Review Registration - Organization

This version of the registration was submitted prior to the Lobbying Transparency Act coming into force on May 4, 2020. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.

Registration ID: 32590511
Submitted by lobbyist on: July 25, 2017 03:41:16 PM
Accepted by Registrar on: July 25, 2017 04:00:41 PM

Designated Filer Information

Litwin, Val  
1201-750 West Pender Street  
Vancouver, BC, V6T 2T8

Organization Information

BC Chamber of Commerce  
The BC Chamber of Commerce (the Chamber) is registered under the Societies Act (British Columbia) as a volunteer, not-for-profit association and serves its members as the provincial federation of autonomous community chambers of commerce, boards of trade, and corporate members. Known to have been in operation as early as March 1867, the Chamber was re-established in 1951 to: 1. Develop a true cross-section of opinions of the British Columbia business community, and effectively present these opinions to government; 2. Build a diverse, competitive and sustainable economy that provides opportunity for all who invest, work and live in British Columbia; and 3. Create and nurture an effective membership organization that provides value and purpose to its members.
1201-750 West Pender Street  
Vancouver, BC, V6T 2T8

Relevant Affiliates

The client has no relevant affiliates.

Government or Government Agency Funding

The organization does not receive any funding from a government or government agency.

Other Controlling or Directing Interests

The organization has no other controlling or directing interests.

Active Registration Period

July 25, 2017  
January 25, 2018  

Organization's In-House Lobbyists


Name: Baxter, Dan
July 25, 2017  
Inactivation Date: February 23, 2018

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbying Activities

Aboriginal Affairs

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop harmonized workable regulatory processes for carrying out consultation with the aboriginal peoples that will amount to the regulatory schemes referred to in Haida; 2) acknowledge and accept that the courts have given the province the right to uphold public interest rights where justified in the public interest in accordance with long-established legal principles in matters of aboriginal title; 3) develop a plan and institutional process for how to uphold public interest rights in regards to First Nations interest; 4) manage public interest expectations in regard to First Nations and the appropriate guidance provided by the jurisprudence; and 5) publicly state how it will use the public interest rights and obligations afforded it by the courts with respect to aboriginal title and land claims in asserted territories.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation July 25, 2017
Minister Fraser, Scott Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Advanced Education

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop an easily accessible and understood portal to the tax credits and grants currently available for individually-funded and employer-sponsored education expenditures; and 2) give due consideration to expanding tax credits and grants and be more flexible to assist businesses fill diverse and specific skills gaps as they emerge. 3) allocate the $185 million for the BC Skills for Jobs Blueprint strategically across B.C., that the share for northern B.C. be proportionate to the economic opportunity associated with proposed projects, and that the allocation focus on technological and engineering training in the north.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Mark, Melanie Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training July 25, 2017
Public Agency Advanced Education, Skills and Training July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) extend investment of at least $2M per year in the B.C. BUY LOCAL Program in 2020; 2) develop a long-term strategy to grow annual revenue of the agrifood/seafood sector in British Columbia to $20B by 2025; 3) continue cooperative partnerships with local, federal and international governments in the delivery of funding programs that assist B.C. businesses with getting their product to market; 4) create regional initiatives that promote incentives for agritech and agritourism investment and ecologically, environmentally and economically responsible innovation in B.C.¿s agrifood/seafood sector; 5) provide support to SME businesses in our communities that create local agri-tourism activities for visitors to British Columbia; and 6) encourage regional economic development alliances focused on attracting and facilitating business retention and expansion. 7) amend the Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation (B.C. Reg. 171/2002) to permit breweries, distilleries and meaderies similar product content rules as wineries and cideries. 8) expand D and E licenses throughout the province to include the 18 non-designated areas, not only the 10 designated areas; and 9) conduct randomized meat inspections bases on a ranking system developed by the government meat inspectors. Examples of this can be found in the food processing industry: high risk ranking equals frequent inspection, low risk ranking equals less frequent random inspection.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Agriculture July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Popham, Lana Minister of Agriculture July 25, 2017
Public Agency Agriculture July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Arts and Culture

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) establish a separate and dedicated capital fund for cultural facilities by allocating funds from the Strategic Priorities Fund and creating a new fund that British Columbia¿s local governments can access for investment in long term strategic arts and culture infrastructure for public art galleries, museums and cultural amenities; and 2) work with all stakeholders to develop a strategy to reach the ¿aspirational goal¿ of ensuring B.C. is among the provincial leaders in funding the public arts and cultural sector on a per/capita basis while continuing to strengthen the provisioning organizations such as the BC Arts Council.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017
Minister Beare, Lisa Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017

Children and Families

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1. utilize the current capital and operational grant funding tools and, in alignment with its Families First agenda recommendations, target child care investment for facilities and spaces in those areas experiencing greater space deficits; and 2. where there is capacity to expand funding with budget surplus or prosperity funding, increase the grants available to non-profit and private operations to support and increase child care capacity.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Children and Family Development July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of State for Child Care July 25, 2017
Minister Chen, Katrina Minister of State for Child Care July 25, 2017
Minister Conroy, Katrine Minister of Children and Family Development July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Children and Family Development July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) ensure stakeholder interests are adequately understood and considered, so as to inform the development of a woodland caribou range plan and its implementation; 2) complete a socio-economic impact assessment and ensure the findings of that study form part of any range management plan, in conjunction with a scientific assessment being conducted; and 3) implement a multi-species approach for species at risk planning, and specifically the woodland caribou range planning. 4) conduct a thorough analysis of current and forecasted commercial and recreational activity as well as how such activity may be affected by the establishment of an NMCA Reserve before the reserve is created; and 5) enact a separate piece of legislation for the Strait of Georgia NMCA Reserve to allow businesses, residents and visitors a stable and transparent decision-making platform.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Minister Heyman, George Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Economic Development and Trade

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) work with the appropriate transportation authorities to assist and expedite B.C. port expansion approval to meet with surging demand for increased export capacity for coal (both thermal and metallurgical) and other commodities to accommodate global market requirements; and 2) work with industry to develop and promote public and economic policies that: create and encourage a better understanding of the importance of our export economy to the provincial and national interests, and address environmental concerns by committing to education and mitigation of environmental impacts. 3) develop and implement a plan to place B.C. as a leader in all aspects of the new global green economy, the conservation and efficiency industry, clean energy and clean technology sector; 4) implement industrial commercial and residential ¿green¿ programs, based on global best practices and based on cost ¿effective market implementation to support, attract and retain clean technology and renewable, sustainable energy technologies in British Columbia; and 5) continue to work with other provinces, the federal government and U.S. government to standardize and harmonize the costs of controlling carbon emissions. 6) work with the federal government, municipal governments, the academic sector and the digital industry to identify impediments to this sector¿s growth. This focus should be on a) improving regulatory and infrastructure requirements as the industry grows; b) provincial and federal tax structures that develop globally competitive film, digital media and animation industries in B.C.; and c) working with industry to identify needs and implement solutions to develop a highly skilled workforce in B.C. 7) develop and implement a plan to place B.C. as a leader in all aspects of the new global green economy, the conservation and efficiency industry, clean energy and clean technology sector; 8) implement industrial, commercial and residential ¿green¿ programs, based on global best practices and based on cost-effective market implementation to support, attract and retain clean technology and renewable, sustainable energy technologies in British Columbia; 9) work with municipal governments to make a provincial capital fund that British Columbia¿s municipalities can access for investment in long term strategic arts and culture infrastructure for public art galleries, museums and cultural organizations; 10) conduct a review of the current arts and arts infrastructure funding structure and inequities to ensure provincial dollars are adequately distributed throughout the Province; and 11) recognize the need to provide adequate, consistent year round operational funding to public art galleries, museums and cultural organizations so they can continue to operate as the foundations and hubs for all other arts and culture activities in a community. 12) develop a plan to determine the feasibility of designating certain key forest roads that are no longer required for industrial use and would otherwise be permanently deactivated as recreation roads and trails and to develop a reasonable structure for ongoing support and funding for development, promotion and ongoing maintenance.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Ralston, Bruce Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) review current robotics programs and develop related curriculum; 2) increase and maintain education funding for automation, information studies, robotics, mechatronics, and related subjects for public schools to ensure the B.C. economy remains competitive in an ever-changing technological economic environment; and 3) work with post-secondary institutions across the province to add new or expand existing robotics programs.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Education July 25, 2017
Minister Fleming, Rob Minister of Education July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Education July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) allows business a voice in municipal elections by working with the business community to introduce a business vote for business property taxpayers where the business operator does not reside in the same municipality where the business property is located. 2) commence a plan to implement a province-wide approach to an electronic ballot system for the 2018 municipal election; 3) amend the appropriate legislation to allow for the option of electronic ballots in municipal elections; and 4) establish an independent technical committee to evaluate internet voting systems to ensure the Elections BC criteria are met (i.e. accessibility, ballot anonymity, individual and independent verifiability, non-reliance on trustworthiness of the voters¿ device(s), one vote per voter, only count votes from eligible voters, process validation and transparency, service availability, and voter authentication and authorization).

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Robinson, Selina Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Employment and Training

