Review Registration - Organization

This version of the registration was submitted prior to the Lobbying Transparency Act coming into force on May 4, 2020. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.

Registration ID: 368401
Submitted by lobbyist on: December 4, 2013 12:00:00 AM
Accepted by Registrar on: December 6, 2013 11:40:32 AM

Designated Filer Information

Weedon, Michael Garth  
BC Bioenergy Network 1501 - 700 West Pender Street  
Vancouver, BC, V6C 1G8

Organization Information

BC Bioenergy Network  
BC Bioenergy Network is an industry-led initiative that is the catalyst for deploying near-term bioenergy technologies and supporting mission-driven research to build a world class bioenergy capability in BC.
BC Bioenergy Network 1501 - 700 West Pender Street  
Vancouver, BC, V6C 1G8

Relevant Affiliates

The client has no relevant affiliates.

Government or Government Agency Funding

The organization does not receive any funding from a government or government agency.

Other Controlling or Directing Interests

The organization has no other controlling or directing interests.

Active Registration Period

December 4, 2013  
June 2, 2014  

Organization's In-House Lobbyists


Name: Weedon, Michael Garth
December 4, 2013  
Inactivation Date: June 3, 2014

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbying Activities


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

We anticipate periodic contact with Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Assistant Deputy Ministers to inform them of our activities and to investigate programs for funding of our activities.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Barnett, Donna Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development to the Min. of Forests, Lands & Nat Res Ops December 4, 2013
Minister Bennett, Bill Minister of Energy and Mines December 4, 2013
Minister Clark, Christy Premier December 4, 2013
Minister Lee, Richard Parliamentary Secretary for the Asia Pacific Strategy to the Min. of Int. Trade December 4, 2013
Minister Polak, Mary Minister of Environment December 4, 2013
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations December 4, 2013


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

To support the importance of bioenergy for BC including job potential

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
MLA Bond, Shirley Prince George-Valemount March 21, 2014


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

To support the importance of bioenergy to BC

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations March 21, 2014


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

To support the importance of bioenergy to BC

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Wilkinson, Andrew Minister of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services March 21, 2014


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

To explain the technological merits of technologies being considered for remediation of hog fuel at Watson Island

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Barnett, Donna Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development to the Min. of Forests, Lands & Nat Res Ops March 21, 2014


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

To explain the technological merits of technologies being considered for remediation of hog fuel at Watson Island

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment March 21, 2014


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

to explain the technological merits being considered for remediation of hog fuel at Watson Island

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Environment March 21, 2014


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Protocol communications regarding funding of a BC Bioenergy Project

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Energy and Mines March 31, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

To determine appropriate pathway to seek funding both short and long term

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Finance March 21, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

Provided brief, calendar of interim and long term funding and jobs opportunities

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training March 21, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

Email and short brief submitted, calendar of interim and long-term funding and jobs opportunities

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations March 21, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

email and short brief submitted, calendar or interim and long-term funding and job opportunities

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Wilkinson, Andrew Minister of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services March 21, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

Update Deputy Minister on meeting Minister and request for interim funding consideration

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training March 21, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

Thank you letter and issue formal briefs for recapatilization

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training March 21, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

sent email, letter and recapitalization briefs and renew the BC Bioenergy mandate

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Wilkinson, Andrew Minister of Technology, Innovation and Citizens' Services March 24, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

email, letter and copy of letter to Minister Bond

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations March 24, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

Discussed expanded communications with select ministers and premier's office including Parliamentary Secretary Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training March 24, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

Invited Supporters of BC Bioenergy Network to contact Premier's Office and selected Ministers to email support to BC Bioenergy recapitalization efforts, as follows Premier Christy Clark Premier¿s Office Honourable Shirley Bond Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training Honourable Naomi Yamamoto Tourism and Small Business Honourable Steve Thomson Forestry, Lands, Natural Resource Operations Honourable Andrew Wilkinson Technology, Innovation and Citizens¿ Services Honourable Mary Polak Environment Honourable Michael de Jong Finance Honourable Bill Bennett Energy, Mines Honourable Amrik Virk Advanced Education Honourable Teresa Wat International Trade, Asia Pacific Strategy Honourable Todd Stone Transportation Honourable Pat Pimm Agriculture Honourable John Rustad Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation Honourable Coralee Oakes Community, Sport and Cultural Development Parliamentary Secretary Donna Barnett Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations MLA John Yap

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
MLA Clark, Christy Westside-Kelowna March 31, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

Updated BC Bioenergy on status of response from Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training with potential involvement of Ministry Energy and Mines

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training March 31, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

Fixed technical glitch and forwarded emails to Premier's office and select Ministers as previously reported

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
MLA Clark, Christy Westside-Kelowna March 31, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

Requested support from Dan Doyle and copied Deputy Ministers Byng and Nikolejsin

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Premier March 31, 2014


Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

Following up on letter to Deputy Minister Byng re recapitalization request

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training March 31, 2014