownfield exploration and development expenditure; 3) make the BC Mineral Exploration Tax Credit permanent. 4) reinstate BCGS’s annual funding to at least the $5 million level, plus additional funds to cover expensive field costs and the costs to attract expertise in today’s competitive market; 5) reinvest another $20 million in Geoscience BC with the mandate, as before, to leverage these funds with funds from industry and other government agencies. 6) conduct a full and comprehensive mineral potential analysis of land under consideration for withdrawal from mineral exploration and development, including a full socioeconomic impact assessment of foregone resource values and opportunities before any additional lands are closed to mineral exploration; 7) provide full and fair market compensation in a timely manner when mineral claims, tenures and leases become closed to exploration and development; 8) rebuild the Ministry of Energy and Mines, including reincorporation of First Nations Consultation, by allocating an additional $10,000,000 annually to address permitting and regulatory issues in a timely manner; 9) undertake a process review of Mines Act permitting focused on finding efficiencies and improving the single window into government; 10) Monitor, track and publicly report accurately on the statistics regarding BC’s actual land use and access, including mineral exploration and mining; 11) consider opening lands currently closed to compensate for newly created protected or restricted access lands; 12) respect existing multi-sector negotiated land use plans. 13) provide increased and sustained base funding for the BCGS to at least 2008 levels, maintain staff of five regional geologists and conduct field programs to improve the public’s and industry’s understanding of BC’s mineral development potential, and to ensure the agency is able to continue their work of providing geoscientific information about our resources to government and to industry and the public; 14) upgrade and update MTO and MapPlace. 15) Ensure that the BC Geological Survey Branch personnel remain directly involved in maintaining and managing MapPlace; 16) Expedite the launch of the new revised MapPlace so that it is available to explorationists for the 2015 season. 17) Enact the proposed changes to the right offering regime; 18) Expedite the implementation of the new regime to enable issuers to raise necessary funds as soon as possible. 19) support programs that promote and encourage implementation of Buy BC programs such as LNG-Buy BC, vendor registration and vendor boot camps; 20) create and implement a registration system shared by all regulatory bodies; and 21) strike a committee including government, industry, and business leaders to discuss the possibility of creating regulations around disclosure of camp requirements during the project exploration and development permit phase. 22) develop sound public and economic policies that fosters B.C.’s steel-making coal mining industry.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Energy and Mines May 16, 2016
Minister Bennett, Bill Minister of Energy and Mines May 16, 2016
Public Agency Energy and Mines May 16, 2016

Municipal Affairs

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) remove all barriers to improvement districts receiving equal and direct access to federal and provincial grant funding; 2) enable improvement districts to access capital funding without ownership of their system shifting to regional districts. 3) undertake a local government/regional governance review, when at least one of the municipalities making up at least 50% of the regional population or 50% of the assessment base within a region, requests such a review; 4) Include an option to instigate municipal restructuring by order of the province where a clear benefit exists. 5) Modernize the regional district legislation; 6) Eliminate the conflict between municipal government and regional government through direct election and a prohibition from holding a seat on both bodies; 7) Consider assigning authorities to regional districts without need for agreements, particularly in the areas of waste management, water services, regional transportation and protective services. 8) Initiate a collaborative review process to examine ways to increase the efficiency of local municipal governments and improve the fairness of the business tax burden 9) develop a benchmarking system that outlines core services that are applicable across municipalities of every size, of every economic base and of all regions of the province; 10) develop core metrics based on appropriate measures that allow for cross-municipal comparisons; 11) develop for all non-core business activities projects and activities undertaken by a municipality, a cost/benefit evaluation of taxpayers equity be required to be published annually; 12) develop a mechanism to determine if the use of in-camera meetings and FOI refusals is appropriate in specific cases raised by members of the public, without the formal procedure now required in the case of FIOPPA; 13) develop an expanded scope for the Municipal Auditor General to review the quality of benchmarking and cost benefit evaluations being made public. 14) introduce a business vote where the business owner does not reside in the same municipality where the business property is located. 15) Introduce a robust ongoing monitoring program to ensure that its Community Amenity Contributions: Balancing Community Planning, Public Benefits and Housing Affordability Guide is being followed; and report its findings every year; 16) Create legislation on CACs and similar mechanisms; 17) Develop with stakeholders a detailed Best Practices Guide for CACs and density bonusing similar to the Provincial Development Cost Charge Best Practices Guide that would support the above legislative framework. 18) conduct an independent study of urban and rural regional governance models to identify best practices and efficiencies and determine the feasibility of implementing those in BC 19) adopt a Community Benefit Legacy Policy that meets the needs of business and communities. 20) provide control and oversight on the level of property taxation levied to all taxpayer groups to ensure fair and equitable taxation practices; 21) introduce a structured, clear and consistent annual reporting system to taxpayers that outlines the total cost of municipal taxes, fees and levies as well as the cost of taxes collected for other authorities by municipal governments; 22) introduce changes with definitive timetables that provide certainty for taxpayers while allowing municipalities time to adjust and to ensure a smooth transition for the taxpayers. 23) establish reasonable timelines and focused guidelines for the approval or rejection of development permits by local governments; 24) provide standard requirements for the submission of development permits to local government such as specific drawing requirements, traffic survey, etc; 25) provide standard criteria for local governments on which to approve development permit applications; 26) provide an appeal process for the applicant, should a local government fail to meet the requirements as specified in the Act.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016
Minister Fassbender, Peter Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016
Public Agency Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) investigate and implement a cross-linked application process to enable those with recognized disabilities to have access to both the PWD and DTC under one application; 2) review all existing recipients of PWD to determine eligibility of the DTC based on timing of the last tested application; and 3) review other provincial programs that would also result in automatic DTC eligibility.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation May 16, 2016
Minister Stilwell, Michelle Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation May 16, 2016
Public Agency Social Development and Social Innovation May 16, 2016

Regional Development

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) Bring together a task group of relevant stakeholders to develop a holistic strategy to address the long term funding and management requirement necessary to maintain, protect and further improve the lower Fraser River; 2) Charge this task group with responsibility for developing a comprehensive plan, addressing but not limited to flood protection, navigation management, sea level rise, and agriculture and industrial land enhancement within the lower Fraser River and ensure the plan includes consideration for the role that the Fraser River can play in further development of the Asia-Pacific Gateway strategy. 3) Create a comprehensive long-term plan for flood protection and control on the Fraser River. 4) establish a long-term strategy for maintenance of the Fraser River flood control systems that includes consideration for the growth and viability of the economies that are built around the river; 5) establish and maintain funding agreements that will support the upgrading and maintenance of dyking, dredging, navigation and environmental stewardship along all obligatory areas of the Fraser River; 6) create and maintain a central Fraser River authority that will manage and support flood control along the banks of the Fraser River.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier May 16, 2016
Minister Clark, Christy Premier May 16, 2016
Public Agency Office of the Premier May 16, 2016

Small Business

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) Proactively conduct data/revenue analysis for municipalities in defined regions to assist with implementation and creation of new Mobile Business License programs, as well as analysis of existing programs; 2) Merge existing Mobile Business License programs, such as the four current programs in the Lower Mainland region, into expanded regional Mobile Business License programs; and 3) Explore an expanded list of eligible mobile businesses to provide access to a broader range of sectors. 4) Give business and the general public access to information that is currently not readily available or current, by publishing its regulations an cost impacts to business on its website; 5) Must be proactive in developing a mechanism for providing qualitative analysis through the publication of regulatory indicators to better measure the cumulative administrative and compliance cost on business, and SMEs in particular, from regulation; 6) Ensure all government departments strengthen their programs that review existing legislation and regulations pertaining to business and eliminate those measures which result in an unnecessary cost to small business; 7) Introduce a risk-based approach to regulation that ensures scarce resources are not used to inspect, request or access data from companies that are low risk or operating in a safe regulatory regime. 8) expand the scope of the existing government backed vendor financing programs (such as the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program, Employee Share Ownership Program) so that existing or potential owners of SMEs may access funds to facilitate the various aspects of succession planning including capital funds for purchase of a SME business; 9) expand the scope of existing small business financing programs (such as Canadian Small Business Financing Program) to incorporate succession planning as a legitimate reason for business financing; 10) offer succession planning tax credits for business owners who have created and fulfilled an SME succession; 11) expand the scope of the current tax based incentives (such as the Succession Employee Share Ownership Plan) to include unincorporated businesses, and instances where successors buy corporate assets rather than shares; and 12) create a task force in partnership with business and government to develop and implement a program that will facilitate the efficient transition of SMEs through succession planning. 13) develop clear timeframes for defined regions to introduce Mobile Business License programs; 14) recognize that Mobile Business License programs are an interim step and that the provincial government develop a plan, including timelines, for the introduction of a Single Provincial Business License program.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction May 16, 2016
Minister Oakes, Coralee Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction May 16, 2016
Public Agency Small Business and Red Tape Reduction May 16, 2016