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) works with the Federal Government to create a comprehensive youth entrepreneurship strategy, using best practices. 2) create a vehicle to allow entrepreneurs under the age of majority to legally participate in the management and governance of a company; 3) investigate options to ensure the appropriate level of protections are put in place for youth and the public, with an emphasis on working with insurance providers on D&O insurance options; and 4) based on level of participation and protection (if not full participation), develop a mechanism to transition at age of majority. 5) extend the federal financial support of refugees from one year to three years; and 6) enhance education and career planning supports for refugees. 7) work with the Government of Canada to: a) increase PNP¿s annual nomination limit to meet the labour requirements of large-scale projects of strategic importance and align with provincial economic trends; and b) allow unused allocations to be transferred between provinces/territories; 8) develop streams for other sectors, such as technology, engineering, and skilled trades; 9) collect data on secondary migration patterns to support the attraction and mobility of immigrants to smaller centres throughout the province; and 10) ensure that adequate resources are available to maintain effective BC PNP processing times. 11) develop and refine the Provincial Nominee Program in order: a) to have employers easily access information and resources on the PNP Business Succession program; b) decrease processing times for PNP Business Succession applications to six months or less; c) develop enhanced monitoring guidelines.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Ralston, Bruce Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) review over-forecasting for the last 10 years and determine what changes, if any, should be made to implement more accurate forecasting and what energy acquisition policies and demand side management investments would be optimal for BC Hydro going forward. 2) support the Trans Mountain Expansion Project so it can meet its commitments to delivering jobs and economic benefits as well as its regulatory requirements during the construction and operation of the pipeline; 3) maximize local procurement and job creation during the construction and operations of all major projects, including opportunities for First Nations participation. 4) in the process of preparing the next Integrated Resource Plan, develop a solar PV strategy and scenario for the future supply of economic, reliable and firm solar energy for B.C., encouraging local innovation. 5) work with the federal government to identify opportunities, training, education, joint ventures, etc., that would ensure First Nations communities can fully participate and benefit from all natural resource development opportunities; 6) take a more proactive role in communicating facts about the provincially and federally regulated pipeline industry as well as B.C. and Canada¿s safety record for shipping heavy oil; 7) continue to support establishment of a world-class marine tanker safety regime with enhanced marine spill response capability, and a world-class terrestrial safety system; 8) engage Chambers and other organizations in project pipeline construction communities to maximize opportunities for local businesses during construction and operation of all major projects, including increased opportunities for First Nations participation; 9) provide greater clarity and specificity on B.C.¿s provincial interest, commonly known as the ¿five conditions,¿ in order to provide certainty, predictability, and stability that encourage capital investment; 10) confirm that a proposed heavy oil pipeline meeting B.C.¿s five conditions has the full support and confidence of the provincial government, and should proceed. 11) support Value Added Development for B.C.¿s Natural Gas; and 12) provide reasonable cost-effective benefits & incentives to help secure the economics of a GTL industry in B.C. 13) develop and implement a clear consultation permitting and approval process in order to advance permitting and approvals for resource development and export infrastructure that ensure B.C. resources get to market. 14) remove the self-sufficiency requirements from the Clean Energy Act, to facilitate optimal beneficial energy trading with other jurisdictions; 15) remove the hard requirement that all electricity generated must be 93% clean and focus on balancing GHG emissions and B.C.¿s economic objectives; 16) remove the 66% DSM target and focus on the balance between DSM and additional supply investments, in order to capture the long-term economic opportunities for both; 17) revamp the IPP purchasing process in order to enable access to more cost-effective IPP supply in the future; 18) develop plans for the next IRP to optimize the use of B.C.¿s clean renewable non-firm energy and market energy for the benefit of BC¿s economy; 19) improve the BCUC¿s capacities and capabilities to enable Commission deliberative consideration of more of the optimization trade-offs in energy planning than has been allowed under the CEA in recent times.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Mungall, Michelle Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Public Agency Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) review its contaminated sites regime to determine whether current regulatory requirements are financially warranted for the protection of human health and the environment. 2) allow for the expansion of the B.C. Provincial Park Campground season at minimum from April 15 to October 20 across the province to acknowledge and accommodate the changing behaviour of visitors to B.C. 3) continue engagement with Parks Canada and the Okanagan Nations Alliance to bring forward a national park in the South Okanagan-Similkameen that respects future business potential uses in proposed park areas and works to achieve an acceptable business position from the types of businesses, particularly ranch-based agriculture, that could be negatively impacted. 4) develop a comprehensive remediation standard to secure the conventional housing stock affected by the legal and illegal manufacture or cultivation of substances, which will satisfy the needs of the industries affected including the real estate, financial, insurance and construction related industries. 5) update the BC Brownfield Renewal Strategy; 6) develop an inventory of all brownfield sites in British Columbia that are available for redevelopment so that municipalities and developers have clear awareness of redevelopment opportunities that are eligible for incentives through provincial programs, the FCM Green Municipal Fund, or other programs; 7) follow Ontario¿s lead in its Brownfield Tax Incentive Program which involves a cancellation or deferral in the provincial portion of property taxes to match a reduction in the municipal portion (i.e. provincial matching of the existing Revitalization Tax Exemption available to communities through the Community Charter); and 8) consider re-investment in the Brownfield Renewal Strategy Funding Program for the next 3-year budget cycle. 9) cancel or defer the provincial portion of property taxes to match a reduction in the municipal portion (i.e. provincial matching of the existing Revitalization Tax Exemption available to communities through the Community Charter); and 10) structure waste management policies in a manner that a. reduces the expenditure of the regional government on publicly-owned facilities (if they are in direct competition with private industry); b. promotes innovation and investment by private enterprise; 11) collaborate with the commercial sector to set waste reduction & diversion goals allowing the achievement of those goals through open market processes; 12) create policies and regulations that recognize new and future recycling and waste diversion technologies as secondary processing facilities (i.e. MRFs, etc.) and not as final disposal facilities (i.e. landfills, incinerators, etc.); 13) reduce, amend or annul regulations and other systemic factors that support a government monopoly of solid waste management; 14) direct regional government to develop regulations in a manner that prevents the creation of government monopolies or monopsonies for solid waste management in the multi-family and ICI sector. 15) create legislation that¿s complementary to the federal Aquatic Invasive Species Regulation that aggressively meets the risk that invasive mussels pose to BC waters with appropriate funding and staff resources; 16) Build on federal regulations, where each boat that crosses the international border needs to be inspected by CBSA and shift the three provincial roving stations to the crossings at the Alberta border.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Minister Heyman, George Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Finances and Budgets

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) adopt, via the BC Securities Commission, the ¿comply-or-explain¿ amendments to NI 58-101 ¿Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices¿ regarding Gender Diversity and Term Limits; 2) implement, via the BC Securities Commission, regulations that mandate reporting non-venture issuers to have board recruitment policies that require at least one qualified woman is fully considered for all board vacancies, and advocate for the inclusion of similar regulations in the Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System currently being instituted. Such consideration should be meaningful, conducted in good faith, and include any requisite interview or assessment process; 3) commence a consultation with businesses and other stakeholders on implementing in B.C. clear goals for women¿s inclusion on corporate boards which encourages them towards gender parity. 4) increase the $5,000 cap per investor by raising to a higher maximum, or allow a $5,000 maximum contribution per calendar year; 5) remove the 12-month membership requirement for purchasing investment shares; 6) significantly increase the maximum number of investors allowed in an community investment co-op; 7) establish a total investment portfolio level where B.C. co-ops would be required to use the offering memorandum exemption under the BC Securities Act. 8) create a BC Community Economic and Development Investment Fund (CEDIF) program, which would enable individuals within B.C. communities to pool their capital together and invest in local for-profit entities. These funds would be controlled by a local group of officers and directors, who may be chosen by the founders of each CEDIF or by the CEDIF¿s investors at an annual general meeting. 9) conduct a full and comprehensive analysis of Saskatchewan¿s tax laws in relation to non-resident contractors/businesses in comparison to British Columbia¿s tax laws to tighten loop holes and ensure B.C. businesses are submitting their base costs at the same level as non-resident contractors; 10) fully staff a field audit branch in communities close to bordering provinces; 11) monitor, track and publicly report the taxes collected from non-resident contractors, putting the majority of these funds back into education and enforcement programs; 12) require all non-resident contractors coming to work in B.C., including those who operate in the petroleum industry, to register with the Ministry of Finance for the purpose of reporting tax payable on materials, supplies, equipment, vehicles and tools used in British Columbia. Non-resident contractors to be required to obtain a Clearance Letter upon completion of their British Columbia contracts and provide it to the General Contractor or Principal prior to a hold back payment on contract being made. Provide proof of WorkSafeBC coverage, if necessary; 13) require General Contractors or Principal to ensure non-resident contractors comply with BC tax and labour laws, or possibly be held liable for non-compliance; 14) require Ministry of Finance to be responsible for providing Clearance Letters to sub-contractors, for the purpose of providing to General Contractor or Principal as proof of non-resident contractor¿s compliance; 15) require General Contractor or Principal to identify/report to the Ministry of Finance their sub-contractors for the purpose of compliance and audit checks; and 16) develop educational opportunities to raise awareness to non-resident contractors to educate as to what our B.C. tax and labour laws are. Encourage a better understanding through an information campaign through industry associations and government offices. 17) ensure that citizenship and residency data collected through Ministry of Finance Property Transfer Tax Forms are recorded, analyzed and publicly available on a regular basis; 18) requisition a full provincial study to collect and analyze citizenship and residency data on all real estate property in British Columbia and publish the results.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister James, Carole Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) work closely with the BCLTC and the Federal Government to carry through and include the high value-added product recognition as part of any negotiated settlement. 2) make impacts on the timber harvesting land base a mandatory consideration in the approval process for any further creation of parks and protected areas within timber harvesting land base areas. 3) ensure there is sufficient funding and consultation to complete the cumulative effects work that is currently underway, so a forest harvesting land base can be ensured. 4) provide incentives such as training funding, which would support small businesses and new entrants into the industry. 5) develop a transition plan for communities that have been devastated by the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic so they can maintain an economy while the location re-establishes itself to a marketable age class. 6) secure access to an economically viable fibre supply and identify the timber supply that will be available given First Nations and stewardship allocations: a. commit to providing all remaining primary manufacturing facilities with the saw log volume required to maintain these facilities in the face of: i. a declining annual allowable cut; ii. decreasing provincial land base (mountain pine beetle, environmental and Aboriginal rights/title reserves); and iii. expiring non-replaceable forest licenses. b. aggressive action is required to control and contain the current and growing Spruce Beetle infestation from turning into a similar situation as the mountain pine beetle outbreak. c. new fibre opportunities should be provided without undermining the rights of existing tenure holders. d. commit to ensuring access to timber to the full level of land use plans. e. sell BCTS apportionment volumes consistently 7) improve the integrity of the market-based timber pricing system (stumpage): a. refuse demands that the forest industry pay to manage other forest resource users unless there is a direct cost recognition in the timber pricing system. b. provide direct cost recognition in the timber pricing system for consultation with First Nations communities. 8) improve investment certainty: a. use a competitive tax environment to support incentives for capital manufacturing investments that increase the use of innovation and technology to modernize facilities. b. increase the scope of the current PST to include investments in non-harvesting heavy machinery within the definition of Logging Activities when these assets are used primarily in logging operations. c. encourage innovative secondary forest products industries through commercially based arrangements with primary producers. d. support safety and environmental upgrades required under the BC Sawmill Code of Practice and other legislation and support clarity and efficient administrative processes re: permit applications and reporting requirements. e. eliminate market barriers that will prevent an efficient re-alignment and/or consolidation of forest industry assets. f. promote and fund labour force and skill training applicable to the forest industry to an equal level with other resource based sectors. 9) support the increased protection of old growth forests in areas of the province where they have or can likely have a greater net economic value for communities; 10) protect endangered old-growth forests by enacting new regulations with the intent to eventually legislate permanent protection for areas through provincial park or conservancies. 11) consult with First Nations and provide municipalities with input into forest tenures in their regions and use the 20% tenure take back to promote and expand Community Forests and First Nation Wood Land licences; 12) review forest tenures in areas where mills have been closed and rescind those tenures where appropriate; 13) encourage value added forestry investment in communities; and 14) review the consequences of the removal of appurtenancy requirements.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Minister Donaldson, Doug Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Gaming and Lotteries

