Review Registration - Organization

This version of the registration was submitted prior to the Lobbying Transparency Act coming into force on May 4, 2020. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.

Registration ID: 535150
Submitted by lobbyist on: February 9, 2016 01:44:53 PM
Accepted by Registrar on: February 10, 2016 02:19:06 PM

Designated Filer Information

Tessier, Anne Marie  
Irosoft 3100 Cote Vertu Suite 510  
Saint-Laurent, QC, H2J 3S8

Organization Information

Irosoft is a world leader in legislative content management and document/records management. Irosoft offers innovative and easy-to-use solutions that enable customers to simply and efficiently develop, organize, exploit, and preserve their information capital.
Irosoft 3100 Cote Vertu Suite 510  
Saint-Laurent, QC, H2J 3S8

Relevant Affiliates

The client has no relevant affiliates.

Government or Government Agency Funding

The organization does not receive any funding from a government or government agency.

Other Controlling or Directing Interests

The organization has no other controlling or directing interests.

Active Registration Period

February 9, 2016  
August 7, 2016  

Organization's In-House Lobbyists


Name: Lamarre, Chantal
February 9, 2016  
Inactivation Date: August 23, 2016

BC Public Office Background

This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.

Lobbying Activities

Justice and Law Enforcement

Arranging meeting between an individual and a public office holder for purpose of lobbying

Awarding, amendment or termination of a contract, grant or financial benefit

Initiatives taken to present Irosoft and it's products in order to analyse possibilities that governement of BC may use Irosoft's specialised products to manage the life cycle of their legislative documents.

Target Contacts

Target Type Name Title or Constituency Date Added
Staff of Minister Minister of Justice and Attorney General February 9, 2016