Taxation and Finance

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop a full and comprehensive means of measuring the overall corporate and individual tax burden on a provincial and municipal basis; 2) work with other provinces and the federal government to create a consistent measure of the overall tax burden on a provincial and municipal basis; and 3) commit to a provincial dialogue on tax in B.C. to determine what is the appropriate mix and type of taxes, fees and levies needed to pay for government’s programs and services. 4) Explore the creation of stakeholder engagement models that can be used during the proposal and implementation of major taxation initiatives. 5) increase the 1% PTT threshold from $200,000 to $600,000 (being current average market value), with 2% applying to the remainder of the fair market value; 6) continually index the 1% PTT threshold and First Time Home Buyers Exemptions using Statistics Canada’s New Housing Price, and make adjustments annually to account for inflation; 7) introduce mechanisms to eliminate double taxation when properties are transferred between common owners; 8) amend the current Property Transfer Tax Act to provide for a new Primary Residence Grant; 9) introduce a new Property Transfer Tax rate of a minimum of 2% of the property purchase price for all residential property in B.C. bought by non-residents of Canada or corporations controlled by non-residents. 10) Introduce no new tax credits under the auspices of the revenue neutral carbon tax; 11) Begin a process to return the revenue neutrality measures of the carbon tax to broad based reductions in B.C.’s personal and business taxes. 12) extend the small business tax benefit to credit unions permanently; and 13) Implement the permanent carbon grant program for agricultural producers and greenhouse growers and the exemption from the same coloured fuels using Carbon Tax revenues. 14) provide a fully refundable investment tax credit claimed on businesses’ income tax returns equal to the PST paid on all acquisitions of machinery and equipment (including computers and software) but excluding buildings and structures with a capital cost allowance rate of 5 per cent or less; 15) commit to a dialogue with British Columbians on the development of a made-in-BC Value Added Sales Tax system to enhance BC’s competitiveness and productivity. 16) provide PST exemptions on all agricultural goods and services that are zero-rated under the GST system.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Public Agency Finance May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) create a formula funding model that links transfers to Destination BC with a proportion of provincial sales tax revenues collected from tourism activities; 2) ensure this formula is performance-based, in keeping with the Taxpayer Accountability Principles; and 3) protect this performance-based formula funding through legislation.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop an online permit application process which also allows for amendments to be filed on an existing permit in real time; 2) develop a more close alignment of respective permit policies, for heavy, oversized loads, within the western provinces to better facilitate through movement of cargo; 3) extend the timeframe to purchase extraordinary permits greater than 85 tonnes from 48 hours to 14 days; 4) consider establishing an additional alternate provincial control office at a more central location with the province with the view that such could contribute to greater efficiency and reduce untimely delays in securing and expediting permit applications which should be applied with greater consistency. 5) institute an official inquiry into the intricacies of the employment of union and non-union truckers under conflicting conditions; 6) explore “best practices” of trucking employment in other comparable port jurisdictions recognized for stable trucking employment; 7) reverse and defer any service reductions to any BC Ferries routes until adequate economic impact studies are completed. 8) require BC Ferries to complete a formal and independent 3rd party conducted, economic impact study prior to the closing or severely reducing service; 9) issue a letter of intent to engage BC Ferries in review of existing cost structure & efficiency of all existing routes. 10) designate 16th Avenue as a Provincial Highway to connect Highway 1/Abbotsford Airport with Highway 99; 11) commence property acquisition required to widen 16th Avenue to a 4-lane highway; 12) develop natural gas transportation policy with the objective of more rapidly transforming the heavy-duty trucking, marine and rail transport markets; 13) with the federal government, require railways to disclose records & history of all scheduled delivery dates including all changes to dates, as permitted under section 50 of the CTA, to more accurately reflect actual service delivery performance; 14) with the federal government, strengthen the act to require railways to ensure and demonstrate community input into railway actions resulting in service disruptions, closures or abandonments. 15) Require railways to seek regulatory approval before deciding to cut service to communities and provide affected parties with the ability to provide information as interveners. 16) add a seventh guiding principle; “Maintain affordable rates to protect the interests of ratepayers, users and communities.” 17) create actual minimum service levels for each route that balance each individual community’s needs with preventing negative economic impact; 18) broaden BC Ferries mandate to “connecting communities;” 19) implement cost saving efficiencies such as contracting out service, terminal rationalization and passenger ferry service; 20) direct an appropriate agency within the province to accept responsibility for the management of operation of its highway system; 21) develop protocols which require agencies to have definitive operational plans to rapidly clear incident areas or when appropriate invoke alternate traffic management situation plans to effectively offset the effects of major roadway blockages; 22) develop, through the responsible agency, highway and road incident management exercises, involving all appropriate agencies dedicated to implementing the management plan, to ensure a high standard of real life execution. 23) adjust Government imposed fees, taxes and charges to improve Canada’s air price competitiveness. 24) create and implement a regional transportation authority for Greater Victoria; 25) commit to funding transportation infrastructure through mechanisms that are equitable, efficient, and reflect basic traffic demand management principles; 26) create a road pricing strategy as a foundation for sustainable regional transportation funding.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016
Minister Stone, Todd Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016

Name: Kirkbride, Maureen
May 16, 2016  
Inactivation Date: September 1, 2016

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbying Activities

Aboriginal Affairs

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) Acknowledge and accept that the courts have given the province the right to uphold public interest rights where justified in the public interest in accordance with long-established legal principles in matters of aboriginal title; 2) Develop a plan and institutional process for how to uphold public interest rights in regards to First Nations interest; 3) develop harmonized workable regulatory processes for carrying out consultation with the aboriginal people that will amount to the regulatory schemes referred to in Haida;

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation May 16, 2016
Minister Rustad, John Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation May 16, 2016
Public Agency Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) expand D and E licenses throughout the province to include the 18 non-designated areas, not only the 10 designated areas; and 2) conduct randomized meat inspections bases on a ranking system developed by the government meat inspectors. Examples of this can be found in the food processing industry: high risk ranking equals frequent inspection, low risk ranking equals less frequent random inspection.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Agriculture May 16, 2016
Minister Letnick, Norm Minister of Agriculture May 16, 2016
Public Agency Agriculture May 16, 2016

Arts and Culture

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) work together with the B.C. Arts Council, and BC Gaming and Enforcement Branch, to institute a three year funding cycle, with appropriate reporting requirements, for arts and cultural organizations receiving core funding with the option of making additional interim applications if necessary; 2) ensure that adjudication panels deliver their decisions to organizations within 3 months of the initial application for funding; 3) undertake research, in partnership with the private sector, into the economic spin-off of the arts and culture sector in BC; and 4) develop a strategy to increase per capita funding of arts and culture to a suitable level that is affordable to B.C. taxpayers.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016
Minister Fassbender, Peter Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016
Public Agency Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) clearly define the regulation and costs of enforcement in the proposed (National Marine Conservation) area and identify the source of revenue to cover those costs; 2) not grant the authority to control routing of marine and aircraft traffic if the Marine Conservation area is enacted.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment May 16, 2016
Minister Polak, Mary Minister of Environment May 16, 2016
Public Agency Environment May 16, 2016

Economic Development and Trade

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop and implement a plan to place B.C. as a leader in all aspects of the new global green economy, the conservation and efficiency industry, clean energy and clean technology sector; 2) implement industrial, commercial and residential “green” programs, based on global best practices and based on cost-effective market implementation to support, attract and retain clean technology and renewable, sustainable energy technologies in British Columbia; 3) work with the federal government, municipal governments, the academic sector and the digital industry to identify impediments to this sector’s growth. This focus should be on improving regulatory and infrastructure requirements as the industry grows; 4) provincial and federal tax structures that develop globally competitive film, digital media and animation industries in B.C.; and 5) working with industry to identify needs and implement solutions to develop a highly skilled workforce in B.C. 6) work with municipal governments to make a provincial capital fund that British Columbia’s municipalities can access for investment in long term strategic arts and culture infrastructure for public art galleries, museums and cultural organizations; 7) conduct a review of the current arts and arts infrastructure funding structure and inequities to ensure provincial dollars are adequately distributed throughout the Province; and 8) recognize the need to provide adequate, consistent year round operational funding to public art galleries, museums and cultural organizations so they can continue to operate as the foundations and hubs for all other arts and culture activities in a community. 9) develop a plan to determine the feasibility of designating certain key forest roads that are no longer required for industrial use and would otherwise be permanently deactivated as recreation roads and trails and to develop a reasonable structure for ongoing support and funding for development, promotion and ongoing maintenance. 10) create a comprehensive provincial land use strategy, perhaps as part of an overall economic strategy for the province, that will preserve and grow high paying employment generating lands and that considers the logistic requirements and transportation corridors required to prevent rendering industrial parcels from being unusable in future. 11) work with the appropriate transportation authorities to assist and expedite B.C. port expansion approval to meet with surging demand for increased export capacity for coal (both thermal and metallurgical) and other commodities to accommodate global market requirements 12) take immediate action to review the current inventory of industrial lands in the province starting with the Lower Mainland; 13) work with industry to develop and promote public and economic policies that; a) create and encourage a better understanding of the importance of our export economy to the provincial and national interests b) address environmental concerns by committing to education and mitigation of environmental impacts.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) commence a plan to implement a province-wide approach to an electronic ballot system for the 2018 municipal election; 2) amend the appropriate legislation to allow for the option of electronic ballots in municipal elections; and 3) establish an independent technical committee to evaluate internet voting systems to ensure the Elections BC criteria are met (i.e. accessibility, ballot anonymity, individual and independent verifiability, non-reliance on trustworthiness of the voters’ device(s), one vote per voter, only count votes from eligible voters, process validation and transparency, service availability, and voter authentication and authorization).

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier May 16, 2016
Minister Clark, Christy Premier May 16, 2016
Public Agency Office of the Premier May 16, 2016