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) implement a process whereby: a. approved charitable and non-profit programs with longer-term programming needs can apply for up to 3-year funding commitments, distributed annually; and b. the organization would still be subject to annual reporting of their compliance before receiving the subsequent annual grant. 2) amend the gaming regulations to allow not-for-profit business organizations who activities benefit the community to be eligible for gaming event licenses.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister James, Carole Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) work to develop a universal pharmaceutical program that will engender cost savings through bulk purchasing agreements and other cost-sharing strategies; and 2) avoid off-loading costs of providing pharmaceutical coverage onto businesses through private insurance schemes per the Quebec model. 3) integrate the role of ¿physician extenders¿ as an additional solution to the primary care shortage in British Columbia; 4) provide British Columbia¿s family physicians with the ability and incentives to financially integrate physician extenders into their practices; and 5) support necessary training and regulation of physician extenders to ensure that British Columbians received the best quality, most cost-efficient care. 1) ensures a sustainable, systematic approach to mental health and addictions prevention and treatment through: a. commissioning an expedited study ¿ funded in BC Budget 2018 if not sooner - to re-design the current service model to include: i. identifying a lead provincial agency to coordinate treatment programs across the province for un- or under-treated mental illnesses and addiction; ii. ensuring regional integrated teams are properly resourced to provide effective and assertive treatment and outreach; and iii. support and develop intervention in early and evolving mental health and substance use issues; and b. ensuring the work of the Joint Task Force on Overdose Response continues and is appropriately funded.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Health July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Mental Health and Addictions July 25, 2017
Minister Darcy, Judy Minister of Mental Health and Addictions July 25, 2017
Minister Dix, Adrian Minister of Health July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Health July 25, 2017
Public Agency Mental Health and Addictions July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) allow municipalities to formally choose one of two options: a. follow the existing provincial policy re: maximum allowable rent increase restrictions; OR b. determine, use and enforce their own maximum allowable rent increase amounts above the provincial policy; 2) maintain all other aspects of existing rent control policy as a provincial jurisdiction for all other areas, irrespective of (i) or (ii). 3) identify and remove administrative barriers at all levels of government that slow increased density; 4) identify and implement incentives for the private sector to increase the housing supply through density, alternative and more efficient housing solutions on land that is currently zoned for residential; and 5) identify and implement incentives that will stimulate the diversification of housing stock. 6) work with the Federal Government to develop tax and other incentives for purpose built market rental housing units for low- to mid-range income levels, using innovative designs and locating near transit hubs; and 7) work to combine other social program supports to help support those in the lower income ranges to access market rentals, such as expanding the SAFER program to other vulnerable populations.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Robinson, Selina Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) completes its business case and proceed to request federal funding. 2) endorse the application for federal funding to develop Ogden Point, including the upgrading of the new cruise terminal; 3) support the plans for Ogden Point as a home port; 4) consult with other British Columbia ports and cruise industry experts to develop mitigation strategies for short-term service interruptions resulting from Victoria¿s proposed expansion plans; and 5) support the development of iconic tourism attractions for cruise passengers in all regions of B.C. currently supporting the existing cruise infrastructure. 6) subject to a government cost-benefit analysis and highway upgrade priority setting, put in place an accelerated program to replace or upgrade existing bridges to allow this section of highway 97 to be upgraded to a heavy haul corridor, and reroute oversize and dangerous loads outside the Quesnel downtown core; and 7) develop a plan to make the Nazko Basin more accessible for industry and residents and provide an alternative point of egress if needed. 8) recognize the priority of the Fraser Valley portion of Hwy. 1 as a major economic enabler and establish a higher priority timetable for necessary widening and upgrades from 264th Street in phases to Whatcom Road in Abbotsford and then to Hope; 9) ensure that a funding commitment is made by both levels of government to ensure timely project completion; and 10) revise and update the Pacific Gateway Transportation Plan to reflect the shifting base of industrial and commercial activity into the Fraser Valley. 11) work with the Federal Government to develop a reinvigorated and revitalized new APGCI strategy to meet the evolved needs of the Gateway and international trade. 12) Develop a long term Infrastructure Strategy and Plan for British Columbia that: a) Provides increased support for communities to report on the condition and replacement needs of infrastructure; b) Amends the mandatory municipal budgeting process to require identification of future infrastructure needs; c) Establishes project selection criteria that prioritizes infrastructure funding requests based on criteria such as national/provincial economic interest, return-on investment, and job creation; and d) Aligns provincial funding priorities with the available federal infrastructure funding opportunities. 13) ensure ferry infrastructure, including terminals and fleets, an eligible category for federal funding 14) Commit to funding transportation infrastructure investment and implementing policies that are equitable, efficient, and contains basic traffic demand management principles; 15) Make as a prerequisite of these visions, the need for investment in public transit to provide viable alternatives to single passenger vehicle travel; 16) Commit to working with regional stakeholders and agencies to implement an urban mobility pricing model as a foundation for sustainable transportation funding, including revising B.C.¿s provincial tolling policy to positively affect the fiscal sustainability of existing and future transportation projects; and 17) Review the financial impacts of implementing an urban mobility pricing model with the objective of eventually replacing the gas taxes in concentrated urban areas as a means to generating necessary public support. 18) with the objective of facilitating permit approval for vehicle combinations and loads up to 85 metric tonnes, upgrade infrastructure on existing routes designated as heavy haul corridors where specific impediments exist and on routes that are of interest to industry requirements but are currently not designated as heavy haul corridors;

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Trevena, Claire Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017

Internal Trade

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) work with the Federal Government to ensure the consistency and standardization of regulations across all provinces and territories; 2) identify the appropriate provincial regulatory authority and develop regulations concerning the use of medical marijuana in the workplace and its impact on health and safety procedures in conjunction with the implementation of federal legislation; and 3) consult with industry, business and their representative associations to identify standardized policies and processes to deal with medical marijuana requirements and recreational usage that may lead to impairment in the workplace. 4) work with their partners in the Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) and Pacific Coast Collaborative to have the Pacific Time Zone in Canada and U.S.A to remain on DST throughout the year. 5) continue to be at the forefront leading the charge to abolish barriers to inter-provincial trade in wine, beer and spirits; and 6) continue to persuade and assist other provinces to remove barriers to inter-provincial trade in wine, beer and spirits. 7) work with the, municipalities, aboriginal groups, and business stakeholders to: a. bring together a task group of relevant stakeholders, to develop a holistic strategy to address the long-term funding and management requirements necessary to maintain, protect and further improve the Lower Fraser River; and b. charge this task group with responsibility for developing a comprehensive plan, addressing but not limited to, flood protection, navigation management, sea level rise, and agriculture and industrial land enhancement, within the lower Fraser River and ensure the plan includes consideration for the role that the Fraser River can play in further development of the Asia Pacific Gateway strategy.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Justice and Law Enforcement

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1)extend and expand a sound public awareness campaign to educate the public on the Civil Resolution Tribunal, and its dispute resolution options in strata property and small claims matters; 2)ensure that there enough resources in place for the Tribunal to settle claims up to the full $35,000 limit in a reasonable time frame; and 3)ensure an effective review process within 2 years of small claims matters being accepted to maintain that the public has access to the right information and resources in utilizing the CRT process, and to explore further opportunities to expand the program. The review should set additional goals with measurable targets to allow the CRT to reach its full potential in small claims and strata property matters. 4)adopt a methodology for appointing a fixed number of Provincial Court Judges and commit to appointing the required number of judges by no later than January 1, 2018; 5)continue efforts to determine meaningful performance measures for the civil justice system; 6)commit to increased, long-term, stable funding for the Court Services Branch; 7)continue to work with the courts and other justice sector participants to develop efficiencies within the justice system. 1)strengthen and promote the CCIRC and the CAFC: collectors of data including type and number of incidences; develop awareness and education strategies for businesses in a format that is easily accessed and understood; and pro-actively engage businesses in awareness and education campaigns; 2)ensure that the newly formed ECC includes business association representatives to assist with communications and outreach strategies to businesses; and 3)invest in additional resources required to increase the RCMP¿s ability to investigate and prosecute criminal activities with collaborating investigative agencies and local authorities. 4)conduct a thorough analysis to ensure that funding of the RCMP is adequate, fair and equitable for rural, municipal and First Nations communities; 5)work diligently and with urgency to examine and alleviate those issues that are impacting on the productivity of the Force as well as the well being of their members. 6)create common governance and funding models to ensure consistent standards of policing for all municipalities, including those policed by the RCMP. 7)provide adequate budgetary support for support services treating offenders while incarcerated and for post-release housing and programming of prolific offenders to ensure successful societal reintegration; and 8)develop a National Strategy to deal with prolific offenders and ensure the efficacy of programs such as the Integrated Court Services Plan and the successful implementation of measures such as the Blue Ribbon Panel recommendations. 9)investigate administrative penalties for lower level retail crimes, such as ticketing and fines, that reduce the impact of retail crime on our justice system and the administrative burden on our retail industry; 10) assist in the education of business and business organizations regarding provincial and federal privacy legislation and how to effectively share information to reduce retail crime. 11)amend the Safe Streets Act to add pay parking stations, suggestion as follows: a.have section 3 (2)(b) read ¿solicits a person who is using, or waiting to use a pay telephone, a pay parking station or a public toilet facility;¿ b.have section 3 (3)(a) read ¿in the case of subsection (2) (a) to (c) the automated teller machine, pay telephone, pay parking station, public toilet facility entrance or commercial passenger vehicle marker, as applicable;¿ c.add section 3 (2)(f) to read ¿soliciting a person who is within a designated sidewalk patio area.¿ d.have section 3 (3)(a) read ¿in the case of subsection (2) (a) to (c) and (f), the automated teller machine, pay telephone, pay parking station, public toilet facility entrance or commercial passenger vehicle marker or sidewalk patio, as applicable

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Attorney General July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General July 25, 2017
Minister Eby, David Minister of Attorney General July 25, 2017
Minister Farnworth, Mike Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Attorney General July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Public Safety and Solicitor General July 25, 2017

Labour/Labour Relations

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) introduce no increases to the minimum wage beyond increases that are approximate to CPI; 2) commit to the publication of a Minimum Wage Fact Sheet to ensure the public are aware of who earns minimum wage; and 3) work with provincial counterparts to develop a consultation mechanism on minimum wage increases. 4) during periods of recession, the minimum wage remains frozen, not just until economic growth resumes but until the inflation index has caught up (or returned) to its pre-recession point; 5) ensure that the Minister retains the ability to overrule the regulation and freeze the minimum wage if economic circumstances warrant it. 6) work with the Alberta government to harmonize British Columbia¿s Employment Standards Act with those in Alberta¿s Employment Standards code; 7) then seek harmonization with other provinces.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Labour July 25, 2017
Minister Bains, Harry Minister of Labour July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Labour July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Liquor Control/Alcohol

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) amend the Liquor Distribution Act to allow private businesses to purchase and warehouse liquor at wholesale prices directly from producers, in equal competition with GLS locations.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Attorney General July 25, 2017
Minister Eby, David Minister of Attorney General July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Attorney General July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) promote the productive and environmental benefits of high quality Canadian steelmaking coal to international markets; 2) work with industry to develop sound public and economic policies that fosters B.C.¿s steelmaking coal mining industry; 3) support educational opportunities to inform people of the province¿s steelmaking coal resources, its contribution to meeting global demand for steel production and the corresponding economic prosperity through high paying jobs for tens of thousands of families, to B.C.¿s small businesses through local procurement, through tax generation and the related economic spinoff. 4) make the BC-MFTS program permanent or, at minimum, extend the program for an additional three years. 5) implement a temporary increase in the deduction gross-up to 125% for development spending and 150% for exploration spending to flow-through share financing, and increase the associated tax credit of eligible costs from 20 to 30% 6) expand flow-through eligibility to include both surface and underground greenfield and brownfield exploration and development expenditure; 7) make the BC Mineral Exploration Tax Credit permanent. 8) reinstate BCGS¿s annual funding to at least the $5 million level, plus additional funds to cover expensive field costs and the costs to attract expertise in today¿s competitive market; 9) reinvest another $20 million in Geoscience BC with the mandate, as before, to leverage these funds with funds from industry and other government agencies. 10) conduct a full and comprehensive mineral potential analysis of land under consideration for withdrawal from mineral exploration and development, including a full socioeconomic impact assessment of foregone resource values and opportunities before any additional lands are closed to mineral exploration; 11) provide full and fair market compensation in a timely manner when mineral claims, tenures and leases become closed to exploration and development; 12) rebuild the Ministry of Energy and Mines, including reincorporation of First Nations Consultation, by allocating an additional $10,000,000 annually to address permitting and regulatory issues in a timely manner; 13) undertake a process review of Mines Act permitting focused on finding efficiencies and improving the single window into government; 14) fully staff and resource the mineral exploration and permitting agencies and ensure consistency across the province; 15) monitor, track and publicly report accurately on the statistics regarding BC¿s actual land use and access, including mineral exploration and mining; 16) consider opening lands currently closed to compensate for newly created protected or restricted access lands; 17) respect existing multi-sector negotiated land use plans. 18) provide increased and sustained base funding for the BCGS to at least 2008 levels, maintain staff of five regional geologists and conduct field programs to improve the public¿s and industry¿s understanding of BC¿s mineral development potential, and to ensure the agency is able to continue their work of providing geoscientific information about our resources to government and to industry and the public; 19) Ensure that the BC Geological Survey Branch personnel remain directly involved in maintaining and managing MapPlace; 20) Expedite the launch of the new revised MapPlace so that it is available to explorationists for the 2015 season.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Mungall, Michelle Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Public Agency Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Municipal Affairs

