This version of the registration was submitted prior to the Lobbying Transparency Act coming into force on May 4, 2020. Due to different information requirements at that time, the registration is presented in the following format.
Registration ID: 524429 Submitted by lobbyist on: December 29, 2015 09:55:15 AM Accepted by Registrar on: January 4, 2016 09:21:00 AM
Designated Filer Information
Froese, Peter
4885 St John Paul II Way
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 0G3
Organization Information
Federation of Independent School Associations in British Columbia
FISA BC is a federation of 5 associations of independent schools in BC that represent 93% of the total enrolment in BC independent schools. These independent schools include Catholic schools (CIS), university prep schools (ISABC), evangelical Christian schools ACSIBC and SCSBC) and a collection of faith-based and pedagogical schools represented in the AMG association. Our involvement with the BC government is generally with the MoE where we focus on government policy and legislation that affects independent schools in BC.
4885 St John Paul II Way
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 0G3
Relevant Affiliates
The client has no relevant affiliates.
Government or Government Agency Funding
The organization does not receive any funding from a government or government agency.
Other Controlling or Directing Interests
The organization has no other controlling or directing interests.
Active Registration Period
December 29, 2015
June 26, 2016
Organization's In-House Lobbyists
Froese, Peter J
December 29, 2015
Inactivation Date:
June 30, 2016
BC Public Office Background
This individual has not held any public office positions in BC.
Lobbying Activities
Introduction, modification or repeal of legislation, a bill or regulation
Property tax exemption amendment to increase the statutory exemption for independent school authorities.
Seek proportional funding to the Learning Improvement Fund.
Develop a provincial protocol on funding of Reserve First Nations students attending an independent school.
Target Contacts
Target Type
Title or Constituency
Date Added
Staff of Minister
Minister of Education
December 29, 2015
Staff of Minister
Minister of Education
December 29, 2015
Minister of Education
December 29, 2015
Public Agency
December 29, 2015
Public Agency
Education Advisory Council
December 29, 2015
Public Agency
Parliamentary Secretary for the Independent School Sector to the Min. of Education