Employment and Training

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop and refine the Provincial Nominee Program in order to have employers easily access information and resources on the PNP Business Succession program; 2) decrease processing times for PNP Business Succession applications to six months or less; 3) develop enhanced monitoring guidelines. 4) identify and provide funding for similar programs created in cooperation with local Chambers of Commerce, industry, school districts and colleges offering dual credit courses in a partnership format; 5) in accordance with the Premier’s Working Group’s final recommendations, begin training British Columbians immediately for the LNG opportunity and by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the investment in training by leveraging successful government, union and private training programs. 6) increase the scope of trades curriculum in all public secondary institutions, including adding more space to classes, more trades curriculum options and increasing the number of qualified trades teachers; 7) establish more technical secondary schools by converting select public secondary schools, or creating new schools where appropriate, using current successful technical school models; 8) create appropriate infrastructure between secondary school trades curriculum, technical secondary schools, and post-secondary trades institutions to facilitate a streamlined process for students to move through their education into trades careers; 9) create appropriate infrastructure to integrate trades people as educators in secondary institutions and to educate current teachers employed as trades educators; 10) involve the BC Chamber in the current and future review of secondary education policy as representatives of BC Businesses. 11) with the federal government, place a priority on enforcement and prosecution of offenders prior to placing any further restrictions on the program. 12) with the federal government, ensure that any further changes to the TFWP reflect the needs of the economy on both a regional and a sectoral basis. 13) with the federal government, immediately provide a plan for review of the Temporary Foreign Worker program that is accompanied by an interim plan that will allow our resource communities to get back to work; 14) with the federal government, develop a labour mobility plan that will encourage Canadians to fill hospitality jobs and live and work in the Resource sector. 15) with the federal government, streamline the process for travellers who need visas and remove the obstacle of surrendering passports for visitors who pose no threat to Canada’s security; 16) with the federal government, considering low risk ways to get legitimate visitors out of the need for a visa altogether for travel to or through Canada; 17) with the federal government, expand the Transit Without Visa program; and 18) with the federal government, improve its student visa procedure to make it quicker and easier for potential international students to receive study and work visas. 19) facilitate the ability of specific industry groups to request creative responses to proven and targeted labour market needs (i.e. Through shorter BC PNP processing times or a dedicated BC PNP channel for industry groups to immediately address their concerns); 20) advocate for a higher annual nomination limit for the BC PNP; 21) ensure that adequate resources are available to maintain effective BC PNP processing times.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) remove the self-sufficiency requirements from the Clean Energy Act, to facilitate optimal beneficial energy trading with other jurisdictions; 2) remove the hard requirement that all electricity generated must be 93% clean and focus on balancing GHG emissions and B.C.’s economic objectives; 3) remove the 66% DSM target and focus on the balance between DSM and additional supply investments, in order to capture the long-term economic opportunities for both; 4) revamp the IPP purchasing process in order to enable access to more cost-effective IPP supply in the future; 5) develop plans for the next IRP to optimize the use of B.C.’s clean renewable non-firm energy and market energy for the benefit of BC’s economy; and 6) improve the BCUC’s capacities and capabilities to enable Commission deliberative consideration of more of the optimization trade-offs in energy planning than has been allowed under the CEA in recent times. 7) continue to support a responsible framework for resource development, including a world class marine tanker safety regime with enhanced marine spill response capability, and a world class terrestrial safety system. 8) provide greater clarity and specificity on B.C.’s provincial interest, commonly known as the “five conditions,” in order to provide certainty, predictability, and stability that encourage capital investment 9) engage Chambers and other organizations in project pipeline construction communities to maximize opportunities for local businesses during construction and operation of all major projects, including increased opportunities for First Nations participation. 10) that the Provincial Government work with the Federal Government to promote western access for natural resource products by: a) actively work together and with First Nations in an expeditious manner to resolve outstanding treaty negotiations to provide certainty and stability required for private investments; b) coordinate, in an expeditious manner a review of Canada's terrestrial oil spill safety regime, other international regimes and what, if anything Canada would need to do to ensure it has a world class terrestrial safety system; c) take a more proactive role in communicating facts about the provincially and federally regulated pipeline industry as well as B.C. and Canada’s safety record for shipping heavy oil.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Energy and Mines May 16, 2016
Minister Bennett, Bill Minister of Energy and Mines May 16, 2016
Public Agency Energy and Mines May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) structure or restructure waste management policies in a manner that a) reduces the expenditure of the regional government on publicly-owned facilities (if they are in direct competition with private industry); b) promotes innovation and investment by private enterprise; 2) collaborate with all members of the commercial sector to set waste reduction & diversion goals allowing the achievement of those goals through open market processes; 3) create policies and regulations that recognize new and future recycling and waste diversion technologies as secondary processing facilities (i.e. MRFs, Recycling Depots, etc.) and not as final disposal facilities (i.e. landfills, incinerators, etc.); 4) reduce, amend or annul regulations and other systemic factors that support a government monopoly or monopsony of solid waste management; 5) develop regulations in a manner that prevents the creation of government monopolies or monopsonies for solid waste management in the multi-family and ICI sector. 6) create legislation that is complementary to the federal Aquatic Invasive Species Regulation that aggressively meets the risk that invasive mussels pose to BC waters with appropriate funding and staff resources; 7) Strengthen its work with states and provinces of the PNWER to establish and defend non-contamination perimeter; 8) Ensure that BC waters remain free of invasive mussels by providing resources to implement a compulsory watercraft inspection regime; 9) Build on federal regulations, where each boat that crosses the international border needs to be inspected by CBSA and shift the three provincial roving stations to the crossings at the Alberta border. 10) create a province-wide plan to complete floodplain mapping in BC that includes updating the mapping every 10 years. 11) develop, and update every ten years, guidelines and specifications to reflect current floodplain mapping technologies and realities, improve consistency, build technical capacity to support utilization of a broader suite of technical tools (e.g., floodplain mapping, scenario analysis, risk assessment, etc.) and stress the need to integrate climate change into planning. 12) create a task force to determine if there is a need for a provincial policy around limiting building on designated floodplains. 13) implement regulatory oversight for these programs through BCUC or other suitable regulatory framework. 14) Sign an agreement to negotiate with the federal government that will conclude a fair and equitable feasibility process to determine the economic impact of a national park in the South Okanagan-Lower Similkameen. 15) bring B.C.’s emission reduction targets to reconcile B.C.’s economic policy and GHG policy; 16) revise the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Act and related legislation to focus on optimizing the cost effectiveness of greenhouse gas reductions and on setting targets based on realistic GHG intensity measures, while planning to adopt innovative technology as it becomes feasible. 17) hold Metro Vancouver to the priorities approved in the ISWRMP; 18) keep the authority focus of regional districts to the management of waste disposal to allow the private sector to optimize the upstream activities with the goals of; a) keeping waste reduction options economically viable through private sector competition and innovation, b) stimulating a growing BC green sector and new jobs independent of tax subsidies. 19) work with all regional districts to develop policy environments that stimulate the engagement of the private sector and its solutions to address waste reduction strategies; 20) establish a results based approach to ensure disposal bans and diversion targets are adhered to at disposal facilities. 21) develop a comprehensive Brownfield policy and implementation strategy; 22) establish Brownfield pilot projects in selected communities with known concentrations of sites requiring remediation.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment May 16, 2016
Minister Polak, Mary Minister of Environment May 16, 2016
Public Agency Environment May 16, 2016

Finances and Budgets

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) all infrastructure projects implement value-for-money assessment during the planning stage; 2) municipalities without a public-private partnership strategy use the Capital Asset Management Framework, or similar program, as a guide for value-money-assessment.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Public Agency Finance May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) encourage alternative forest product uses. Policies should encourage uses for residual chips and other by-products that are being generated from pine beetle harvesting and lumber production, which could include energy generation and alternative wood products as well as ongoing supply for the pulp and paper sector. Similarly, after taking into account that opportunities for lumber production will continue for a longer period than previously forecast, policies should encourage alternative uses for timber that can’t be converted to lumber. In both cases, the primary target for these policies and new uses should be roadside debris and standing dead timber, as these are significant sources of fibre that, if used in alternative products, should not adversely affect supply for existing forest products; 2) promote new opportunities without undermining existing rights. The foregoing policies should promote new opportunities, uses and investment without undermining existing rights by, in part, encouraging private sector solutions that do not require new rights to be issued by Government or, where new rights are issued by Government, by avoiding the creation of overlapping tenures on the same land base. 3) create incentives for new entrants and existing firms to invest capital in manufacturing facilities aimed at making products from second growth timber. Such incentives would include investment tax credits on plant and equipment purchases, employment incentives, lower municipal taxation, and reduced logging tax rates; 4) foster diversification and increased markets for logs through competitive bids and new tenure opportunities or diversification. Encourage the extraction of lower value timber from cut blocks through stumpage rates that reflect the market value of lower value timber or other incentives to fully utilize the coastal timber profile. 5) assist new tenure holders such as First Nations and communities, to facilitate development and harvesting of their tenures and develop mechanisms to put up competitively bid sales on these tenures that could possibly be included as additional evidence of market value in the stumpage system; 6) not subsume the BC Timber Sales Program into the Government’s regulatory and policy arm but, rather, must as an independent enterprise; 7) include as key components of its commercial forest reserve initiative: a) implementation of the reserve to enhance the protection of the commercial forest landbase generally, not for the purpose of favouring certain new licenses over others, including those portions of the landbase subject to existing forest tenures; and 8) bring the 9 year policy development period to an end by implementing this new policy as soon as practicable. 9) enhance the competitiveness of all forest products manufacturing facilities through improved taxation and revenue sharing arrangements at all levels of government; 10) enhance the competitiveness of secondary industries through training targeted at the value-added industries in business and financial planning and similar skills for entrepreneurs;

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations May 16, 2016
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations May 16, 2016
Public Agency Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations May 16, 2016

Gaming and Lotteries

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) amend the gaming regulations to allow not-for-profit business organizations who activities benefit the community to be eligible for gaming event licenses. 2) Implement a process whereby: a) Approved charitable and non-profit programs with longer term programming can apply for three year funding commitments; b) Where funds are distributed annually; and c) The organization would still be subject to annual reporting of their compliance before receiving the annual grant.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Public Agency Finance May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) explore partnerships with private investment to create mental health and addictions service facilities and other infrastructure to increase the capacity of community mental health and addictions services; 2) commit to developing further physical and systematic infrastructure designed support mental health and addictions services and increase collaboration between private and community organizations in order to increase capacity of community mental health and addictions services; and 3) evaluate and adjust the current structure of the delivery of community mental health and addictions services across the public, private and non-profit sectors in order to maximize efficiency of delivery and implement best practices. 4) amend the Physicians Master Agreement and Alternative Payment Subsidiary Agreement to allow Doctors to individually choose the method of payment that they will receive for their work; and that that choice be subject to a renewal term to allow for terms of payment to be amended in accordance with the individuals professional and personal aspirations; and 5) provide support to local governments and health authorities to provide publicly owned and operated clinic space for doctors in rural communities.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Health May 16, 2016
Minister Lake, Terry Minister of Health May 16, 2016
Public Agency Health May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop and implement through legislation and regulations an approach to phasing out rent controls, such that tenants are treated fairly and landlords can count on receiving reasonable rental income for their property; 2) maintain rental regulations for ensuring fair treatment of tenants and work with the industry to streamline dispute resolution mechanisms for tenants and landlords; and 3) work with the rental housing industry to enable and facilitate programs to manage cases of serious tenant hardship resulting from fair and reasonable rental increases.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister Responsible for Housing May 16, 2016
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister Responsible for Housing May 16, 2016
Public Agency Minister Responsible for Housing May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) encourage the presentation of proposals to construct Natural Gas Electric Generation facilities adjacent to pipelines and associated communities; and 2) enable the development of consumer and commercial ready Natural Gas fueled vehicles and associated infrastructure to supply them.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Natural Gas Development May 16, 2016
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister of Natural Gas Development May 16, 2016
Public Agency Natural Gas Development May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) with the objective of facilitating permit approval for vehicle combinations and loads up to 85 metric tonnes, upgrade infrastructure on existing routes designated as heavy haul corridors where specific impediments exist and on routes that are of interest to industry requirements but are currently not designated as heavy haul corridors; 2) work with the Federal Government and airports around the province to develop a long term strategic plan to guide future investments in the province’s airport infrastructure with guidelines and criteria established for spending on airport infrastructure. 3) work with the Government of Canada to ensure funding is in place in a sustainable consistent manner that accrues to our communities for infrastructure improvements and upgrades required by new regulations and standards; 4) execute as quickly as possible upon notice of federal funding, the necessary of Provincial-Federal agreements and ensure funds follow to our communities as quickly as possible; 5) provide financial support for our communities to report on the condition and replacement needs of infrastructure. Through conditions on grant programs, require our communities to undertake asset management programs and strategy and develop long term financial plans to support infrastructure sustainability.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016
Minister Stone, Todd Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016