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) consult with local government and builders/developers to explore the preferred and optimum timing of payment of DCC, such as at occupancy permit stage, in better alignment with the cash flow needs of industry; 2) if required, amend the Local Government Act to reflect agreed upon changes regarding the timing of payment of DCC; and 3) in addition to considering the optimization of the timing of DCC¿s, that all parties also consider the timing of payment as a potential incentive tool for affordable or rental housing. 4) provide control and oversight on the level of property taxation levied to all taxpayer groups to ensure fair, transparent, and sustainable taxation practices; and 5) commission a study by the Auditor General of Local Governments to assess municipal property taxation with the goal of developing a more sustainable structure related to value for money. 6) introduce a robust ongoing monitoring program to ensure that its Community Amenity Contributions: Balancing Community Planning, Public Benefits and Housing Affordability Guide is being followed; and report its findings every year; 7) to the extent that non-compliance is identified create, in consultation with stakeholders, legislation on CACs and similar mechanisms that; a. ensure compliance with the Guide in implementation including transparency and mechanism will be adhered to; and b. minimize the effect on affordability/viability for all redevelopment sites; and 8) develop with stakeholders a detailed Best Practices Guide for CACs and density bonusing similar to the Provincial Development Cost Charge Best Practices Guide that would support the above legislative framework. 9) modernize regional district-related legislation by providing: a. a clear mandate for certain regional districts that should have sole responsibilities for some specific municipal services; b. transparency, such that regional districts are transparent in regards to taxation, ensuring citizens and businesses alike are aware of how much they are paying and for what; and c. governance in the public interest, such that regional districts have the authority to act in the best interests of the region and to deliver their mandate. 10) works with communities and stakeholders to adopt a Community Benefit Legacy Policy that meets the needs of business and communities. 11) review the B.C. hospital capital tax and transit property tax to ensure an equitable and fair taxation across the province. 12) due to the consistently changing scope of regional districts and varying levels of accountability to the electorate across the province: Establish a task force responsible for: a. Reviewing the scope, governance and accountability of regional districts with the purpose of increasing clarity of role, effectiveness and efficiency while reducing red tape; b. Establishing concrete guidelines regarding scope, governance and accountability; and c. Ensuring adequate authority to enforce the above guidelines; 13) remove all barriers to improvement districts receiving equal and direct access to federal and provincial grant funding; 14) enable improvement districts to access capital funding without ownership of their system shifting to regional districts. 15) undertake a local government/regional governance review, when at least one of the municipalities making up at least 50% of the regional population or 50% of the assessment base within a region, requests such a review; 16) include an option to instigate municipal restructuring by order of the province where a clear benefit exists. 17) modernize the regional district legislation; 18) eliminate the conflict between municipal government and regional government through direct election and a prohibition from holding a seat on both bodies; 19) consider assigning authorities to regional districts without need for agreements, particularly in the areas of waste management, water services, regional transportation and protective services.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Robinson, Selina Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) investigate and implement a cross-linked application process to enable those with recognized disabilities to have access to both a provincial/territorial disability support program and the DTC under one application; 2) review all existing recipients of a provincial/territorial disability support program to determine eligibility of the DTC based on timing of the last tested application; 3) create a national program to provide employers a workable linkage to the RDSP program for employees with disabilities; and 4) amend the 10-year rule for the clock to start when the RDST is opened, from 10 years past the last grant installment. 5) implements a framework to deal with social issues similar to that of the BC Jobs Plan to recognize and achieve efficiencies across ministries and stakeholders. 6) in their Annual Earnings Exemption table, introduce a transitional Disability Assistance graduated recovery of incomes earned over the allowable income exemption for individuals transitioning to full or near-full employment as part of a gradual return-to-work program.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Simpson, Shane Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Social Development and Poverty Reduction July 25, 2017

Regional Development

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) enact legislation that both protects and preserves the paleontological resources and fossil record of our province, and contains provision for the establishment of multiple authorized fossil repositories in the province. 2) take immediate action to review the current inventory of industrial lands in the province; 3) engage in a review of solutions with key stakeholders; 4) enact a policy to establish clear provincial oversight and establish a forum for all relevant land use authorities to monitor implementation of newly created provincial policies and regulations.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Minister Donaldson, Doug Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Small Business

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) create a task force in partnership with business and government to develop and implement improved access to simplified practical information regarding proper business succession practices for SME business owners; 2) increase awareness, particularly among young entrepreneurs, about the opportunities and advantages of purchasing an existing business; 3) expand the scope of current tax based incentives (such as the Succession Employee Share Ownership Plan) to include unincorporated businesses and instances where successors buy corporate assets rather than shares; 4) review the current ¿qualifying activities¿ in the existing Eligible Business Corporation (EBC) program and a. include a clause which allows the program to be more inclusive towards small to medium sized businesses in a succession transaction; and b. include a vendor financed arrangement as a qualifying activity, whereby the vendor will receive the same 30% tax credit for financing the business succession transaction, thereby reducing the vendor¿s risk; 5) expand the scope of existing small business financing programs (such as Canadian Small Business Financing Program) to incorporate succession planning as a legitimate reason for business financing; 6) expand the scope of existing government backed vendor financing programs (such as the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program) so that existing or potential owners of SMEs may access funds to facilitate the various aspects of succession planning including capital funds for purchase of an SME business; 7) allow small corporations to defer the tax on the capital gains from the transfer of a business to the owners¿ children; and 8) continue to index the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption to inflation and expand it to include some assets. 9) proactively conduct data/revenue analysis for municipalities in defined regions to assist with implementation and creation of new Mobile Business License programs, as well as analysis of existing programs; 10) merge existing Mobile Business License programs, such as the four current programs in the Lower Mainland region, into expanded regional Mobile Business License programs; and 11) explore an expanded list of eligible mobile businesses to provide access to a broader range of sectors. 12) give business and the general public access to information that is currently not readily available or current, by publishing its regulations and cost impacts to business, on its website; 13) must be proactive in developing a mechanism for providing qualitative analysis through the publication of regulatory indicators to better measure the cumulative administrative and compliance cost on business, and SME¿s in particular, from regulation; 14) ensure that all government departments strengthen their programs that review existing legislation and regulations pertaining to business and eliminate those measures which result in an unnecessary cost to small business (and ultimately the consumer); 15) continue to provide ample notice of intention to modify its laws, regulations and policies, not just to interest groups, but to the public generally as a matter of practice; and 16) introduce a risk-based approach to regulation that ensures scarce resources are not used to inspect, request or access data from companies that are low risk or operating in a safe regulatory regime.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Ralston, Bruce Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Taxation and Finance

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) extend the British Columbia small business tax benefit permanently; 2) continue to work with credit unions to meet their needs with regulations and tax regimes that keep them strong and viable; and 3) work to influence the federal government to restore the federal extended small business tax exemption for credit unions. 4) eliminate the 7% PST on legal services in B.C. 5) amend the Provincial Sales Tax Act to exempt in-kind donations to not-for-profit, NGO and Charitable organizations that serve B.C. communities. 6) rescind Provincial Sale Tax Regulation 78(1)b; 7) implement a timely reporting process and structure, so that upon request, a local government can access a complete list of properties registered to collect the short-term room rental PST and the MRDT. 8) create new tax credit programs for consumers to help encourage home renovations that focus on energy efficiency and the reduction of GHG emissions. 9) provide a fully refundable investment tax credit claimed on businesses¿ income tax returns equal to the PST paid on all acquisitions of machinery and equipment (including computers and software) but excluding buildings and structures with a capital cost allowance rate of 5 per cent or less; 10) commit to a dialogue with British Columbians on the development of a made-in-B.C. Value Added Sales Tax system to enhance B.C.¿s competitiveness and productivity. 11) provide PST exemptions on all agricultural goods and services that are zero-rated under the GST system; 12) review the current method for real property contractors to collect and remit PST with all stakeholders; 13) amend regulations and/or legislation to provide real property contractors flexibility in collecting and remitting PST in a manner that best works for the contractor and their customer. 14) Replace the MSP with a progressive and equitable approach to health care funding; 15) Abolish the current MSP premium system and implement a line item to the provincial income tax; 16) Provide in advance at least one year¿s notice to indicate that the MSP tax would be replaced with a combination of a payroll tax and an income tax surcharge, as is done in Ontario. 17) Ensure that appropriate PST and applicable MRDT be collected and remitted at the point of purchase of room nights on short term residential rentals; and 18) develop a full and comprehensive means of measuring the overall corporate and individual tax burden on a provincial and municipal basis; 19) work with other provinces and the federal government to create a consistent measure of the overall tax burden on a provincial and municipal basis; 20) commit to a provincial dialogue on tax in B.C. to determine what is the appropriate mix and type of taxes, fees and levies needed to pay for government¿s programs and services. 21) explore the creation of stakeholder engagement models that can be used during the proposal and implementation of major taxation initiatives. 22) increase the 1% PTT threshold from $200,000 to $600,000 (being current average market value), with 2% applying to the remainder of the fair market value; 23) continually index the 1% PTT threshold and First Time Home Buyers Exemptions using Statistics Canada¿s New Housing Price, and make adjustments annually to account for inflation; 24) introduce mechanisms to eliminate double taxation when properties are transferred between common owners; 25) amend the current Property Transfer Tax Act to provide for a new Primary Residence Grant; 26) introduce a new Property Transfer Tax rate of a minimum of 2% of the property purchase price for all residential property in B.C. bought by non-residents of Canada or corporations controlled by non-residents. 27) introduce no new tax credits under the auspices of the revenue neutral carbon tax; 28) begin a process to return the revenue neutrality measures of the carbon tax to broad based reductions in B.C.¿s personal and business taxes.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister James, Carole Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) identify the best way(s) to support expansion and development of B.C.¿s land-based wineries engaged in agri-tourism by providing recognizable and measurable tax relief that offsets the difference between Class 6: Business (production or storage of food and non-alcoholic beverages) and Class 5: Light Industry assessment applied to buildings on agricultural properties only when the activity is related to alcohol production. The provincial tax credit (relief) should offset the higher property taxes for LB wineries/cideries/distilleries offering unique, authentic experiences to visitors in B.C.; and 2) undertake a planning process to encourage expansion and development of the wine, cideries and distilleries agri-tourism sector in B.C. An ensuing plan or strategy needs to work in concert with B.C.¿s Agri-tourism policies and regulations. 3) create a formula funding model that links transfers to Destination BC with a proportion of provincial sales tax revenues collected from tourism activities; 4) ensure this formula is performance-based, in keeping with the Taxpayer Accountability Principles; and 5) protect this performance-based formula funding through legislation.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017
Minister Beare, Lisa Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) works with BC Ferries, business, tourism industry and other stakeholder to review the Northern B.C. ferries schedule to provide daytime route 10 sailings from June 1st to September 30th providing the Northern BC Tourism economy the opportunity to reach its potential; and 2) working with BC Ferries, plan service reductions in the future on an ongoing basis with a 2-year phase in so that international tourism operators can effectively integrate those changes into their tourism packages. 3) undertake a comprehensive rapid review of the 2014 Joint Action Plan to develop a long-term sustainable solution, in consultation with all stakeholders; 4) ensure that revisions incorporate data transparency and mutually accountability of supply chain participants that optimizes efficiency and improves cost competitiveness for the entire supply chain as opposed to the current prevailing individual components; and 5) include industry representation throughout the process in order to provide the necessary context and help ensure the resulting revisions are practical and will achieve long-term stability. 6) legislates additional regional transportation authorities as needed, starting in Greater Victoria, to enable increased efficiency in the coordination, planning, funding, and operation of a multi-modal transportation network. 7) continue to develop natural gas transportation policy with the objective of more rapidly transforming the heavy-duty trucking, marine and rail transport markets, delivering economic development and increasing productivity in B.C. 8) Bring forward ridesharing regulations that establish province-wide rules for safety and consumer protection; 9) Evaluate and remove unnecessary red tape on existing transportation providers to provide a level playing field; and 10) Coordinate the introduction of a ridesharing framework with a broader modernization of the Provincial Passenger Transportation Act and harmonization of municipal regulations. 11) Create a minimum standard for accreditation of commercial driving programs based on the national occupational standard; 12) Require mandatory graduation from an accredited commercial driving program in order to qualify to take the exam for the professional driver license; 13) Amend the graduated license program to allow graduates of the accredited commercial driving program to obtain their Class Licence 1 or 3 upon graduation (as early as age 18) 14) develop an online permit application process which also allows for amendments to be filed on an existing permit in real time; 15) Follow the commitment made by the federal government (Feb 16, 2016) to mandate the installation and use of Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) in all commercial vehicles excepting those vehicles and/or drivers that may be deemed exempt from the use of such devices; 16) Adopt the same technical standard for what constitutes a compliant Electronic Logging Device (EDL) as will be established and enforced by the Federal Government; and 17) Support a position of mandating ELD¿s on the same timetable as the Federal Government, in all provinces across the country. 18) develop a more close alignment of respective permit policies, for heavy, oversized loads, within the western provinces to better facilitate through movement of cargo; 19) extend the timeframe to purchase extraordinary permits greater than 85 tonnes from 48 hours to 14 days; 20) consider establishing an additional alternate provincial control office at a more central location with the province with the view that such could contribute to greater efficiency and reduce untimely delays in securing and expediting permit applications which should be applied with greater consistency.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Trevena, Claire Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017

