Review Registration - Consultant

This version of the registration was submitted prior to the Lobbying Transparency Act coming into force on May 4, 2020. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.

Registration ID: 7689752
Submitted by lobbyist on: November 7, 2011 01:51:12 AM
Accepted by Registrar on: November 7, 2011 10:40:56 AM

Lobbyist Information

Dekovic, Marko  
900 - 555 Burrard Street  
Vancouver, BC, V7X 1M8

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbyist Firm Information

Canadian Strategy Group  
900 - 555 Burrard Street  
Vancouver, BC, V7X 1M8

Client Information

Pacific Salmon Foundation  
The Pacific Salmon Foundation was created in 1987 as an independent, non-governmental, charitable organization to protect, conserve and rebuild wild Pacific salmon populations in the Pacific Northwest. The Foundation supports its core mission by raising money and making grants to volunteer organizations across the province, through management of multi-million dollar initiatives in the Skeena and Fraser River watersheds and by serving as a critical voice for salmon in British Columbia.
#300 1682 West 7th Avenue  
Vancouver, BC, V6J 4S6

Relevant Affiliates

The client has no relevant affiliates.

Government or Government Agency Funding

The organization does not receive any funding from a government or government agency.

Other Controlling or Directing Interests

The organization has no other controlling or directing interests.

Undertaking Information

November 1, 2011  
April 13, 2012  

There are no other individuals engaged to lobby on this undertaking.

Lobbying Activities


Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder

Living Rivers Trust Fund and other stable and sustainable funding mechanisms for BC salmon fisheries and community initiatives in preservation, conservation and rebuilding of salmon populations.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Minister Abbott, George Minister of Education November 7, 2011
Minister Barnett, Donna Parl. Sec. for Rural Communities to the Min. of Community, Sport and Cultural Dev. November 7, 2011
Minister Bell, Pat Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation November 7, 2011
Minister Bloy, Harry Minister of State for Multiculturalism November 7, 2011
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Attorney General November 7, 2011
Minister Bond, Shirley Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General November 7, 2011
Minister Cadieux, Stephanie Minister of Social Development November 7, 2011
Minister Cantelon, Ron Parliamentary Secretary for Seniors to the Minister of Health November 7, 2011
Minister Chong, Ida Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development November 7, 2011
Minister Clark, Christy Premier November 7, 2011
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister of Energy and Mines November 7, 2011
Minister Coleman, Rich Minister Responsible for Housing November 7, 2011
Minister de Jong, Mike Minister of Health November 7, 2011
Minister Falcon, Kevin Minister of Finance November 7, 2011
Minister Hawes, Randy Parl. Sec. for Nat. Res. Ops. Review to the Min. of Forests, Lands & Nat. Res. Ops. November 7, 2011
Minister Hogg, Gordon Parl. Sec. for Non-profit Partnerships to the Min. of Labour, Citizens' Serv. & Open Gov. November 7, 2011
Minister Lake, Terry Minister of Environment November 7, 2011
Minister Lee, Richard Parl. Sec. for Asia-Pacific to the Min. of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation November 7, 2011
Minister Lekstrom, Blair Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure November 7, 2011
Minister Les, John Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier November 7, 2011
Minister MacDiarmid, Margaret Minister of Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government November 7, 2011
Minister McNeil, Mary Minister of Children and Family Development November 7, 2011
Minister McRae, Don Minister of Agriculture November 7, 2011
Minister Pimm, Pat Parl Sec for Nat Gas to Min of Energy & Mines & Min Resp for Housing November 7, 2011
Minister Polak, Mary Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation November 7, 2011
Minister Stilwell, Moira Parl. Sec. for Indust, Research & Innov. to the Min. of Jobs, Tour. & Innov. November 7, 2011
Minister Thomson, Steve Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations November 7, 2011
Minister Yamamoto, Naomi Minister of Advanced Education November 7, 2011
Minister Yap, John Parliamentary Secretary for Clean Technology to the Minister of Energy and Mines November 7, 2011