Justice and Law Enforcement

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) amend the Safe Streets Act to add pay parking stations, suggestion as follows: a. have section 3 (2)(b) read "solicits a person who is using, or waiting to use a pay telephone, a pay parking station or a public toilet facility"; b. have section 3 (3)(a) read "in the case of subsection (2) (a) to (c) the automated teller machine, pay telephone, pay parking station, public toilet facility entrance or commercial passenger vehicle marker, as applicable"; 2) amend the Safe Streets Act to add sidewalk patios, suggestion as follows: a. add section 3 (2)(f) to read "soliciting a person who is within a designated sidewalk patio area."; b. have section 3 (3)(a) read "in the case of subsection (2) (a) to (c) and (f), the automated teller machine, pay telephone, pay parking station, public toilet facility entrance or commercial passenger vehicle marker or sidewalk patio, as applicable"; 3) address the issue of equitable police funding by developing an equitable funding program for all B.C. municipalities; and 4) ensure senior levels of government provide the same cost sharing to those communities using a municipal police force as to those contracting the services of the RCMP. 5) establish provincial standards for the integrated delivery of police services by police forces where municipal boundaries are immediately adjacent; and 6) where necessary, legislate amalgamation of police services in areas where established standards are not being met and where uniformity would benefit service delivery and public safety. 7) adopt a methodology for appointing a fixed number of Provincial Court Judges as soon as possible and commit to appointing the required number of judges by no later than January 1, 2015; 8) commit to increased, long term, stable funding for the Court Services Branch; 9) commit to increased long term stable funding for the Legal Services Society and increase legal aid funding in British Columbia to the national per capita average, as resources allow; and 10) continue to work with the courts and other justice sector participants to develop efficiencies within the justice system.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Justice and Attorney General May 16, 2016
Staff of Minister Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General May 16, 2016
Minister Anton, Suzanne Minister of Justice and Attorney General May 16, 2016
Minister Morris, Mike Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General May 16, 2016
Public Agency Justice May 16, 2016
Public Agency Public Safety May 16, 2016

Labour/Labour Relations

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) introduce no increases to the minimum wage beyond increases that are approximate to CPI; 2) commit to the publication of a Minimum Wage Fact Sheet to ensure the public are aware of who earns minimum wage; and 3) work with provincial counterparts to develop a consultation mechanism on minimum wage increases. 4) During periods of recession, the minimum wage remains frozen, not just until economic growth resumes but until the inflation index has caught up (or returned) to its pre-recession point; 5) Ensure that the Minister retains the ability to overrule the regulation and freeze the minimum wage if economic circumstances warrant it. 6) Work with the Alberta government to harmonize British Columbia’s Employment Standards Act with those in Alberta’s Employment Standards code; 7) Then seek harmonization with other provinces.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) make the BC-MFTS program permanent or, at minimum, extend the program for an additional three years. The Government should implement a temporary increase in the deduction gross-up to 125% for development spending and 150% for exploration spending to flow-through share financing, and increase the associated tax credit of eligible costs from 20 to 30% 2) expand flow-through eligibility to include both surface and underground greenfield and brownfield exploration and development expenditure; 3) make the BC Mineral Exploration Tax Credit permanent. 4) reinstate BCGS’s annual funding to at least the $5 million level, plus additional funds to cover expensive field costs and the costs to attract expertise in today’s competitive market; 5) reinvest another $20 million in Geoscience BC with the mandate, as before, to leverage these funds with funds from industry and other government agencies. 6) conduct a full and comprehensive mineral potential analysis of land under consideration for withdrawal from mineral exploration and development, including a full socioeconomic impact assessment of foregone resource values and opportunities before any additional lands are closed to mineral exploration; 7) provide full and fair market compensation in a timely manner when mineral claims, tenures and leases become closed to exploration and development; 8) rebuild the Ministry of Energy and Mines, including reincorporation of First Nations Consultation, by allocating an additional $10,000,000 annually to address permitting and regulatory issues in a timely manner; 9) undertake a process review of Mines Act permitting focused on finding efficiencies and improving the single window into government; 10) Monitor, track and publicly report accurately on the statistics regarding BC’s actual land use and access, including mineral exploration and mining; 11) consider opening lands currently closed to compensate for newly created protected or restricted access lands; 12) respect existing multi-sector negotiated land use plans. 13) provide increased and sustained base funding for the BCGS to at least 2008 levels, maintain staff of five regional geologists and conduct field programs to improve the public’s and industry’s understanding of BC’s mineral development potential, and to ensure the agency is able to continue their work of providing geoscientific information about our resources to government and to industry and the public; 14) upgrade and update MTO and MapPlace. 15) Ensure that the BC Geological Survey Branch personnel remain directly involved in maintaining and managing MapPlace; 16) Expedite the launch of the new revised MapPlace so that it is available to explorationists for the 2015 season. 17) Enact the proposed changes to the right offering regime; 18) Expedite the implementation of the new regime to enable issuers to raise necessary funds as soon as possible. 19) support programs that promote and encourage implementation of Buy BC programs such as LNG-Buy BC, vendor registration and vendor boot camps; 20) create and implement a registration system shared by all regulatory bodies; and 21) strike a committee including government, industry, and business leaders to discuss the possibility of creating regulations around disclosure of camp requirements during the project exploration and development permit phase. 22) develop sound public and economic policies that fosters B.C.’s steel-making coal mining industry.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Energy and Mines May 16, 2016
Minister Bennett, Bill Minister of Energy and Mines May 16, 2016
Public Agency Energy and Mines May 16, 2016

Municipal Affairs

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) remove all barriers to improvement districts receiving equal and direct access to federal and provincial grant funding; 2) enable improvement districts to access capital funding without ownership of their system shifting to regional districts. 3) undertake a local government/regional governance review, when at least one of the municipalities making up at least 50% of the regional population or 50% of the assessment base within a region, requests such a review; 4) Include an option to instigate municipal restructuring by order of the province where a clear benefit exists. 5) Modernize the regional district legislation; 6) Eliminate the conflict between municipal government and regional government through direct election and a prohibition from holding a seat on both bodies; 7) Consider assigning authorities to regional districts without need for agreements, particularly in the areas of waste management, water services, regional transportation and protective services. 8) Initiate a collaborative review process to examine ways to increase the efficiency of local municipal governments and improve the fairness of the business tax burden 9) develop a benchmarking system that outlines core services that are applicable across municipalities of every size, of every economic base and of all regions of the province; 10) develop core metrics based on appropriate measures that allow for cross-municipal comparisons; 11) develop for all non-core business activities projects and activities undertaken by a municipality, a cost/benefit evaluation of taxpayers equity be required to be published annually; 12) develop a mechanism to determine if the use of in-camera meetings and FOI refusals is appropriate in specific cases raised by members of the public, without the formal procedure now required in the case of FIOPPA; 13) develop an expanded scope for the Municipal Auditor General to review the quality of benchmarking and cost benefit evaluations being made public. 14) introduce a business vote where the business owner does not reside in the same municipality where the business property is located. 15) Introduce a robust ongoing monitoring program to ensure that its Community Amenity Contributions: Balancing Community Planning, Public Benefits and Housing Affordability Guide is being followed; and report its findings every year; 16) Create legislation on CACs and similar mechanisms; 17) Develop with stakeholders a detailed Best Practices Guide for CACs and density bonusing similar to the Provincial Development Cost Charge Best Practices Guide that would support the above legislative framework. 18) conduct an independent study of urban and rural regional governance models to identify best practices and efficiencies and determine the feasibility of implementing those in BC 19) adopt a Community Benefit Legacy Policy that meets the needs of business and communities. 20) provide control and oversight on the level of property taxation levied to all taxpayer groups to ensure fair and equitable taxation practices; 21) introduce a structured, clear and consistent annual reporting system to taxpayers that outlines the total cost of municipal taxes, fees and levies as well as the cost of taxes collected for other authorities by municipal governments; 22) introduce changes with definitive timetables that provide certainty for taxpayers while allowing municipalities time to adjust and to ensure a smooth transition for the taxpayers. 23) establish reasonable timelines and focused guidelines for the approval or rejection of development permits by local governments; 24) provide standard requirements for the submission of development permits to local government such as specific drawing requirements, traffic survey, etc; 25) provide standard criteria for local governments on which to approve development permit applications; 26) provide an appeal process for the applicant, should a local government fail to meet the requirements as specified in the Act.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016
Minister Fassbender, Peter Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016
Public Agency Community, Sport and Cultural Development May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) investigate and implement a cross-linked application process to enable those with recognized disabilities to have access to both the PWD and DTC under one application; 2) review all existing recipients of PWD to determine eligibility of the DTC based on timing of the last tested application; and 3) review other provincial programs that would also result in automatic DTC eligibility.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation May 16, 2016
Minister Stilwell, Michelle Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation May 16, 2016
Public Agency Social Development and Social Innovation May 16, 2016

Regional Development

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) Bring together a task group of relevant stakeholders to develop a holistic strategy to address the long term funding and management requirement necessary to maintain, protect and further improve the lower Fraser River; 2) Charge this task group with responsibility for developing a comprehensive plan, addressing but not limited to flood protection, navigation management, sea level rise, and agriculture and industrial land enhancement within the lower Fraser River and ensure the plan includes consideration for the role that the Fraser River can play in further development of the Asia-Pacific Gateway strategy. 3) Create a comprehensive long-term plan for flood protection and control on the Fraser River. 4) establish a long-term strategy for maintenance of the Fraser River flood control systems that includes consideration for the growth and viability of the economies that are built around the river; 5) establish and maintain funding agreements that will support the upgrading and maintenance of dyking, dredging, navigation and environmental stewardship along all obligatory areas of the Fraser River; 6) create and maintain a central Fraser River authority that will manage and support flood control along the banks of the Fraser River.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier May 16, 2016
Minister Clark, Christy Premier May 16, 2016
Public Agency Office of the Premier May 16, 2016