Name: Litwin, Val
July 25, 2017  
Inactivation Date: February 23, 2018

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbying Activities

Aboriginal Affairs

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop harmonized workable regulatory processes for carrying out consultation with the aboriginal peoples that will amount to the regulatory schemes referred to in Haida; 2) acknowledge and accept that the courts have given the province the right to uphold public interest rights where justified in the public interest in accordance with long-established legal principles in matters of aboriginal title; 3) develop a plan and institutional process for how to uphold public interest rights in regards to First Nations interest; 4) manage public interest expectations in regard to First Nations and the appropriate guidance provided by the jurisprudence; and 5) publicly state how it will use the public interest rights and obligations afforded it by the courts with respect to aboriginal title and land claims in asserted territories.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation July 25, 2017
Minister Fraser, Scott Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Advanced Education

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) develop an easily accessible and understood portal to the tax credits and grants currently available for individually-funded and employer-sponsored education expenditures; and 2) give due consideration to expanding tax credits and grants and be more flexible to assist businesses fill diverse and specific skills gaps as they emerge. 3) allocate the $185 million for the BC Skills for Jobs Blueprint strategically across B.C., that the share for northern B.C. be proportionate to the economic opportunity associated with proposed projects, and that the allocation focus on technological and engineering training in the north.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Mark, Melanie Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training July 25, 2017
Public Agency Advanced Education, Skills and Training July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) extend investment of at least $2M per year in the B.C. BUY LOCAL Program in 2020; 2) develop a long-term strategy to grow annual revenue of the agrifood/seafood sector in British Columbia to $20B by 2025; 3) continue cooperative partnerships with local, federal and international governments in the delivery of funding programs that assist B.C. businesses with getting their product to market; 4) create regional initiatives that promote incentives for agritech and agritourism investment and ecologically, environmentally and economically responsible innovation in B.C.¿s agrifood/seafood sector; 5) provide support to SME businesses in our communities that create local agri-tourism activities for visitors to British Columbia; and 6) encourage regional economic development alliances focused on attracting and facilitating business retention and expansion. 7) amend the Agricultural Land Reserve Use, Subdivision and Procedure Regulation (B.C. Reg. 171/2002) to permit breweries, distilleries and meaderies similar product content rules as wineries and cideries. 8) expand D and E licenses throughout the province to include the 18 non-designated areas, not only the 10 designated areas; and 9) conduct randomized meat inspections bases on a ranking system developed by the government meat inspectors. Examples of this can be found in the food processing industry: high risk ranking equals frequent inspection, low risk ranking equals less frequent random inspection.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Agriculture July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Popham, Lana Minister of Agriculture July 25, 2017
Public Agency Agriculture July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Arts and Culture

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) establish a separate and dedicated capital fund for cultural facilities by allocating funds from the Strategic Priorities Fund and creating a new fund that British Columbia¿s local governments can access for investment in long term strategic arts and culture infrastructure for public art galleries, museums and cultural amenities; and 2) work with all stakeholders to develop a strategy to reach the ¿aspirational goal¿ of ensuring B.C. is among the provincial leaders in funding the public arts and cultural sector on a per/capita basis while continuing to strengthen the provisioning organizations such as the BC Arts Council.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017
Minister Beare, Lisa Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017

Children and Families

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1. utilize the current capital and operational grant funding tools and, in alignment with its Families First agenda recommendations, target child care investment for facilities and spaces in those areas experiencing greater space deficits; and 2. where there is capacity to expand funding with budget surplus or prosperity funding, increase the grants available to non-profit and private operations to support and increase child care capacity.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Children and Family Development July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of State for Child Care July 25, 2017
Minister Chen, Katrina Minister of State for Child Care July 25, 2017
Minister Conroy, Katrine Minister of Children and Family Development July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Children and Family Development July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) ensure stakeholder interests are adequately understood and considered, so as to inform the development of a woodland caribou range plan and its implementation; 2) complete a socio-economic impact assessment and ensure the findings of that study form part of any range management plan, in conjunction with a scientific assessment being conducted; and 3) implement a multi-species approach for species at risk planning, and specifically the woodland caribou range planning. 4) conduct a thorough analysis of current and forecasted commercial and recreational activity as well as how such activity may be affected by the establishment of an NMCA Reserve before the reserve is created; and 5) enact a separate piece of legislation for the Strait of Georgia NMCA Reserve to allow businesses, residents and visitors a stable and transparent decision-making platform.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Minister Heyman, George Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Economic Development and Trade

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) work with the appropriate transportation authorities to assist and expedite B.C. port expansion approval to meet with surging demand for increased export capacity for coal (both thermal and metallurgical) and other commodities to accommodate global market requirements; and 2) work with industry to develop and promote public and economic policies that: create and encourage a better understanding of the importance of our export economy to the provincial and national interests, and address environmental concerns by committing to education and mitigation of environmental impacts. 3) develop and implement a plan to place B.C. as a leader in all aspects of the new global green economy, the conservation and efficiency industry, clean energy and clean technology sector; 4) implement industrial commercial and residential ¿green¿ programs, based on global best practices and based on cost ¿effective market implementation to support, attract and retain clean technology and renewable, sustainable energy technologies in British Columbia; and 5) continue to work with other provinces, the federal government and U.S. government to standardize and harmonize the costs of controlling carbon emissions. 6) work with the federal government, municipal governments, the academic sector and the digital industry to identify impediments to this sector¿s growth. This focus should be on a) improving regulatory and infrastructure requirements as the industry grows; b) provincial and federal tax structures that develop globally competitive film, digital media and animation industries in B.C.; and c) working with industry to identify needs and implement solutions to develop a highly skilled workforce in B.C. 7) develop and implement a plan to place B.C. as a leader in all aspects of the new global green economy, the conservation and efficiency industry, clean energy and clean technology sector; 8) implement industrial, commercial and residential ¿green¿ programs, based on global best practices and based on cost-effective market implementation to support, attract and retain clean technology and renewable, sustainable energy technologies in British Columbia; 9) work with municipal governments to make a provincial capital fund that British Columbia¿s municipalities can access for investment in long term strategic arts and culture infrastructure for public art galleries, museums and cultural organizations; 10) conduct a review of the current arts and arts infrastructure funding structure and inequities to ensure provincial dollars are adequately distributed throughout the Province; and 11) recognize the need to provide adequate, consistent year round operational funding to public art galleries, museums and cultural organizations so they can continue to operate as the foundations and hubs for all other arts and culture activities in a community. 12) develop a plan to determine the feasibility of designating certain key forest roads that are no longer required for industrial use and would otherwise be permanently deactivated as recreation roads and trails and to develop a reasonable structure for ongoing support and funding for development, promotion and ongoing maintenance.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Ralston, Bruce Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) review current robotics programs and develop related curriculum; 2) increase and maintain education funding for automation, information studies, robotics, mechatronics, and related subjects for public schools to ensure the B.C. economy remains competitive in an ever-changing technological economic environment; and 3) work with post-secondary institutions across the province to add new or expand existing robotics programs.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Education July 25, 2017
Minister Fleming, Rob Minister of Education July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Education July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) allows business a voice in municipal elections by working with the business community to introduce a business vote for business property taxpayers where the business operator does not reside in the same municipality where the business property is located. 2) commence a plan to implement a province-wide approach to an electronic ballot system for the 2018 municipal election; 3) amend the appropriate legislation to allow for the option of electronic ballots in municipal elections; and 4) establish an independent technical committee to evaluate internet voting systems to ensure the Elections BC criteria are met (i.e. accessibility, ballot anonymity, individual and independent verifiability, non-reliance on trustworthiness of the voters¿ device(s), one vote per voter, only count votes from eligible voters, process validation and transparency, service availability, and voter authentication and authorization).

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Robinson, Selina Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Employment and Training

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) works with the Federal Government to create a comprehensive youth entrepreneurship strategy, using best practices. 2) create a vehicle to allow entrepreneurs under the age of majority to legally participate in the management and governance of a company; 3) investigate options to ensure the appropriate level of protections are put in place for youth and the public, with an emphasis on working with insurance providers on D&O insurance options; and 4) based on level of participation and protection (if not full participation), develop a mechanism to transition at age of majority. 5) extend the federal financial support of refugees from one year to three years; and 6) enhance education and career planning supports for refugees. 7) work with the Government of Canada to: a) increase PNP¿s annual nomination limit to meet the labour requirements of large-scale projects of strategic importance and align with provincial economic trends; and b) allow unused allocations to be transferred between provinces/territories; 8) develop streams for other sectors, such as technology, engineering, and skilled trades; 9) collect data on secondary migration patterns to support the attraction and mobility of immigrants to smaller centres throughout the province; and 10) ensure that adequate resources are available to maintain effective BC PNP processing times. 11) develop and refine the Provincial Nominee Program in order: a) to have employers easily access information and resources on the PNP Business Succession program; b) decrease processing times for PNP Business Succession applications to six months or less; c) develop enhanced monitoring guidelines.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Ralston, Bruce Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) review over-forecasting for the last 10 years and determine what changes, if any, should be made to implement more accurate forecasting and what energy acquisition policies and demand side management investments would be optimal for BC Hydro going forward. 2) support the Trans Mountain Expansion Project so it can meet its commitments to delivering jobs and economic benefits as well as its regulatory requirements during the construction and operation of the pipeline; 3) maximize local procurement and job creation during the construction and operations of all major projects, including opportunities for First Nations participation. 4) in the process of preparing the next Integrated Resource Plan, develop a solar PV strategy and scenario for the future supply of economic, reliable and firm solar energy for B.C., encouraging local innovation. 5) work with the federal government to identify opportunities, training, education, joint ventures, etc., that would ensure First Nations communities can fully participate and benefit from all natural resource development opportunities; 6) take a more proactive role in communicating facts about the provincially and federally regulated pipeline industry as well as B.C. and Canada¿s safety record for shipping heavy oil; 7) continue to support establishment of a world-class marine tanker safety regime with enhanced marine spill response capability, and a world-class terrestrial safety system; 8) engage Chambers and other organizations in project pipeline construction communities to maximize opportunities for local businesses during construction and operation of all major projects, including increased opportunities for First Nations participation; 9) provide greater clarity and specificity on B.C.¿s provincial interest, commonly known as the ¿five conditions,¿ in order to provide certainty, predictability, and stability that encourage capital investment; 10) confirm that a proposed heavy oil pipeline meeting B.C.¿s five conditions has the full support and confidence of the provincial government, and should proceed. 11) support Value Added Development for B.C.¿s Natural Gas; and 12) provide reasonable cost-effective benefits & incentives to help secure the economics of a GTL industry in B.C. 13) develop and implement a clear consultation permitting and approval process in order to advance permitting and approvals for resource development and export infrastructure that ensure B.C. resources get to market. 14) remove the self-sufficiency requirements from the Clean Energy Act, to facilitate optimal beneficial energy trading with other jurisdictions; 15) remove the hard requirement that all electricity generated must be 93% clean and focus on balancing GHG emissions and B.C.¿s economic objectives; 16) remove the 66% DSM target and focus on the balance between DSM and additional supply investments, in order to capture the long-term economic opportunities for both; 17) revamp the IPP purchasing process in order to enable access to more cost-effective IPP supply in the future; 18) develop plans for the next IRP to optimize the use of B.C.¿s clean renewable non-firm energy and market energy for the benefit of BC¿s economy; 19) improve the BCUC¿s capacities and capabilities to enable Commission deliberative consideration of more of the optimization trade-offs in energy planning than has been allowed under the CEA in recent times.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Mungall, Michelle Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Public Agency Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) review its contaminated sites regime to determine whether current regulatory requirements are financially warranted for the protection of human health and the environment. 2) allow for the expansion of the B.C. Provincial Park Campground season at minimum from April 15 to October 20 across the province to acknowledge and accommodate the changing behaviour of visitors to B.C. 3) continue engagement with Parks Canada and the Okanagan Nations Alliance to bring forward a national park in the South Okanagan-Similkameen that respects future business potential uses in proposed park areas and works to achieve an acceptable business position from the types of businesses, particularly ranch-based agriculture, that could be negatively impacted. 4) develop a comprehensive remediation standard to secure the conventional housing stock affected by the legal and illegal manufacture or cultivation of substances, which will satisfy the needs of the industries affected including the real estate, financial, insurance and construction related industries. 5) update the BC Brownfield Renewal Strategy; 6) develop an inventory of all brownfield sites in British Columbia that are available for redevelopment so that municipalities and developers have clear awareness of redevelopment opportunities that are eligible for incentives through provincial programs, the FCM Green Municipal Fund, or other programs; 7) follow Ontario¿s lead in its Brownfield Tax Incentive Program which involves a cancellation or deferral in the provincial portion of property taxes to match a reduction in the municipal portion (i.e. provincial matching of the existing Revitalization Tax Exemption available to communities through the Community Charter); and 8) consider re-investment in the Brownfield Renewal Strategy Funding Program for the next 3-year budget cycle. 9) cancel or defer the provincial portion of property taxes to match a reduction in the municipal portion (i.e. provincial matching of the existing Revitalization Tax Exemption available to communities through the Community Charter); and 10) structure waste management policies in a manner that a. reduces the expenditure of the regional government on publicly-owned facilities (if they are in direct competition with private industry); b. promotes innovation and investment by private enterprise; 11) collaborate with the commercial sector to set waste reduction & diversion goals allowing the achievement of those goals through open market processes; 12) create policies and regulations that recognize new and future recycling and waste diversion technologies as secondary processing facilities (i.e. MRFs, etc.) and not as final disposal facilities (i.e. landfills, incinerators, etc.); 13) reduce, amend or annul regulations and other systemic factors that support a government monopoly of solid waste management; 14) direct regional government to develop regulations in a manner that prevents the creation of government monopolies or monopsonies for solid waste management in the multi-family and ICI sector. 15) create legislation that¿s complementary to the federal Aquatic Invasive Species Regulation that aggressively meets the risk that invasive mussels pose to BC waters with appropriate funding and staff resources; 16) Build on federal regulations, where each boat that crosses the international border needs to be inspected by CBSA and shift the three provincial roving stations to the crossings at the Alberta border.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Minister Heyman, George Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Environment and Climate Change Strategy July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Finances and Budgets

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) adopt, via the BC Securities Commission, the ¿comply-or-explain¿ amendments to NI 58-101 ¿Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices¿ regarding Gender Diversity and Term Limits; 2) implement, via the BC Securities Commission, regulations that mandate reporting non-venture issuers to have board recruitment policies that require at least one qualified woman is fully considered for all board vacancies, and advocate for the inclusion of similar regulations in the Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System currently being instituted. Such consideration should be meaningful, conducted in good faith, and include any requisite interview or assessment process; 3) commence a consultation with businesses and other stakeholders on implementing in B.C. clear goals for women¿s inclusion on corporate boards which encourages them towards gender parity. 4) increase the $5,000 cap per investor by raising to a higher maximum, or allow a $5,000 maximum contribution per calendar year; 5) remove the 12-month membership requirement for purchasing investment shares; 6) significantly increase the maximum number of investors allowed in an community investment co-op; 7) establish a total investment portfolio level where B.C. co-ops would be required to use the offering memorandum exemption under the BC Securities Act. 8) create a BC Community Economic and Development Investment Fund (CEDIF) program, which would enable individuals within B.C. communities to pool their capital together and invest in local for-profit entities. These funds would be controlled by a local group of officers and directors, who may be chosen by the founders of each CEDIF or by the CEDIF¿s investors at an annual general meeting. 9) conduct a full and comprehensive analysis of Saskatchewan¿s tax laws in relation to non-resident contractors/businesses in comparison to British Columbia¿s tax laws to tighten loop holes and ensure B.C. businesses are submitting their base costs at the same level as non-resident contractors; 10) fully staff a field audit branch in communities close to bordering provinces; 11) monitor, track and publicly report the taxes collected from non-resident contractors, putting the majority of these funds back into education and enforcement programs; 12) require all non-resident contractors coming to work in B.C., including those who operate in the petroleum industry, to register with the Ministry of Finance for the purpose of reporting tax payable on materials, supplies, equipment, vehicles and tools used in British Columbia. Non-resident contractors to be required to obtain a Clearance Letter upon completion of their British Columbia contracts and provide it to the General Contractor or Principal prior to a hold back payment on contract being made. Provide proof of WorkSafeBC coverage, if necessary; 13) require General Contractors or Principal to ensure non-resident contractors comply with BC tax and labour laws, or possibly be held liable for non-compliance; 14) require Ministry of Finance to be responsible for providing Clearance Letters to sub-contractors, for the purpose of providing to General Contractor or Principal as proof of non-resident contractor¿s compliance; 15) require General Contractor or Principal to identify/report to the Ministry of Finance their sub-contractors for the purpose of compliance and audit checks; and 16) develop educational opportunities to raise awareness to non-resident contractors to educate as to what our B.C. tax and labour laws are. Encourage a better understanding through an information campaign through industry associations and government offices. 17) ensure that citizenship and residency data collected through Ministry of Finance Property Transfer Tax Forms are recorded, analyzed and publicly available on a regular basis; 18) requisition a full provincial study to collect and analyze citizenship and residency data on all real estate property in British Columbia and publish the results.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister James, Carole Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) work closely with the BCLTC and the Federal Government to carry through and include the high value-added product recognition as part of any negotiated settlement. 2) make impacts on the timber harvesting land base a mandatory consideration in the approval process for any further creation of parks and protected areas within timber harvesting land base areas. 3) ensure there is sufficient funding and consultation to complete the cumulative effects work that is currently underway, so a forest harvesting land base can be ensured. 4) provide incentives such as training funding, which would support small businesses and new entrants into the industry. 5) develop a transition plan for communities that have been devastated by the Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic so they can maintain an economy while the location re-establishes itself to a marketable age class. 6) secure access to an economically viable fibre supply and identify the timber supply that will be available given First Nations and stewardship allocations: a. commit to providing all remaining primary manufacturing facilities with the saw log volume required to maintain these facilities in the face of: i. a declining annual allowable cut; ii. decreasing provincial land base (mountain pine beetle, environmental and Aboriginal rights/title reserves); and iii. expiring non-replaceable forest licenses. b. aggressive action is required to control and contain the current and growing Spruce Beetle infestation from turning into a similar situation as the mountain pine beetle outbreak. c. new fibre opportunities should be provided without undermining the rights of existing tenure holders. d. commit to ensuring access to timber to the full level of land use plans. e. sell BCTS apportionment volumes consistently 7) improve the integrity of the market-based timber pricing system (stumpage): a. refuse demands that the forest industry pay to manage other forest resource users unless there is a direct cost recognition in the timber pricing system. b. provide direct cost recognition in the timber pricing system for consultation with First Nations communities. 8) improve investment certainty: a. use a competitive tax environment to support incentives for capital manufacturing investments that increase the use of innovation and technology to modernize facilities. b. increase the scope of the current PST to include investments in non-harvesting heavy machinery within the definition of Logging Activities when these assets are used primarily in logging operations. c. encourage innovative secondary forest products industries through commercially based arrangements with primary producers. d. support safety and environmental upgrades required under the BC Sawmill Code of Practice and other legislation and support clarity and efficient administrative processes re: permit applications and reporting requirements. e. eliminate market barriers that will prevent an efficient re-alignment and/or consolidation of forest industry assets. f. promote and fund labour force and skill training applicable to the forest industry to an equal level with other resource based sectors. 9) support the increased protection of old growth forests in areas of the province where they have or can likely have a greater net economic value for communities; 10) protect endangered old-growth forests by enacting new regulations with the intent to eventually legislate permanent protection for areas through provincial park or conservancies. 11) consult with First Nations and provide municipalities with input into forest tenures in their regions and use the 20% tenure take back to promote and expand Community Forests and First Nation Wood Land licences; 12) review forest tenures in areas where mills have been closed and rescind those tenures where appropriate; 13) encourage value added forestry investment in communities; and 14) review the consequences of the removal of appurtenancy requirements.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Minister Donaldson, Doug Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Gaming and Lotteries

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) implement a process whereby: a. approved charitable and non-profit programs with longer-term programming needs can apply for up to 3-year funding commitments, distributed annually; and b. the organization would still be subject to annual reporting of their compliance before receiving the subsequent annual grant. 2) amend the gaming regulations to allow not-for-profit business organizations who activities benefit the community to be eligible for gaming event licenses.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister James, Carole Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) work to develop a universal pharmaceutical program that will engender cost savings through bulk purchasing agreements and other cost-sharing strategies; and 2) avoid off-loading costs of providing pharmaceutical coverage onto businesses through private insurance schemes per the Quebec model. 3) integrate the role of ¿physician extenders¿ as an additional solution to the primary care shortage in British Columbia; 4) provide British Columbia¿s family physicians with the ability and incentives to financially integrate physician extenders into their practices; and 5) support necessary training and regulation of physician extenders to ensure that British Columbians received the best quality, most cost-efficient care. 1) ensures a sustainable, systematic approach to mental health and addictions prevention and treatment through: a. commissioning an expedited study ¿ funded in BC Budget 2018 if not sooner - to re-design the current service model to include: i. identifying a lead provincial agency to coordinate treatment programs across the province for un- or under-treated mental illnesses and addiction; ii. ensuring regional integrated teams are properly resourced to provide effective and assertive treatment and outreach; and iii. support and develop intervention in early and evolving mental health and substance use issues; and b. ensuring the work of the Joint Task Force on Overdose Response continues and is appropriately funded.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Health July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Mental Health and Addictions July 25, 2017
Minister Darcy, Judy Minister of Mental Health and Addictions July 25, 2017
Minister Dix, Adrian Minister of Health July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Health July 25, 2017
Public Agency Mental Health and Addictions July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) allow municipalities to formally choose one of two options: a. follow the existing provincial policy re: maximum allowable rent increase restrictions; OR b. determine, use and enforce their own maximum allowable rent increase amounts above the provincial policy; 2) maintain all other aspects of existing rent control policy as a provincial jurisdiction for all other areas, irrespective of (i) or (ii). 3) identify and remove administrative barriers at all levels of government that slow increased density; 4) identify and implement incentives for the private sector to increase the housing supply through density, alternative and more efficient housing solutions on land that is currently zoned for residential; and 5) identify and implement incentives that will stimulate the diversification of housing stock. 6) work with the Federal Government to develop tax and other incentives for purpose built market rental housing units for low- to mid-range income levels, using innovative designs and locating near transit hubs; and 7) work to combine other social program supports to help support those in the lower income ranges to access market rentals, such as expanding the SAFER program to other vulnerable populations.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Robinson, Selina Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) completes its business case and proceed to request federal funding. 2) endorse the application for federal funding to develop Ogden Point, including the upgrading of the new cruise terminal; 3) support the plans for Ogden Point as a home port; 4) consult with other British Columbia ports and cruise industry experts to develop mitigation strategies for short-term service interruptions resulting from Victoria¿s proposed expansion plans; and 5) support the development of iconic tourism attractions for cruise passengers in all regions of B.C. currently supporting the existing cruise infrastructure. 6) subject to a government cost-benefit analysis and highway upgrade priority setting, put in place an accelerated program to replace or upgrade existing bridges to allow this section of highway 97 to be upgraded to a heavy haul corridor, and reroute oversize and dangerous loads outside the Quesnel downtown core; and 7) develop a plan to make the Nazko Basin more accessible for industry and residents and provide an alternative point of egress if needed. 8) recognize the priority of the Fraser Valley portion of Hwy. 1 as a major economic enabler and establish a higher priority timetable for necessary widening and upgrades from 264th Street in phases to Whatcom Road in Abbotsford and then to Hope; 9) ensure that a funding commitment is made by both levels of government to ensure timely project completion; and 10) revise and update the Pacific Gateway Transportation Plan to reflect the shifting base of industrial and commercial activity into the Fraser Valley. 11) work with the Federal Government to develop a reinvigorated and revitalized new APGCI strategy to meet the evolved needs of the Gateway and international trade. 12) Develop a long term Infrastructure Strategy and Plan for British Columbia that: a) Provides increased support for communities to report on the condition and replacement needs of infrastructure; b) Amends the mandatory municipal budgeting process to require identification of future infrastructure needs; c) Establishes project selection criteria that prioritizes infrastructure funding requests based on criteria such as national/provincial economic interest, return-on investment, and job creation; and d) Aligns provincial funding priorities with the available federal infrastructure funding opportunities. 13) ensure ferry infrastructure, including terminals and fleets, an eligible category for federal funding 14) Commit to funding transportation infrastructure investment and implementing policies that are equitable, efficient, and contains basic traffic demand management principles; 15) Make as a prerequisite of these visions, the need for investment in public transit to provide viable alternatives to single passenger vehicle travel; 16) Commit to working with regional stakeholders and agencies to implement an urban mobility pricing model as a foundation for sustainable transportation funding, including revising B.C.¿s provincial tolling policy to positively affect the fiscal sustainability of existing and future transportation projects; and 17) Review the financial impacts of implementing an urban mobility pricing model with the objective of eventually replacing the gas taxes in concentrated urban areas as a means to generating necessary public support. 18) with the objective of facilitating permit approval for vehicle combinations and loads up to 85 metric tonnes, upgrade infrastructure on existing routes designated as heavy haul corridors where specific impediments exist and on routes that are of interest to industry requirements but are currently not designated as heavy haul corridors;