Small Business

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) Proactively conduct data/revenue analysis for municipalities in defined regions to assist with implementation and creation of new Mobile Business License programs, as well as analysis of existing programs; 2) Merge existing Mobile Business License programs, such as the four current programs in the Lower Mainland region, into expanded regional Mobile Business License programs; and 3) Explore an expanded list of eligible mobile businesses to provide access to a broader range of sectors. 4) Give business and the general public access to information that is currently not readily available or current, by publishing its regulations an cost impacts to business on its website; 5) Must be proactive in developing a mechanism for providing qualitative analysis through the publication of regulatory indicators to better measure the cumulative administrative and compliance cost on business, and SMEs in particular, from regulation; 6) Ensure all government departments strengthen their programs that review existing legislation and regulations pertaining to business and eliminate those measures which result in an unnecessary cost to small business; 7) Introduce a risk-based approach to regulation that ensures scarce resources are not used to inspect, request or access data from companies that are low risk or operating in a safe regulatory regime. 8) expand the scope of the existing government backed vendor financing programs (such as the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program, Employee Share Ownership Program) so that existing or potential owners of SMEs may access funds to facilitate the various aspects of succession planning including capital funds for purchase of a SME business; 9) expand the scope of existing small business financing programs (such as Canadian Small Business Financing Program) to incorporate succession planning as a legitimate reason for business financing; 10) offer succession planning tax credits for business owners who have created and fulfilled an SME succession; 11) expand the scope of the current tax based incentives (such as the Succession Employee Share Ownership Plan) to include unincorporated businesses, and instances where successors buy corporate assets rather than shares; and 12) create a task force in partnership with business and government to develop and implement a program that will facilitate the efficient transition of SMEs through succession planning. 13) develop clear timeframes for defined regions to introduce Mobile Business License programs; 14) recognize that Mobile Business License programs are an interim step and that the provincial government develop a plan, including timelines, for the introduction of a Single Provincial Business License program.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction May 16, 2016
Minister Oakes, Coralee Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction May 16, 2016
Public Agency Small Business and Red Tape Reduction May 16, 2016

Taxation and Finance

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop a full and comprehensive means of measuring the overall corporate and individual tax burden on a provincial and municipal basis; 2) work with other provinces and the federal government to create a consistent measure of the overall tax burden on a provincial and municipal basis; and 3) commit to a provincial dialogue on tax in B.C. to determine what is the appropriate mix and type of taxes, fees and levies needed to pay for government’s programs and services. 4) Explore the creation of stakeholder engagement models that can be used during the proposal and implementation of major taxation initiatives. 5) increase the 1% PTT threshold from $200,000 to $600,000 (being current average market value), with 2% applying to the remainder of the fair market value; 6) continually index the 1% PTT threshold and First Time Home Buyers Exemptions using Statistics Canada’s New Housing Price, and make adjustments annually to account for inflation; 7) introduce mechanisms to eliminate double taxation when properties are transferred between common owners; 8) amend the current Property Transfer Tax Act to provide for a new Primary Residence Grant; 9) introduce a new Property Transfer Tax rate of a minimum of 2% of the property purchase price for all residential property in B.C. bought by non-residents of Canada or corporations controlled by non-residents. 10) Introduce no new tax credits under the auspices of the revenue neutral carbon tax; 11) Begin a process to return the revenue neutrality measures of the carbon tax to broad based reductions in B.C.’s personal and business taxes. 12) extend the small business tax benefit to credit unions permanently; and 13) Implement the permanent carbon grant program for agricultural producers and greenhouse growers and the exemption from the same coloured fuels using Carbon Tax revenues. 14) provide a fully refundable investment tax credit claimed on businesses’ income tax returns equal to the PST paid on all acquisitions of machinery and equipment (including computers and software) but excluding buildings and structures with a capital cost allowance rate of 5 per cent or less; 15) commit to a dialogue with British Columbians on the development of a made-in-BC Value Added Sales Tax system to enhance BC’s competitiveness and productivity. 16) provide PST exemptions on all agricultural goods and services that are zero-rated under the GST system.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Finance May 16, 2016
Public Agency Finance May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) create a formula funding model that links transfers to Destination BC with a proportion of provincial sales tax revenues collected from tourism activities; 2) ensure this formula is performance-based, in keeping with the Taxpayer Accountability Principles; and 3) protect this performance-based formula funding through legislation.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training May 16, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop an online permit application process which also allows for amendments to be filed on an existing permit in real time; 2) develop a more close alignment of respective permit policies, for heavy, oversized loads, within the western provinces to better facilitate through movement of cargo; 3) extend the timeframe to purchase extraordinary permits greater than 85 tonnes from 48 hours to 14 days; 4) consider establishing an additional alternate provincial control office at a more central location with the province with the view that such could contribute to greater efficiency and reduce untimely delays in securing and expediting permit applications which should be applied with greater consistency. 5) institute an official inquiry into the intricacies of the employment of union and non-union truckers under conflicting conditions; 6) explore “best practices” of trucking employment in other comparable port jurisdictions recognized for stable trucking employment; 7) reverse and defer any service reductions to any BC Ferries routes until adequate economic impact studies are completed. 8) require BC Ferries to complete a formal and independent 3rd party conducted, economic impact study prior to the closing or severely reducing service; 9) issue a letter of intent to engage BC Ferries in review of existing cost structure & efficiency of all existing routes. 10) designate 16th Avenue as a Provincial Highway to connect Highway 1/Abbotsford Airport with Highway 99; 11) commence property acquisition required to widen 16th Avenue to a 4-lane highway; 12) develop natural gas transportation policy with the objective of more rapidly transforming the heavy-duty trucking, marine and rail transport markets; 13) with the federal government, require railways to disclose records & history of all scheduled delivery dates including all changes to dates, as permitted under section 50 of the CTA, to more accurately reflect actual service delivery performance; 14) with the federal government, strengthen the act to require railways to ensure and demonstrate community input into railway actions resulting in service disruptions, closures or abandonments. 15) Require railways to seek regulatory approval before deciding to cut service to communities and provide affected parties with the ability to provide information as interveners. 16) add a seventh guiding principle; “Maintain affordable rates to protect the interests of ratepayers, users and communities.” 17) create actual minimum service levels for each route that balance each individual community’s needs with preventing negative economic impact; 18) broaden BC Ferries mandate to “connecting communities;” 19) implement cost saving efficiencies such as contracting out service, terminal rationalization and passenger ferry service; 20) direct an appropriate agency within the province to accept responsibility for the management of operation of its highway system; 21) develop protocols which require agencies to have definitive operational plans to rapidly clear incident areas or when appropriate invoke alternate traffic management situation plans to effectively offset the effects of major roadway blockages; 22) develop, through the responsible agency, highway and road incident management exercises, involving all appropriate agencies dedicated to implementing the management plan, to ensure a high standard of real life execution. 23) adjust Government imposed fees, taxes and charges to improve Canada’s air price competitiveness. 24) create and implement a regional transportation authority for Greater Victoria; 25) commit to funding transportation infrastructure through mechanisms that are equitable, efficient, and reflect basic traffic demand management principles; 26) create a road pricing strategy as a foundation for sustainable regional transportation funding.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016
Minister Stone, Todd Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure May 16, 2016

Name: Litwin, Val
September 27, 2016  
Inactivation Date: December 7, 2016

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbying Activities

Aboriginal Affairs

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) Acknowledge and accept that the courts have given the province the right to uphold public interest rights where justified in the public interest in accordance with long-established legal principles in matters of aboriginal title; 2) Develop a plan and institutional process for how to uphold public interest rights in regards to First Nations interest; 3) develop harmonized workable regulatory processes for carrying out consultation with the aboriginal people that will amount to the regulatory schemes referred to in Haida;

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation September 27, 2016
Minister Rustad, John Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation September 27, 2016
Public Agency Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) expand D and E licenses throughout the province to include the 18 non-designated areas, not only the 10 designated areas; and 2) conduct randomized meat inspections bases on a ranking system developed by the government meat inspectors. Examples of this can be found in the food processing industry: high risk ranking equals frequent inspection, low risk ranking equals less frequent random inspection.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Agriculture September 27, 2016
Minister Letnick, Norm Minister of Agriculture September 27, 2016
Public Agency Agriculture September 27, 2016

Arts and Culture

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) work together with the B.C. Arts Council, and BC Gaming and Enforcement Branch, to institute a three year funding cycle, with appropriate reporting requirements, for arts and cultural organizations receiving core funding with the option of making additional interim applications if necessary; 2) ensure that adjudication panels deliver their decisions to organizations within 3 months of the initial application for funding; 3) undertake research, in partnership with the private sector, into the economic spin-off of the arts and culture sector in BC; and 4) develop a strategy to increase per capita funding of arts and culture to a suitable level that is affordable to B.C. taxpayers.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development September 27, 2016
Minister Fassbender, Peter Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development September 27, 2016
Public Agency Community, Sport and Cultural Development September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) clearly define the regulation and costs of enforcement in the proposed (National Marine Conservation) area and identify the source of revenue to cover those costs; 2) not grant the authority to control routing of marine and aircraft traffic if the Marine Conservation area is enacted.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment September 27, 2016
Minister Polak, Mary Minister of Environment September 27, 2016
Public Agency Environment September 27, 2016

Economic Development and Trade

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop and implement a plan to place B.C. as a leader in all aspects of the new global green economy, the conservation and efficiency industry, clean energy and clean technology sector; 2) implement industrial, commercial and residential “green” programs, based on global best practices and based on cost-effective market implementation to support, attract and retain clean technology and renewable, sustainable energy technologies in British Columbia; 3) work with the federal government, municipal governments, the academic sector and the digital industry to identify impediments to this sector’s growth. This focus should be on improving regulatory and infrastructure requirements as the industry grows; 4) provincial and federal tax structures that develop globally competitive film, digital media and animation industries in B.C.; and 5) working with industry to identify needs and implement solutions to develop a highly skilled workforce in B.C. 6) work with municipal governments to make a provincial capital fund that British Columbia’s municipalities can access for investment in long term strategic arts and culture infrastructure for public art galleries, museums and cultural organizations; 7) conduct a review of the current arts and arts infrastructure funding structure and inequities to ensure provincial dollars are adequately distributed throughout the Province; and 8) recognize the need to provide adequate, consistent year round operational funding to public art galleries, museums and cultural organizations so they can continue to operate as the foundations and hubs for all other arts and culture activities in a community. 9) develop a plan to determine the feasibility of designating certain key forest roads that are no longer required for industrial use and would otherwise be permanently deactivated as recreation roads and trails and to develop a reasonable structure for ongoing support and funding for development, promotion and ongoing maintenance. 10) create a comprehensive provincial land use strategy, perhaps as part of an overall economic strategy for the province, that will preserve and grow high paying employment generating lands and that considers the logistic requirements and transportation corridors required to prevent rendering industrial parcels from being unusable in future. 11) work with the appropriate transportation authorities to assist and expedite B.C. port expansion approval to meet with surging demand for increased export capacity for coal (both thermal and metallurgical) and other commodities to accommodate global market requirements 12) take immediate action to review the current inventory of industrial lands in the province starting with the Lower Mainland; 13) work with industry to develop and promote public and economic policies that; a) create and encourage a better understanding of the importance of our export economy to the provincial and national interests b) address environmental concerns by committing to education and mitigation of environmental impacts.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) commence a plan to implement a province-wide approach to an electronic ballot system for the 2018 municipal election; 2) amend the appropriate legislation to allow for the option of electronic ballots in municipal elections; and 3) establish an independent technical committee to evaluate internet voting systems to ensure the Elections BC criteria are met (i.e. accessibility, ballot anonymity, individual and independent verifiability, non-reliance on trustworthiness of the voters’ device(s), one vote per voter, only count votes from eligible voters, process validation and transparency, service availability, and voter authentication and authorization).

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier September 27, 2016
Minister Clark, Christy Premier September 27, 2016
Public Agency Office of the Premier September 27, 2016

Employment and Training

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop and refine the Provincial Nominee Program in order to have employers easily access information and resources on the PNP Business Succession program; 2) decrease processing times for PNP Business Succession applications to six months or less; 3) develop enhanced monitoring guidelines. 4) identify and provide funding for similar programs created in cooperation with local Chambers of Commerce, industry, school districts and colleges offering dual credit courses in a partnership format; 5) in accordance with the Premier’s Working Group’s final recommendations, begin training British Columbians immediately for the LNG opportunity and by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the investment in training by leveraging successful government, union and private training programs. 6) increase the scope of trades curriculum in all public secondary institutions, including adding more space to classes, more trades curriculum options and increasing the number of qualified trades teachers; 7) establish more technical secondary schools by converting select public secondary schools, or creating new schools where appropriate, using current successful technical school models; 8) create appropriate infrastructure between secondary school trades curriculum, technical secondary schools, and post-secondary trades institutions to facilitate a streamlined process for students to move through their education into trades careers; 9) create appropriate infrastructure to integrate trades people as educators in secondary institutions and to educate current teachers employed as trades educators; 10) involve the BC Chamber in the current and future review of secondary education policy as representatives of BC Businesses. 11) with the federal government, place a priority on enforcement and prosecution of offenders prior to placing any further restrictions on the program. 12) with the federal government, ensure that any further changes to the TFWP reflect the needs of the economy on both a regional and a sectoral basis. 13) with the federal government, immediately provide a plan for review of the Temporary Foreign Worker program that is accompanied by an interim plan that will allow our resource communities to get back to work; 14) with the federal government, develop a labour mobility plan that will encourage Canadians to fill hospitality jobs and live and work in the Resource sector. 15) with the federal government, streamline the process for travellers who need visas and remove the obstacle of surrendering passports for visitors who pose no threat to Canada’s security; 16) with the federal government, considering low risk ways to get legitimate visitors out of the need for a visa altogether for travel to or through Canada; 17) with the federal government, expand the Transit Without Visa program; and 18) with the federal government, improve its student visa procedure to make it quicker and easier for potential international students to receive study and work visas. 19) facilitate the ability of specific industry groups to request creative responses to proven and targeted labour market needs (i.e. Through shorter BC PNP processing times or a dedicated BC PNP channel for industry groups to immediately address their concerns); 20) advocate for a higher annual nomination limit for the BC PNP; 21) ensure that adequate resources are available to maintain effective BC PNP processing times.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) remove the self-sufficiency requirements from the Clean Energy Act, to facilitate optimal beneficial energy trading with other jurisdictions; 2) remove the hard requirement that all electricity generated must be 93% clean and focus on balancing GHG emissions and B.C.’s economic objectives; 3) remove the 66% DSM target and focus on the balance between DSM and additional supply investments, in order to capture the long-term economic opportunities for both; 4) revamp the IPP purchasing process in order to enable access to more cost-effective IPP supply in the future; 5) develop plans for the next IRP to optimize the use of B.C.’s clean renewable non-firm energy and market energy for the benefit of BC’s economy; and 6) improve the BCUC’s capacities and capabilities to enable Commission deliberative consideration of more of the optimization trade-offs in energy planning than has been allowed under the CEA in recent times. 7) continue to support a responsible framework for resource development, including a world class marine tanker safety regime with enhanced marine spill response capability, and a world class terrestrial safety system. 8) provide greater clarity and specificity on B.C.’s provincial interest, commonly known as the “five conditions,” in order to provide certainty, predictability, and stability that encourage capital investment 9) engage Chambers and other organizations in project pipeline construction communities to maximize opportunities for local businesses during construction and operation of all major projects, including increased opportunities for First Nations participation. 10) that the Provincial Government work with the Federal Government to promote western access for natural resource products by: a) actively work together and with First Nations in an expeditious manner to resolve outstanding treaty negotiations to provide certainty and stability required for private investments; b) coordinate, in an expeditious manner a review of Canada's terrestrial oil spill safety regime, other international regimes and what, if anything Canada would need to do to ensure it has a world class terrestrial safety system; c) take a more proactive role in communicating facts about the provincially and federally regulated pipeline industry as well as B.C. and Canada’s safety record for shipping heavy oil.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Energy and Mines September 27, 2016
Minister Bennett, Bill Minister of Energy and Mines September 27, 2016
Public Agency Energy and Mines September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) structure or restructure waste management policies in a manner that a) reduces the expenditure of the regional government on publicly-owned facilities (if they are in direct competition with private industry); b) promotes innovation and investment by private enterprise; 2) collaborate with all members of the commercial sector to set waste reduction & diversion goals allowing the achievement of those goals through open market processes; 3) create policies and regulations that recognize new and future recycling and waste diversion technologies as secondary processing facilities (i.e. MRFs, Recycling Depots, etc.) and not as final disposal facilities (i.e. landfills, incinerators, etc.); 4) reduce, amend or annul regulations and other systemic factors that support a government monopoly or monopsony of solid waste management; 5) develop regulations in a manner that prevents the creation of government monopolies or monopsonies for solid waste management in the multi-family and ICI sector. 6) create legislation that is complementary to the federal Aquatic Invasive Species Regulation that aggressively meets the risk that invasive mussels pose to BC waters with appropriate funding and staff resources; 7) Strengthen its work with states and provinces of the PNWER to establish and defend non-contamination perimeter; 8) Ensure that BC waters remain free of invasive mussels by providing resources to implement a compulsory watercraft inspection regime; 9) Build on federal regulations, where each boat that crosses the international border needs to be inspected by CBSA and shift the three provincial roving stations to the crossings at the Alberta border. 10) create a province-wide plan to complete floodplain mapping in BC that includes updating the mapping every 10 years. 11) develop, and update every ten years, guidelines and specifications to reflect current floodplain mapping technologies and realities, improve consistency, build technical capacity to support utilization of a broader suite of technical tools (e.g., floodplain mapping, scenario analysis, risk assessment, etc.) and stress the need to integrate climate change into planning. 12) create a task force to determine if there is a need for a provincial policy around limiting building on designated floodplains. 13) implement regulatory oversight for these programs through BCUC or other suitable regulatory framework. 14) Sign an agreement to negotiate with the federal government that will conclude a fair and equitable feasibility process to determine the economic impact of a national park in the South Okanagan-Lower Similkameen. 15) bring B.C.’s emission reduction targets to reconcile B.C.’s economic policy and GHG policy; 16) revise the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets Act and related legislation to focus on optimizing the cost effectiveness of greenhouse gas reductions and on setting targets based on realistic GHG intensity measures, while planning to adopt innovative technology as it becomes feasible. 17) hold Metro Vancouver to the priorities approved in the ISWRMP; 18) keep the authority focus of regional districts to the management of waste disposal to allow the private sector to optimize the upstream activities with the goals of; a) keeping waste reduction options economically viable through private sector competition and innovation, b) stimulating a growing BC green sector and new jobs independent of tax subsidies. 19) work with all regional districts to develop policy environments that stimulate the engagement of the private sector and its solutions to address waste reduction strategies; 20) establish a results based approach to ensure disposal bans and diversion targets are adhered to at disposal facilities. 21) develop a comprehensive Brownfield policy and implementation strategy; 22) establish Brownfield pilot projects in selected communities with known concentrations of sites requiring remediation.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment September 27, 2016
Minister Polak, Mary Minister of Environment September 27, 2016
Public Agency Environment September 27, 2016

Finances and Budgets

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) all infrastructure projects implement value-for-money assessment during the planning stage; 2) municipalities without a public-private partnership strategy use the Capital Asset Management Framework, or similar program, as a guide for value-money-assessment.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance September 27, 2016
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Finance September 27, 2016
Public Agency Finance September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) encourage alternative forest product uses. Policies should encourage uses for residual chips and other by-products that are being generated from pine beetle harvesting and lumber production, which could include energy generation and alternative wood products as well as ongoing supply for the pulp and paper sector. Similarly, after taking into account that opportunities for lumber production will continue for a longer period than previously forecast, policies should encourage alternative uses for timber that can’t be converted to lumber. In both cases, the primary target for these policies and new uses should be roadside debris and standing dead timber, as these are significant sources of fibre that, if used in alternative products, should not adversely affect supply for existing forest products; 2) promote new opportunities without undermining existing rights. The foregoing policies should promote new opportunities, uses and investment without undermining existing rights by, in part, encouraging private sector solutions that do not require new rights to be issued by Government or, where new rights are issued by Government, by avoiding the creation of overlapping tenures on the same land base. 3) create incentives for new entrants and existing firms to invest capital in manufacturing facilities aimed at making products from second growth timber. Such incentives would include investment tax credits on plant and equipment purchases, employment incentives, lower municipal taxation, and reduced logging tax rates; 4) foster diversification and increased markets for logs through competitive bids and new tenure opportunities or diversification. Encourage the extraction of lower value timber from cut blocks through stumpage rates that reflect the market value of lower value timber or other incentives to fully utilize the coastal timber profile. 5) assist new tenure holders such as First Nations and communities, to facilitate development and harvesting of their tenures and develop mechanisms to put up competitively bid sales on these tenures that could possibly be included as additional evidence of market value in the stumpage system; 6) not subsume the BC Timber Sales Program into the Government’s regulatory and policy arm but, rather, must as an independent enterprise; 7) include as key components of its commercial forest reserve initiative: a) implementation of the reserve to enhance the protection of the commercial forest landbase generally, not for the purpose of favouring certain new licenses over others, including those portions of the landbase subject to existing forest tenures; and 8) bring the 9 year policy development period to an end by implementing this new policy as soon as practicable. 9) enhance the competitiveness of all forest products manufacturing facilities through improved taxation and revenue sharing arrangements at all levels of government; 10) enhance the competitiveness of secondary industries through training targeted at the value-added industries in business and financial planning and similar skills for entrepreneurs;