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Trevena, Claire Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017

Internal Trade

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) work with the Federal Government to ensure the consistency and standardization of regulations across all provinces and territories; 2) identify the appropriate provincial regulatory authority and develop regulations concerning the use of medical marijuana in the workplace and its impact on health and safety procedures in conjunction with the implementation of federal legislation; and 3) consult with industry, business and their representative associations to identify standardized policies and processes to deal with medical marijuana requirements and recreational usage that may lead to impairment in the workplace. 4) work with their partners in the Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) and Pacific Coast Collaborative to have the Pacific Time Zone in Canada and U.S.A to remain on DST throughout the year. 5) continue to be at the forefront leading the charge to abolish barriers to inter-provincial trade in wine, beer and spirits; and 6) continue to persuade and assist other provinces to remove barriers to inter-provincial trade in wine, beer and spirits. 7) work with the, municipalities, aboriginal groups, and business stakeholders to: a. bring together a task group of relevant stakeholders, to develop a holistic strategy to address the long-term funding and management requirements necessary to maintain, protect and further improve the Lower Fraser River; and b. charge this task group with responsibility for developing a comprehensive plan, addressing but not limited to, flood protection, navigation management, sea level rise, and agriculture and industrial land enhancement, within the lower Fraser River and ensure the plan includes consideration for the role that the Fraser River can play in further development of the Asia Pacific Gateway strategy.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Justice and Law Enforcement

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1)extend and expand a sound public awareness campaign to educate the public on the Civil Resolution Tribunal, and its dispute resolution options in strata property and small claims matters; 2)ensure that there enough resources in place for the Tribunal to settle claims up to the full $35,000 limit in a reasonable time frame; and 3)ensure an effective review process within 2 years of small claims matters being accepted to maintain that the public has access to the right information and resources in utilizing the CRT process, and to explore further opportunities to expand the program. The review should set additional goals with measurable targets to allow the CRT to reach its full potential in small claims and strata property matters. 4)adopt a methodology for appointing a fixed number of Provincial Court Judges and commit to appointing the required number of judges by no later than January 1, 2018; 5)continue efforts to determine meaningful performance measures for the civil justice system; 6)commit to increased, long-term, stable funding for the Court Services Branch; 7)continue to work with the courts and other justice sector participants to develop efficiencies within the justice system. 1)strengthen and promote the CCIRC and the CAFC: collectors of data including type and number of incidences; develop awareness and education strategies for businesses in a format that is easily accessed and understood; and pro-actively engage businesses in awareness and education campaigns; 2)ensure that the newly formed ECC includes business association representatives to assist with communications and outreach strategies to businesses; and 3)invest in additional resources required to increase the RCMP¿s ability to investigate and prosecute criminal activities with collaborating investigative agencies and local authorities. 4)conduct a thorough analysis to ensure that funding of the RCMP is adequate, fair and equitable for rural, municipal and First Nations communities; 5)work diligently and with urgency to examine and alleviate those issues that are impacting on the productivity of the Force as well as the well being of their members. 6)create common governance and funding models to ensure consistent standards of policing for all municipalities, including those policed by the RCMP. 7)provide adequate budgetary support for support services treating offenders while incarcerated and for post-release housing and programming of prolific offenders to ensure successful societal reintegration; and 8)develop a National Strategy to deal with prolific offenders and ensure the efficacy of programs such as the Integrated Court Services Plan and the successful implementation of measures such as the Blue Ribbon Panel recommendations. 9)investigate administrative penalties for lower level retail crimes, such as ticketing and fines, that reduce the impact of retail crime on our justice system and the administrative burden on our retail industry; 10) assist in the education of business and business organizations regarding provincial and federal privacy legislation and how to effectively share information to reduce retail crime. 11)amend the Safe Streets Act to add pay parking stations, suggestion as follows: a.have section 3 (2)(b) read ¿solicits a person who is using, or waiting to use a pay telephone, a pay parking station or a public toilet facility;¿ b.have section 3 (3)(a) read ¿in the case of subsection (2) (a) to (c) the automated teller machine, pay telephone, pay parking station, public toilet facility entrance or commercial passenger vehicle marker, as applicable;¿ c.add section 3 (2)(f) to read ¿soliciting a person who is within a designated sidewalk patio area.¿ d.have section 3 (3)(a) read ¿in the case of subsection (2) (a) to (c) and (f), the automated teller machine, pay telephone, pay parking station, public toilet facility entrance or commercial passenger vehicle marker or sidewalk patio, as applicable

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Attorney General July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General July 25, 2017
Minister Eby, David Minister of Attorney General July 25, 2017
Minister Farnworth, Mike Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Attorney General July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Public Safety and Solicitor General July 25, 2017

Labour/Labour Relations

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) introduce no increases to the minimum wage beyond increases that are approximate to CPI; 2) commit to the publication of a Minimum Wage Fact Sheet to ensure the public are aware of who earns minimum wage; and 3) work with provincial counterparts to develop a consultation mechanism on minimum wage increases. 4) during periods of recession, the minimum wage remains frozen, not just until economic growth resumes but until the inflation index has caught up (or returned) to its pre-recession point; 5) ensure that the Minister retains the ability to overrule the regulation and freeze the minimum wage if economic circumstances warrant it. 6) work with the Alberta government to harmonize British Columbia¿s Employment Standards Act with those in Alberta¿s Employment Standards code; 7) then seek harmonization with other provinces.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Labour July 25, 2017
Minister Bains, Harry Minister of Labour July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Labour July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Liquor Control/Alcohol

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) amend the Liquor Distribution Act to allow private businesses to purchase and warehouse liquor at wholesale prices directly from producers, in equal competition with GLS locations.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Attorney General July 25, 2017
Minister Eby, David Minister of Attorney General July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Attorney General July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) promote the productive and environmental benefits of high quality Canadian steelmaking coal to international markets; 2) work with industry to develop sound public and economic policies that fosters B.C.¿s steelmaking coal mining industry; 3) support educational opportunities to inform people of the province¿s steelmaking coal resources, its contribution to meeting global demand for steel production and the corresponding economic prosperity through high paying jobs for tens of thousands of families, to B.C.¿s small businesses through local procurement, through tax generation and the related economic spinoff. 4) make the BC-MFTS program permanent or, at minimum, extend the program for an additional three years. 5) implement a temporary increase in the deduction gross-up to 125% for development spending and 150% for exploration spending to flow-through share financing, and increase the associated tax credit of eligible costs from 20 to 30% 6) expand flow-through eligibility to include both surface and underground greenfield and brownfield exploration and development expenditure; 7) make the BC Mineral Exploration Tax Credit permanent. 8) reinstate BCGS¿s annual funding to at least the $5 million level, plus additional funds to cover expensive field costs and the costs to attract expertise in today¿s competitive market; 9) reinvest another $20 million in Geoscience BC with the mandate, as before, to leverage these funds with funds from industry and other government agencies. 10) conduct a full and comprehensive mineral potential analysis of land under consideration for withdrawal from mineral exploration and development, including a full socioeconomic impact assessment of foregone resource values and opportunities before any additional lands are closed to mineral exploration; 11) provide full and fair market compensation in a timely manner when mineral claims, tenures and leases become closed to exploration and development; 12) rebuild the Ministry of Energy and Mines, including reincorporation of First Nations Consultation, by allocating an additional $10,000,000 annually to address permitting and regulatory issues in a timely manner; 13) undertake a process review of Mines Act permitting focused on finding efficiencies and improving the single window into government; 14) fully staff and resource the mineral exploration and permitting agencies and ensure consistency across the province; 15) monitor, track and publicly report accurately on the statistics regarding BC¿s actual land use and access, including mineral exploration and mining; 16) consider opening lands currently closed to compensate for newly created protected or restricted access lands; 17) respect existing multi-sector negotiated land use plans. 18) provide increased and sustained base funding for the BCGS to at least 2008 levels, maintain staff of five regional geologists and conduct field programs to improve the public¿s and industry¿s understanding of BC¿s mineral development potential, and to ensure the agency is able to continue their work of providing geoscientific information about our resources to government and to industry and the public; 19) Ensure that the BC Geological Survey Branch personnel remain directly involved in maintaining and managing MapPlace; 20) Expedite the launch of the new revised MapPlace so that it is available to explorationists for the 2015 season.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Mungall, Michelle Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Public Agency Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Municipal Affairs