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations September 27, 2016
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations September 27, 2016
Public Agency Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations September 27, 2016

Gaming and Lotteries

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) amend the gaming regulations to allow not-for-profit business organizations who activities benefit the community to be eligible for gaming event licenses. 2) Implement a process whereby: a) Approved charitable and non-profit programs with longer term programming can apply for three year funding commitments; b) Where funds are distributed annually; and c) The organization would still be subject to annual reporting of their compliance before receiving the annual grant.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance September 27, 2016
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Finance September 27, 2016
Public Agency Finance September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) explore partnerships with private investment to create mental health and addictions service facilities and other infrastructure to increase the capacity of community mental health and addictions services; 2) commit to developing further physical and systematic infrastructure designed support mental health and addictions services and increase collaboration between private and community organizations in order to increase capacity of community mental health and addictions services; and 3) evaluate and adjust the current structure of the delivery of community mental health and addictions services across the public, private and non-profit sectors in order to maximize efficiency of delivery and implement best practices. 4) amend the Physicians Master Agreement and Alternative Payment Subsidiary Agreement to allow Doctors to individually choose the method of payment that they will receive for their work; and that that choice be subject to a renewal term to allow for terms of payment to be amended in accordance with the individuals professional and personal aspirations; and 5) provide support to local governments and health authorities to provide publicly owned and operated clinic space for doctors in rural communities.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Health September 27, 2016
Minister Lake, Terry Minister of Health September 27, 2016
Public Agency Health September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop and implement through legislation and regulations an approach to phasing out rent controls, such that tenants are treated fairly and landlords can count on receiving reasonable rental income for their property; 2) maintain rental regulations for ensuring fair treatment of tenants and work with the industry to streamline dispute resolution mechanisms for tenants and landlords; and 3) work with the rental housing industry to enable and facilitate programs to manage cases of serious tenant hardship resulting from fair and reasonable rental increases.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister Responsible for Housing September 27, 2016
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister Responsible for Housing September 27, 2016
Public Agency Minister Responsible for Housing September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) encourage the presentation of proposals to construct Natural Gas Electric Generation facilities adjacent to pipelines and associated communities; and 2) enable the development of consumer and commercial ready Natural Gas fueled vehicles and associated infrastructure to supply them.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Natural Gas Development September 27, 2016
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister of Natural Gas Development September 27, 2016
Public Agency Natural Gas Development September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) with the objective of facilitating permit approval for vehicle combinations and loads up to 85 metric tonnes, upgrade infrastructure on existing routes designated as heavy haul corridors where specific impediments exist and on routes that are of interest to industry requirements but are currently not designated as heavy haul corridors; 2) work with the Federal Government and airports around the province to develop a long term strategic plan to guide future investments in the province’s airport infrastructure with guidelines and criteria established for spending on airport infrastructure. 3) work with the Government of Canada to ensure funding is in place in a sustainable consistent manner that accrues to our communities for infrastructure improvements and upgrades required by new regulations and standards; 4) execute as quickly as possible upon notice of federal funding, the necessary of Provincial-Federal agreements and ensure funds follow to our communities as quickly as possible; 5) provide financial support for our communities to report on the condition and replacement needs of infrastructure. Through conditions on grant programs, require our communities to undertake asset management programs and strategy and develop long term financial plans to support infrastructure sustainability.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure September 27, 2016
Minister Stone, Todd Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure September 27, 2016
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure September 27, 2016

Justice and Law Enforcement

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) amend the Safe Streets Act to add pay parking stations, suggestion as follows: a. have section 3 (2)(b) read "solicits a person who is using, or waiting to use a pay telephone, a pay parking station or a public toilet facility"; b. have section 3 (3)(a) read "in the case of subsection (2) (a) to (c) the automated teller machine, pay telephone, pay parking station, public toilet facility entrance or commercial passenger vehicle marker, as applicable"; 2) amend the Safe Streets Act to add sidewalk patios, suggestion as follows: a. add section 3 (2)(f) to read "soliciting a person who is within a designated sidewalk patio area."; b. have section 3 (3)(a) read "in the case of subsection (2) (a) to (c) and (f), the automated teller machine, pay telephone, pay parking station, public toilet facility entrance or commercial passenger vehicle marker or sidewalk patio, as applicable"; 3) address the issue of equitable police funding by developing an equitable funding program for all B.C. municipalities; and 4) ensure senior levels of government provide the same cost sharing to those communities using a municipal police force as to those contracting the services of the RCMP. 5) establish provincial standards for the integrated delivery of police services by police forces where municipal boundaries are immediately adjacent; and 6) where necessary, legislate amalgamation of police services in areas where established standards are not being met and where uniformity would benefit service delivery and public safety. 7) adopt a methodology for appointing a fixed number of Provincial Court Judges as soon as possible and commit to appointing the required number of judges by no later than January 1, 2015; 8) commit to increased, long term, stable funding for the Court Services Branch; 9) commit to increased long term stable funding for the Legal Services Society and increase legal aid funding in British Columbia to the national per capita average, as resources allow; and 10) continue to work with the courts and other justice sector participants to develop efficiencies within the justice system.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General September 27, 2016
Staff of Minister Minister of Justice and Attorney General September 27, 2016
Minister Anton, Suzanne Minister of Justice and Attorney General September 27, 2016
Minister Morris, Mike Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General September 27, 2016
Public Agency Justice September 27, 2016
Public Agency Public Safety September 27, 2016

Labour/Labour Relations

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) introduce no increases to the minimum wage beyond increases that are approximate to CPI; 2) commit to the publication of a Minimum Wage Fact Sheet to ensure the public are aware of who earns minimum wage; and 3) work with provincial counterparts to develop a consultation mechanism on minimum wage increases. 4) During periods of recession, the minimum wage remains frozen, not just until economic growth resumes but until the inflation index has caught up (or returned) to its pre-recession point; 5) Ensure that the Minister retains the ability to overrule the regulation and freeze the minimum wage if economic circumstances warrant it. 6) Work with the Alberta government to harmonize British Columbia’s Employment Standards Act with those in Alberta’s Employment Standards code; 7) Then seek harmonization with other provinces.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) make the BC-MFTS program permanent or, at minimum, extend the program for an additional three years. The Government should implement a temporary increase in the deduction gross-up to 125% for development spending and 150% for exploration spending to flow-through share financing, and increase the associated tax credit of eligible costs from 20 to 30% 2) expand flow-through eligibility to include both surface and underground greenfield and brownfield exploration and development expenditure; 3) make the BC Mineral Exploration Tax Credit permanent. 4) reinstate BCGS’s annual funding to at least the $5 million level, plus additional funds to cover expensive field costs and the costs to attract expertise in today’s competitive market; 5) reinvest another $20 million in Geoscience BC with the mandate, as before, to leverage these funds with funds from industry and other government agencies. 6) conduct a full and comprehensive mineral potential analysis of land under consideration for withdrawal from mineral exploration and development, including a full socioeconomic impact assessment of foregone resource values and opportunities before any additional lands are closed to mineral exploration; 7) provide full and fair market compensation in a timely manner when mineral claims, tenures and leases become closed to exploration and development; 8) rebuild the Ministry of Energy and Mines, including reincorporation of First Nations Consultation, by allocating an additional $10,000,000 annually to address permitting and regulatory issues in a timely manner; 9) undertake a process review of Mines Act permitting focused on finding efficiencies and improving the single window into government; 10) Monitor, track and publicly report accurately on the statistics regarding BC’s actual land use and access, including mineral exploration and mining; 11) consider opening lands currently closed to compensate for newly created protected or restricted access lands; 12) respect existing multi-sector negotiated land use plans. 13) provide increased and sustained base funding for the BCGS to at least 2008 levels, maintain staff of five regional geologists and conduct field programs to improve the public’s and industry’s understanding of BC’s mineral development potential, and to ensure the agency is able to continue their work of providing geoscientific information about our resources to government and to industry and the public; 14) upgrade and update MTO and MapPlace. 15) Ensure that the BC Geological Survey Branch personnel remain directly involved in maintaining and managing MapPlace; 16) Expedite the launch of the new revised MapPlace so that it is available to explorationists for the 2015 season. 17) Enact the proposed changes to the right offering regime; 18) Expedite the implementation of the new regime to enable issuers to raise necessary funds as soon as possible. 19) support programs that promote and encourage implementation of Buy BC programs such as LNG-Buy BC, vendor registration and vendor boot camps; 20) create and implement a registration system shared by all regulatory bodies; and 21) strike a committee including government, industry, and business leaders to discuss the possibility of creating regulations around disclosure of camp requirements during the project exploration and development permit phase. 22) develop sound public and economic policies that fosters B.C.’s steel-making coal mining industry.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Energy and Mines September 27, 2016
Minister Bennett, Bill Minister of Energy and Mines September 27, 2016
Public Agency Energy and Mines September 27, 2016