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) consult with local government and builders/developers to explore the preferred and optimum timing of payment of DCC, such as at occupancy permit stage, in better alignment with the cash flow needs of industry; 2) if required, amend the Local Government Act to reflect agreed upon changes regarding the timing of payment of DCC; and 3) in addition to considering the optimization of the timing of DCC¿s, that all parties also consider the timing of payment as a potential incentive tool for affordable or rental housing. 4) provide control and oversight on the level of property taxation levied to all taxpayer groups to ensure fair, transparent, and sustainable taxation practices; and 5) commission a study by the Auditor General of Local Governments to assess municipal property taxation with the goal of developing a more sustainable structure related to value for money. 6) introduce a robust ongoing monitoring program to ensure that its Community Amenity Contributions: Balancing Community Planning, Public Benefits and Housing Affordability Guide is being followed; and report its findings every year; 7) to the extent that non-compliance is identified create, in consultation with stakeholders, legislation on CACs and similar mechanisms that; a. ensure compliance with the Guide in implementation including transparency and mechanism will be adhered to; and b. minimize the effect on affordability/viability for all redevelopment sites; and 8) develop with stakeholders a detailed Best Practices Guide for CACs and density bonusing similar to the Provincial Development Cost Charge Best Practices Guide that would support the above legislative framework. 9) modernize regional district-related legislation by providing: a. a clear mandate for certain regional districts that should have sole responsibilities for some specific municipal services; b. transparency, such that regional districts are transparent in regards to taxation, ensuring citizens and businesses alike are aware of how much they are paying and for what; and c. governance in the public interest, such that regional districts have the authority to act in the best interests of the region and to deliver their mandate. 10) works with communities and stakeholders to adopt a Community Benefit Legacy Policy that meets the needs of business and communities. 11) review the B.C. hospital capital tax and transit property tax to ensure an equitable and fair taxation across the province. 12) due to the consistently changing scope of regional districts and varying levels of accountability to the electorate across the province: Establish a task force responsible for: a. Reviewing the scope, governance and accountability of regional districts with the purpose of increasing clarity of role, effectiveness and efficiency while reducing red tape; b. Establishing concrete guidelines regarding scope, governance and accountability; and c. Ensuring adequate authority to enforce the above guidelines; 13) remove all barriers to improvement districts receiving equal and direct access to federal and provincial grant funding; 14) enable improvement districts to access capital funding without ownership of their system shifting to regional districts. 15) undertake a local government/regional governance review, when at least one of the municipalities making up at least 50% of the regional population or 50% of the assessment base within a region, requests such a review; 16) include an option to instigate municipal restructuring by order of the province where a clear benefit exists. 17) modernize the regional district legislation; 18) eliminate the conflict between municipal government and regional government through direct election and a prohibition from holding a seat on both bodies; 19) consider assigning authorities to regional districts without need for agreements, particularly in the areas of waste management, water services, regional transportation and protective services.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Robinson, Selina Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Municipal Affairs and Housing July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) investigate and implement a cross-linked application process to enable those with recognized disabilities to have access to both a provincial/territorial disability support program and the DTC under one application; 2) review all existing recipients of a provincial/territorial disability support program to determine eligibility of the DTC based on timing of the last tested application; 3) create a national program to provide employers a workable linkage to the RDSP program for employees with disabilities; and 4) amend the 10-year rule for the clock to start when the RDST is opened, from 10 years past the last grant installment. 5) implements a framework to deal with social issues similar to that of the BC Jobs Plan to recognize and achieve efficiencies across ministries and stakeholders. 6) in their Annual Earnings Exemption table, introduce a transitional Disability Assistance graduated recovery of incomes earned over the allowable income exemption for individuals transitioning to full or near-full employment as part of a gradual return-to-work program.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Simpson, Shane Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Social Development and Poverty Reduction July 25, 2017

Regional Development

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) enact legislation that both protects and preserves the paleontological resources and fossil record of our province, and contains provision for the establishment of multiple authorized fossil repositories in the province. 2) take immediate action to review the current inventory of industrial lands in the province; 3) engage in a review of solutions with key stakeholders; 4) enact a policy to establish clear provincial oversight and establish a forum for all relevant land use authorities to monitor implementation of newly created provincial policies and regulations.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Minister Donaldson, Doug Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Small Business

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) create a task force in partnership with business and government to develop and implement improved access to simplified practical information regarding proper business succession practices for SME business owners; 2) increase awareness, particularly among young entrepreneurs, about the opportunities and advantages of purchasing an existing business; 3) expand the scope of current tax based incentives (such as the Succession Employee Share Ownership Plan) to include unincorporated businesses and instances where successors buy corporate assets rather than shares; 4) review the current ¿qualifying activities¿ in the existing Eligible Business Corporation (EBC) program and a. include a clause which allows the program to be more inclusive towards small to medium sized businesses in a succession transaction; and b. include a vendor financed arrangement as a qualifying activity, whereby the vendor will receive the same 30% tax credit for financing the business succession transaction, thereby reducing the vendor¿s risk; 5) expand the scope of existing small business financing programs (such as Canadian Small Business Financing Program) to incorporate succession planning as a legitimate reason for business financing; 6) expand the scope of existing government backed vendor financing programs (such as the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program) so that existing or potential owners of SMEs may access funds to facilitate the various aspects of succession planning including capital funds for purchase of an SME business; 7) allow small corporations to defer the tax on the capital gains from the transfer of a business to the owners¿ children; and 8) continue to index the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption to inflation and expand it to include some assets. 9) proactively conduct data/revenue analysis for municipalities in defined regions to assist with implementation and creation of new Mobile Business License programs, as well as analysis of existing programs; 10) merge existing Mobile Business License programs, such as the four current programs in the Lower Mainland region, into expanded regional Mobile Business License programs; and 11) explore an expanded list of eligible mobile businesses to provide access to a broader range of sectors. 12) give business and the general public access to information that is currently not readily available or current, by publishing its regulations and cost impacts to business, on its website; 13) must be proactive in developing a mechanism for providing qualitative analysis through the publication of regulatory indicators to better measure the cumulative administrative and compliance cost on business, and SME¿s in particular, from regulation; 14) ensure that all government departments strengthen their programs that review existing legislation and regulations pertaining to business and eliminate those measures which result in an unnecessary cost to small business (and ultimately the consumer); 15) continue to provide ample notice of intention to modify its laws, regulations and policies, not just to interest groups, but to the public generally as a matter of practice; and 16) introduce a risk-based approach to regulation that ensures scarce resources are not used to inspect, request or access data from companies that are low risk or operating in a safe regulatory regime.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Ralston, Bruce Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Jobs, Trade and Technology July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017

Taxation and Finance

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) extend the British Columbia small business tax benefit permanently; 2) continue to work with credit unions to meet their needs with regulations and tax regimes that keep them strong and viable; and 3) work to influence the federal government to restore the federal extended small business tax exemption for credit unions. 4) eliminate the 7% PST on legal services in B.C. 5) amend the Provincial Sales Tax Act to exempt in-kind donations to not-for-profit, NGO and Charitable organizations that serve B.C. communities. 6) rescind Provincial Sale Tax Regulation 78(1)b; 7) implement a timely reporting process and structure, so that upon request, a local government can access a complete list of properties registered to collect the short-term room rental PST and the MRDT. 8) create new tax credit programs for consumers to help encourage home renovations that focus on energy efficiency and the reduction of GHG emissions. 9) provide a fully refundable investment tax credit claimed on businesses¿ income tax returns equal to the PST paid on all acquisitions of machinery and equipment (including computers and software) but excluding buildings and structures with a capital cost allowance rate of 5 per cent or less; 10) commit to a dialogue with British Columbians on the development of a made-in-B.C. Value Added Sales Tax system to enhance B.C.¿s competitiveness and productivity. 11) provide PST exemptions on all agricultural goods and services that are zero-rated under the GST system; 12) review the current method for real property contractors to collect and remit PST with all stakeholders; 13) amend regulations and/or legislation to provide real property contractors flexibility in collecting and remitting PST in a manner that best works for the contractor and their customer. 14) Replace the MSP with a progressive and equitable approach to health care funding; 15) Abolish the current MSP premium system and implement a line item to the provincial income tax; 16) Provide in advance at least one year¿s notice to indicate that the MSP tax would be replaced with a combination of a payroll tax and an income tax surcharge, as is done in Ontario. 17) Ensure that appropriate PST and applicable MRDT be collected and remitted at the point of purchase of room nights on short term residential rentals; and 18) develop a full and comprehensive means of measuring the overall corporate and individual tax burden on a provincial and municipal basis; 19) work with other provinces and the federal government to create a consistent measure of the overall tax burden on a provincial and municipal basis; 20) commit to a provincial dialogue on tax in B.C. to determine what is the appropriate mix and type of taxes, fees and levies needed to pay for government¿s programs and services. 21) explore the creation of stakeholder engagement models that can be used during the proposal and implementation of major taxation initiatives. 22) increase the 1% PTT threshold from $200,000 to $600,000 (being current average market value), with 2% applying to the remainder of the fair market value; 23) continually index the 1% PTT threshold and First Time Home Buyers Exemptions using Statistics Canada¿s New Housing Price, and make adjustments annually to account for inflation; 24) introduce mechanisms to eliminate double taxation when properties are transferred between common owners; 25) amend the current Property Transfer Tax Act to provide for a new Primary Residence Grant; 26) introduce a new Property Transfer Tax rate of a minimum of 2% of the property purchase price for all residential property in B.C. bought by non-residents of Canada or corporations controlled by non-residents. 27) introduce no new tax credits under the auspices of the revenue neutral carbon tax; 28) begin a process to return the revenue neutrality measures of the carbon tax to broad based reductions in B.C.¿s personal and business taxes.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister James, Carole Minister of Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Finance July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) identify the best way(s) to support expansion and development of B.C.¿s land-based wineries engaged in agri-tourism by providing recognizable and measurable tax relief that offsets the difference between Class 6: Business (production or storage of food and non-alcoholic beverages) and Class 5: Light Industry assessment applied to buildings on agricultural properties only when the activity is related to alcohol production. The provincial tax credit (relief) should offset the higher property taxes for LB wineries/cideries/distilleries offering unique, authentic experiences to visitors in B.C.; and 2) undertake a planning process to encourage expansion and development of the wine, cideries and distilleries agri-tourism sector in B.C. An ensuing plan or strategy needs to work in concert with B.C.¿s Agri-tourism policies and regulations. 3) create a formula funding model that links transfers to Destination BC with a proportion of provincial sales tax revenues collected from tourism activities; 4) ensure this formula is performance-based, in keeping with the Taxpayer Accountability Principles; and 5) protect this performance-based formula funding through legislation.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017
Minister Beare, Lisa Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Tourism, Arts and Culture July 25, 2017


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Development, establishment, amendment or termination of any program, policy or decision

Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation

1) works with BC Ferries, business, tourism industry and other stakeholder to review the Northern B.C. ferries schedule to provide daytime route 10 sailings from June 1st to September 30th providing the Northern BC Tourism economy the opportunity to reach its potential; and 2) working with BC Ferries, plan service reductions in the future on an ongoing basis with a 2-year phase in so that international tourism operators can effectively integrate those changes into their tourism packages. 3) undertake a comprehensive rapid review of the 2014 Joint Action Plan to develop a long-term sustainable solution, in consultation with all stakeholders; 4) ensure that revisions incorporate data transparency and mutually accountability of supply chain participants that optimizes efficiency and improves cost competitiveness for the entire supply chain as opposed to the current prevailing individual components; and 5) include industry representation throughout the process in order to provide the necessary context and help ensure the resulting revisions are practical and will achieve long-term stability. 6) legislates additional regional transportation authorities as needed, starting in Greater Victoria, to enable increased efficiency in the coordination, planning, funding, and operation of a multi-modal transportation network. 7) continue to develop natural gas transportation policy with the objective of more rapidly transforming the heavy-duty trucking, marine and rail transport markets, delivering economic development and increasing productivity in B.C. 8) Bring forward ridesharing regulations that establish province-wide rules for safety and consumer protection; 9) Evaluate and remove unnecessary red tape on existing transportation providers to provide a level playing field; and 10) Coordinate the introduction of a ridesharing framework with a broader modernization of the Provincial Passenger Transportation Act and harmonization of municipal regulations. 11) Create a minimum standard for accreditation of commercial driving programs based on the national occupational standard; 12) Require mandatory graduation from an accredited commercial driving program in order to qualify to take the exam for the professional driver license; 13) Amend the graduated license program to allow graduates of the accredited commercial driving program to obtain their Class Licence 1 or 3 upon graduation (as early as age 18) 14) develop an online permit application process which also allows for amendments to be filed on an existing permit in real time; 15) Follow the commitment made by the federal government (Feb 16, 2016) to mandate the installation and use of Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) in all commercial vehicles excepting those vehicles and/or drivers that may be deemed exempt from the use of such devices; 16) Adopt the same technical standard for what constitutes a compliant Electronic Logging Device (EDL) as will be established and enforced by the Federal Government; and 17) Support a position of mandating ELD¿s on the same timetable as the Federal Government, in all provinces across the country. 18) develop a more close alignment of respective permit policies, for heavy, oversized loads, within the western provinces to better facilitate through movement of cargo; 19) extend the timeframe to purchase extraordinary permits greater than 85 tonnes from 48 hours to 14 days; 20) consider establishing an additional alternate provincial control office at a more central location with the province with the view that such could contribute to greater efficiency and reduce untimely delays in securing and expediting permit applications which should be applied with greater consistency.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier July 25, 2017
Staff of Minister Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017
Minister Horgan, John Premier July 25, 2017
Minister Trevena, Claire Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017
Public Agency Office of the Premier July 25, 2017
Public Agency Transportation and Infrastructure July 25, 2017