Municipal Affairs

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) remove all barriers to improvement districts receiving equal and direct access to federal and provincial grant funding; 2) enable improvement districts to access capital funding without ownership of their system shifting to regional districts. 3) undertake a local government/regional governance review, when at least one of the municipalities making up at least 50% of the regional population or 50% of the assessment base within a region, requests such a review; 4) Include an option to instigate municipal restructuring by order of the province where a clear benefit exists. 5) Modernize the regional district legislation; 6) Eliminate the conflict between municipal government and regional government through direct election and a prohibition from holding a seat on both bodies; 7) Consider assigning authorities to regional districts without need for agreements, particularly in the areas of waste management, water services, regional transportation and protective services. 8) Initiate a collaborative review process to examine ways to increase the efficiency of local municipal governments and improve the fairness of the business tax burden 9) develop a benchmarking system that outlines core services that are applicable across municipalities of every size, of every economic base and of all regions of the province; 10) develop core metrics based on appropriate measures that allow for cross-municipal comparisons; 11) develop for all non-core business activities projects and activities undertaken by a municipality, a cost/benefit evaluation of taxpayers equity be required to be published annually; 12) develop a mechanism to determine if the use of in-camera meetings and FOI refusals is appropriate in specific cases raised by members of the public, without the formal procedure now required in the case of FIOPPA; 13) develop an expanded scope for the Municipal Auditor General to review the quality of benchmarking and cost benefit evaluations being made public. 14) introduce a business vote where the business owner does not reside in the same municipality where the business property is located. 15) Introduce a robust ongoing monitoring program to ensure that its Community Amenity Contributions: Balancing Community Planning, Public Benefits and Housing Affordability Guide is being followed; and report its findings every year; 16) Create legislation on CACs and similar mechanisms; 17) Develop with stakeholders a detailed Best Practices Guide for CACs and density bonusing similar to the Provincial Development Cost Charge Best Practices Guide that would support the above legislative framework. 18) conduct an independent study of urban and rural regional governance models to identify best practices and efficiencies and determine the feasibility of implementing those in BC 19) adopt a Community Benefit Legacy Policy that meets the needs of business and communities. 20) provide control and oversight on the level of property taxation levied to all taxpayer groups to ensure fair and equitable taxation practices; 21) introduce a structured, clear and consistent annual reporting system to taxpayers that outlines the total cost of municipal taxes, fees and levies as well as the cost of taxes collected for other authorities by municipal governments; 22) introduce changes with definitive timetables that provide certainty for taxpayers while allowing municipalities time to adjust and to ensure a smooth transition for the taxpayers. 23) establish reasonable timelines and focused guidelines for the approval or rejection of development permits by local governments; 24) provide standard requirements for the submission of development permits to local government such as specific drawing requirements, traffic survey, etc; 25) provide standard criteria for local governments on which to approve development permit applications; 26) provide an appeal process for the applicant, should a local government fail to meet the requirements as specified in the Act.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development September 27, 2016
Minister Fassbender, Peter Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development September 27, 2016
Public Agency Community, Sport and Cultural Development September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) investigate and implement a cross-linked application process to enable those with recognized disabilities to have access to both the PWD and DTC under one application; 2) review all existing recipients of PWD to determine eligibility of the DTC based on timing of the last tested application; and 3) review other provincial programs that would also result in automatic DTC eligibility.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation September 27, 2016
Minister Stilwell, Michelle Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation September 27, 2016
Public Agency Social Development and Social Innovation September 27, 2016

Regional Development

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) Bring together a task group of relevant stakeholders to develop a holistic strategy to address the long term funding and management requirement necessary to maintain, protect and further improve the lower Fraser River; 2) Charge this task group with responsibility for developing a comprehensive plan, addressing but not limited to flood protection, navigation management, sea level rise, and agriculture and industrial land enhancement within the lower Fraser River and ensure the plan includes consideration for the role that the Fraser River can play in further development of the Asia-Pacific Gateway strategy. 3) Create a comprehensive long-term plan for flood protection and control on the Fraser River. 4) establish a long-term strategy for maintenance of the Fraser River flood control systems that includes consideration for the growth and viability of the economies that are built around the river; 5) establish and maintain funding agreements that will support the upgrading and maintenance of dyking, dredging, navigation and environmental stewardship along all obligatory areas of the Fraser River; 6) create and maintain a central Fraser River authority that will manage and support flood control along the banks of the Fraser River.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier September 27, 2016
Minister Clark, Christy Premier September 27, 2016
Public Agency Office of the Premier September 27, 2016

Small Business

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) Proactively conduct data/revenue analysis for municipalities in defined regions to assist with implementation and creation of new Mobile Business License programs, as well as analysis of existing programs; 2) Merge existing Mobile Business License programs, such as the four current programs in the Lower Mainland region, into expanded regional Mobile Business License programs; and 3) Explore an expanded list of eligible mobile businesses to provide access to a broader range of sectors. 4) Give business and the general public access to information that is currently not readily available or current, by publishing its regulations an cost impacts to business on its website; 5) Must be proactive in developing a mechanism for providing qualitative analysis through the publication of regulatory indicators to better measure the cumulative administrative and compliance cost on business, and SMEs in particular, from regulation; 6) Ensure all government departments strengthen their programs that review existing legislation and regulations pertaining to business and eliminate those measures which result in an unnecessary cost to small business; 7) Introduce a risk-based approach to regulation that ensures scarce resources are not used to inspect, request or access data from companies that are low risk or operating in a safe regulatory regime. 8) expand the scope of the existing government backed vendor financing programs (such as the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program, Employee Share Ownership Program) so that existing or potential owners of SMEs may access funds to facilitate the various aspects of succession planning including capital funds for purchase of a SME business; 9) expand the scope of existing small business financing programs (such as Canadian Small Business Financing Program) to incorporate succession planning as a legitimate reason for business financing; 10) offer succession planning tax credits for business owners who have created and fulfilled an SME succession; 11) expand the scope of the current tax based incentives (such as the Succession Employee Share Ownership Plan) to include unincorporated businesses, and instances where successors buy corporate assets rather than shares; and 12) create a task force in partnership with business and government to develop and implement a program that will facilitate the efficient transition of SMEs through succession planning. 13) develop clear timeframes for defined regions to introduce Mobile Business License programs; 14) recognize that Mobile Business License programs are an interim step and that the provincial government develop a plan, including timelines, for the introduction of a Single Provincial Business License program.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction September 27, 2016
Minister Oakes, Coralee Minister of Small Business and Red Tape Reduction September 27, 2016
Public Agency Small Business and Red Tape Reduction September 27, 2016

Taxation and Finance

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop a full and comprehensive means of measuring the overall corporate and individual tax burden on a provincial and municipal basis; 2) work with other provinces and the federal government to create a consistent measure of the overall tax burden on a provincial and municipal basis; and 3) commit to a provincial dialogue on tax in B.C. to determine what is the appropriate mix and type of taxes, fees and levies needed to pay for government’s programs and services. 4) Explore the creation of stakeholder engagement models that can be used during the proposal and implementation of major taxation initiatives. 5) increase the 1% PTT threshold from $200,000 to $600,000 (being current average market value), with 2% applying to the remainder of the fair market value; 6) continually index the 1% PTT threshold and First Time Home Buyers Exemptions using Statistics Canada’s New Housing Price, and make adjustments annually to account for inflation; 7) introduce mechanisms to eliminate double taxation when properties are transferred between common owners; 8) amend the current Property Transfer Tax Act to provide for a new Primary Residence Grant; 9) introduce a new Property Transfer Tax rate of a minimum of 2% of the property purchase price for all residential property in B.C. bought by non-residents of Canada or corporations controlled by non-residents. 10) Introduce no new tax credits under the auspices of the revenue neutral carbon tax; 11) Begin a process to return the revenue neutrality measures of the carbon tax to broad based reductions in B.C.’s personal and business taxes. 12) extend the small business tax benefit to credit unions permanently; and 13) Implement the permanent carbon grant program for agricultural producers and greenhouse growers and the exemption from the same coloured fuels using Carbon Tax revenues. 14) provide a fully refundable investment tax credit claimed on businesses’ income tax returns equal to the PST paid on all acquisitions of machinery and equipment (including computers and software) but excluding buildings and structures with a capital cost allowance rate of 5 per cent or less; 15) commit to a dialogue with British Columbians on the development of a made-in-BC Value Added Sales Tax system to enhance BC’s competitiveness and productivity. 16) provide PST exemptions on all agricultural goods and services that are zero-rated under the GST system.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance September 27, 2016
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Finance September 27, 2016
Public Agency Finance September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) create a formula funding model that links transfers to Destination BC with a proportion of provincial sales tax revenues collected from tourism activities; 2) ensure this formula is performance-based, in keeping with the Taxpayer Accountability Principles; and 3) protect this performance-based formula funding through legislation.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016
Public Agency Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training September 27, 2016


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop an online permit application process which also allows for amendments to be filed on an existing permit in real time; 2) develop a more close alignment of respective permit policies, for heavy, oversized loads, within the western provinces to better facilitate through movement of cargo; 3) extend the timeframe to purchase extraordinary permits greater than 85 tonnes from 48 hours to 14 days; 4) consider establishing an additional alternate provincial control office at a more central location with the province with the view that such could contribute to greater efficiency and reduce untimely delays in securing and expediting permit applications which should be applied with greater consistency. 5) institute an official inquiry into the intricacies of the employment of union and non-union truckers under conflicting conditions; 6) explore “best practices” of trucking employment in other comparable port jurisdictions recognized for stable trucking employment; 7) reverse and defer any service reductions to any BC Ferries routes until adequate economic impact studies are completed. 8) require BC Ferries to complete a formal and independent 3rd party conducted, economic impact study prior to the closing or severely reducing service; 9) issue a letter of intent to engage BC Ferries in review of existing cost structure & efficiency of all existing routes. 10) designate 16th Avenue as a Provincial Highway to connect Highway 1/Abbotsford Airport with Highway 99; 11) commence property acquisition required to widen 16th Avenue to a 4-lane highway; 12) develop natural gas transportation policy with the objective of more rapidly transforming the heavy-duty trucking, marine and rail transport markets; 13) with the federal government, require railways to disclose records & history of all scheduled delivery dates including all changes to dates, as permitted under section 50 of the CTA, to more accurately reflect actual service delivery performance; 14) with the federal government, strengthen the act to require railways to ensure and demonstrate community input into railway actions resulting in service disruptions, closures or abandonments. 15) Require railways to seek regulatory approval before deciding to cut service to communities and provide affected parties with the ability to provide information as interveners. 16) add a seventh guiding principle; “Maintain affordable rates to protect the interests of ratepayers, users and communities.” 17) create actual minimum service levels for each route that balance each individual community’s needs with preventing negative economic impact; 18) broaden BC Ferries mandate to “connecting communities;” 19) implement cost saving efficiencies such as contracting out service, terminal rationalization and passenger ferry service; 20) direct an appropriate agency within the province to accept responsibility for the management of operation of its highway system; 21) develop protocols which require agencies to have definitive operational plans to rapidly clear incident areas or when appropriate invoke alternate traffic management situation plans to effectively offset the effects of major roadway blockages; 22) develop, through the responsible agency, highway and road incident management exercises, involving all appropriate agencies dedicated to implementing the management plan, to ensure a high standard of real life execution. 23) adjust Government imposed fees, taxes and charges to improve Canada’s air price competitiveness. 24) create and implement a regional transportation authority for Greater Victoria; 25) commit to funding transportation infrastructure through mechanisms that are equitable, efficient, and reflect basic traffic demand management principles; 26) create a road pricing strategy as a foundation for sustainable regional transportation funding.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure September 27, 2016
Minister Stone, Todd Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure September 27, 2016
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure September 27, 2016